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Toysoldier Thor

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Everything posted by Toysoldier Thor

  1. Spica Inventor wrote: Have you noticed any competition with terrain products being brought to the market recently? Perhaps mesh ones? No. MESH Landscape terrrains are not competitive to Sculpties because of the LI penalties that mesh has to ensure over sculpties for very large sized shapes. Not only that but one new merchant with a mesh pack would wipe out my sales. BUT what I have noticed was that my 6 terrain packs - that used to be on the top 2 - 4 pages of searches - have now pretty much dissappeared from the top pages. So I suspect that LL was playing with search and I further suspect that their dabbling impacts MB listings.
  2. So just to point this out in case any other SL Merchants have noticed the same and its not just me, but about 3 weeks ago - very suddenly, my MP sales (which is about 75-85% of all my SL sales) collapsed. Now, I can understand and I have actually experienced on a few occassions where my very regular daily / weekly sales volume will collapse for a day or a few days or even a week. But except for back on August 1st of 2011 when LL clearly did something to MP that crippled my sales for 2 months, I have not seen what I have been witnessing these past 3 weeks. In the past 3 weeks I have made less sales than I would normally make in a week. I have looked at what little I am selling on MP and I have noticed a pattern here too. Normally 90% + of my daily / weekly sales come from my 6 Sculpty Terrain Packs. Thes sales from all my other MP items make up the remaining 10%. Just to paint this picture for you all... of all my items on MP... the only items I have not transitioned to DD from MB has been these 6 Sculpty Terrain Packs. And until 3 weeks ago, their sales have been as normal after DD was release as it was before DD was released. i.e. DD had not impacted my sales of my MB sculpty terrain packs. THEN... as of 3 weeks ago, the sales from all my MB items (my 6 main sellers) has almost stopped! I am making maybe only 1 sale of these packs every couple days or more. My sales of my DD items - although never that big in sales - has not gotten worse. Did LL do something to the MB listed items? Is this a way to push merchants to get off MB?
  3. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I can't disagree with you at all. But, it's like all this talk about supporting Medicare in the US right now (an election year). Our government is at the root of the problem but we perpetuate it by supporting what the government is doing because we can gain from it ourselves..........and now that Medicare is drowning all of us in debt, we scream bloody murder because it's beginning to hurt us. LL is at the root of the problem. When they bought out the SL Exchange a few years ago the talk was mixed......it's great for business and will grow SL or it's business in SL's death blow. I think it's the latter. And since I have no business in SL and I can make everything I really need (not everything I might want but what I need) I was actually neutral on the subject. History has shown the latter is what's taking place. It's a little sad but it's the way LL is taking SL......enjoy the ride as long as you can then jump off, I guess. I've been here for over 6 1/2 years (quite a bit longer than most stick it out). Some of the magic is gone from when I first came in wided eyed and amazed back in 2005. LL has changed, the demographics have changed and I've changed........it happens. But losing the in-world stores is very disappointing. LL started this mess but merchants have helped it along too. So, I'm without sympathy for those who choose to keep Market Place only shops for their goods. Sorry it that upsets anyone. As for your naive uninformed (or more likely politically biased) opinions on the root cause behind the vast majority of the US National debt, that is best left for another forum. But just to enlighten you a bit... go research some facts as it surely was and is not because of the new US Healthcare system. Considering the US Debt was poking at a massive $14 Trillion before the new US Healthcare act even exsisted. Maybe you will realize that the debt you are mired in now is moreso rooted behind the trillions of $ paid to corrupt Wall Street finance brokers as bailouts for several massive Wall Street corruption scandals - scandals that have been allowed to develop & fester because of a certain political administration in the 80s the removed US Banking regulations and controls. And also because of the $ trillions of spending on the miliary to support the wars spawn using the excuse of 911. The recent US national healthcare program is a drop in a big bucket to what makes up the US Government's debt crisis. Bur I am sure Peggy that you even know that - it doesnt help promote what your last post exposed as your personal political agenda / bias. As for you not having any sympathy for those that choose to only keep a MP store.... I really dont think anyone cares if u have or dont have any sympathy for these Merchants. Anyone can come onto this forum and post a righteous statement critisizing merchants that dont have inworld store, but in all honesty these opinions hold little water. For many Merchant, it make complete economic sense to not have or to start shutting down inworld stores - regardles of what a few old SL residents hate. The facts speak louder. I do have a small inworld store but I only maintain an inworld presence because my monthly rent is so low that it worth it for me to keep it. Over 70% of all my monthly sales are coming from MP. 30% comes from inworld sales. If I had a significant monthly rent then I would be losing money on my inworld operations., Trust me - if that were the case I would close my inworld store immediately. I am not going to maintain this inworld store only because a couple old thinking SL Residents want to think back fondly of the good old days. Merchants of SL are here to make a profit. LL is responsible to operate SL in a manner to ensure that its SL inworld environment is growing - not declining. LL has clearly screwed up many aspects of business / service strategy to allow inworld stores to evaporate. Dont blame the Merchants for this. Go complain to LL for this.
  4. Innula Zenovka wrote: The script error means the AV Scanner script has run out of memory, and it's going to stay that way till it's reset. I've certainly not noticed any changes in the way llSensorRepeat behaves, nor in the way lists get cleared (if the script knows to clear them, that is), so I'd be inclined to suspect a problem with the hud before anything else. Do you have to option to reset scripts in it? Can't remember. Hey Innula.... So I got a response from the creator. She provided details of the issue and the resolution. I guess detaching the Mystitool and re attaching was not resetting it. She explained how to reset the script manually. You were correct.... Hello This error is caused by the script running out of memory. The display is "stuck" because the script has crashed. To correct this, please do the following: 1. Edit your MystiTool while it is attached, and go to the Contents tab. 2. Double-click the "MystiTool AV Scanner" script to open the script window. 3. Click the "Reset" button in the script window - lower left corner. Optionally, you may unpack a fresh MystiTool. The scenarios which cause the script to run out of memory and crash have been eliminated in development and will be released in the next update of MystiTool. Apologies for the inconvenience! An update should have been released some time ago but RL has recently been very busy and time consuming.
  5. Ayesha Askham wrote: @Toysoldier and Innula Both of you are far more Script-savvy than I, but I have noticed an ever-increasing number of what strike me as OS-related problems in SL of late. There was a major change made to the Debian Linux OS on which SL sits two weeks ago: those 3 days of service suspensions were when it was done. The last update, some weeks back, threw up some oddities. Now: nothing SHOULD have altered, but in my experince several things are happening. The "Can't Rez Objects on may own Land" (SVC-7902) issue (which is related to LLCastRay, I believe), and several other related issues for which JIRAs exist, suggest to me that all is not as it should be. Other odd occurrences relating to scripted objects not behaving as they should have occurred though I cannot give chapter and verse on them. Some issues with the region-idling code were anticipated, and the logical solution is to ensure that the scripts will handle the extended frame-times that occurr with an idle sim. However, if the script (as some that I have looked at) is "No Modify" and the creator of that script is no longer in SL, there is a problem. I am not good enough a coder to completely rewrite a script, so I am not sure what I must then do. Either way I see an increasing number of situations arising where the Lindens responsible simply do not know what to do to remedy the issues, and that is a worrying situation. I tend to agree with you. I am in the IT industry - although not a coder. But as one that is often called in to spot bigger picture issue that are going on and try to spot symptoms of deeper rooted problems in RL IT operations, I am seeing a correlation of a bigger problem that has crept into the LL systems. Since I dont know what goes on inside LL IT operations, I can only suspect something has gone on based on a correlation of suspicious anomalies that should not be happening. When it comes spotting symptoms of deeper rooted smouldering issues in a system, I do not believe in coincidences. Coincidental semlingly unrelated suspicious anomalies that are triggered for no known reason that can be reasonably explained is something that should not be dismissed readily. These are the early signs of a deeper rooted problem. Ayesha could be pointing out the deeper rooted common thread. The problem is that no one in LL is putting all the reported JIRAs and bubbling up issues together. To find something as deep rooted as what I suspect LL's systems might have - one has to open up the mind and the scope of the problems that normally would be dismissed as coincidence. In addition to what I am seeing and what Ayesha has mentioned, look at the rash of Marketplace problems and this morning with the system wide problems. I think LL might already know they got a biggere issue that they introduced into their system... but they do not have the Kepner-Tregoe like Problem Analysis skills to find root cause. They are likely fighting the fires as they flare up but not working on the root cause. There is something going on and its not the fault of the script of Mystitool or the Intans or all the other individual issues... these are just symptoms. Has anyone else noticed weird events happening and has just dismissed it as a problem they personally are encountering? I would like to hear it.
  6. I sent a notecard to the creator of the Mystitool to show her the error code that her MistiTool 1.61 has all of a sudden started generating this week for no reason. I pointed her to this link as well for details. My gut feel is that somethiing none of us are aware of has changed in the backend of SL that has triggered this error and lost functionality.... not sure wht. As for the ITAN, they are not my ITANs - they are that of the clubs I am visiting so I cant IM these creators for an inworld object I dont own. That some of you are saying you are not getting this error with the mystitool is interesting. So does that mean that something has happened to my SL account (its config in the LL system / Asset DB) that is causing anomalies with any attached object with script that my avatar interacts with?
  7. Innula Zenovka wrote: Toysoldier Thor wrote: Well strange how it started this week when I have used this tool and attached it to me almost 100% of the time since 2008. Also, would the script not be reset every time I log in and it attached to my rezzing Avatar? If I detach and re-attached the mystitool, would that not reset the script? If I change viewers would that not reset the script? I am not a scripting God but I would think that since this problem is now happening as of this week on multiple viewers on multiple PCs on countless logins, after being detached and re-rezzed, the script must have been reset. And how about the ITAN? which are completely different scripts. The ones I have used on about 4 different sims / clubs all now offer me new rezzed balls instead of just giving me the menu. I am sending a message to the creator of Mysti as she could likely tell me quick what is going on... but seems VERY strange that out of no where a tool I have used for years decides this week to go wonky. A script in a hud will only reset on login or on attach if the scripter has written it that way (and normally you wouldn't want it to do that unless there was a good reason to). As to what's wrong with the Intan, I have no idea, and to my mind it's got nothing to do with your Mystitool. The Intan is, for some reason, misunderstanding messages it's getting from the menu, which is something completely different from what's happening to your Mystitool. I 100% completely agree that the Mystitool and the ITAN are completely different object and scripts... that is why I am saying what I am saying.... they both started screwing up this week. TWO unrelated objects and scripts - both of which have been inworld and rezzed and running 100% completely good with no errors or anomalies.... until this week. In fact its not 1 ITAN... the same change of function has started happening to ever one of the ITANs that I have touched this week. So its many of them inworld on many different sims. i.e. since these two systems inworld have NO correlation to each other and are both known to have been working well prior to this week.... then the speculation is that the only common root point that both share is the execution of the LSL on by the SIM servers. As such.... did LL make ANY changes to inworld that might have impacted how LSL scripts operate?
  8. Well strange how it started this week when I have used this tool and attached it to me almost 100% of the time since 2008. Also, would the script not be reset every time I log in and it attached to my rezzing Avatar? If I detach and re-attached the mystitool, would that not reset the script? If I change viewers would that not reset the script? I am not a scripting God but I would think that since this problem is now happening as of this week on multiple viewers on multiple PCs on countless logins, after being detached and re-rezzed, the script must have been reset. And how about the ITAN? which are completely different scripts. The ones I have used on about 4 different sims / clubs all now offer me new rezzed balls instead of just giving me the menu. I am sending a message to the creator of Mysti as she could likely tell me quick what is going on... but seems VERY strange that out of no where a tool I have used for years decides this week to go wonky.
  9. well any ideas then what could cause all these anomalies this week? I am going to IM the creator of mstytool to see if they have ideas.... but the itans are also acting weird
  10. This past week I have noticed a couple freaky things some freaky and broken things that has never been an issue at all until this week. I have noticed the following things this week: I have used the MystiTool since 2008 and I have the most recent version installed 1.61 that was upgraded a couple months ago successfully with problems. This week my most used feature - the sim RADAR has frozen with a list of users that it last saw the last time I was logged with MystiTool working (about 5 days ago - not sure the exact date). > On the Phoenix Viewer I do not get any error message but the radar is clearly broken. > On the latest Firestorm viewer I am getting a reporte error on the MystiTool HUD code: MystiTool HUD 1.6.1 [script:MystiTool AV Scanner] Script run-time error Stack-Heap CollisionThe error that pops up from the MysitTool re-appears ever time I TP to another sim.Totally unrelated but another anomally that has showed up this week, whenever I click on any dancing ITAN to call for dance poseballs, the balls show up and I sit on them and all is good. BUT, when I click on the ITAN to request the menu to change the dance, the ITANs are all giving me the menu but also rezzing another poseball. This has NEVER happened before this past week and it is now happening on pretty much any ITAN i use at the multiple clubs I have gone to and used their ITANs. Before anyone suggests its changes to my viewer or its my install of the viewer is corrupt or I made some changes this past week.... Let me provide more proof that these problems seem to be appearing because of backend Sim code changes: These problems are happening on both my desktop and LaptopIts happening on both Phoenix and FirestormI have not upgraded or changed any configuration parameters on either Phoenix or Firestorm.Is anyone else seeing these symptoms or errors on Mystitool or the ITAN dance tools at clubs? It seems that LL might have deployed some changes that impacted LSL code or how LSL code is processed or handled?
  11. As you mentioned Arwen, too bad that when the MP Transaction that states "DELIVERED" on my logs, it did not actually deliver to my customer this weekend and I had to REDELIVER the item. Customer contacted me... said he bought 3 items via Shopping Cart on MP. One item from one Merchant was a delivery via DD and it successfully delivered, but the remaining two items in the shopping cart from myself and another merchant was a MB delivered item and both failed according to him. When I checked my transaction log it showed DELIVERED. I pressed REDELIVER and he received the item that I redeliverd. Dont know if this is another anomoly with the flakiness of the Shopping Cart that it cant propoerly handle delivery of items from merchants with DD and MB delivered item. BUT.... the term DELIVERED does not mean it was successfuly delivered.
  12. Czari Zenovka wrote: Flea Yatsenko wrote: I am starting to think that my DD sales were good because I was an early adopter and not a lot of people moved to DD. The big migration from MB to DD before the June 1st deadline probably had a ton of merchants changing over in a few months which completely flooded the system. Using that logic, which could be at least somewhat accurate, maybe the reason my sales have suddenly gotten back to normal for me this last week after two months of sales/no sales cycling is because I'm a "non adopter" of DD atm. If more merchants are using DD than MBs, maybe the MBs have kicked back into better action. And no, it's not because I've been fiddling with the MBs. As stated above, I've done that each time I added new products or updated them for years and never immediately had sales of that particular item. *Grins* I think any theories from Flea or Ann that their sales have increased in any way because of their listing move to DD from MB is completely baseless and has no facts that would confirm these theories nor any logical explanation as to how one delivery method with several proven flaws would provide better sales in MP that one with a long proven stable track record. I have my MP listings currently split between both dellivery method. I have about 50 listings in MP. All but 6 of them were migrated to DD on the first week after DD was released. My Remaining 6 listings are all my top sellers that I hold more valued. I have not noticed ANY significant increase in any of my DD delivered listings beyond normal sales prior to the migration - nor have I noticed a significant increase in sales on my 6 top selling 6 MP listings. Actually with one exception when a couple weeks ago I recorded my best sales day EVER in MP, Xstreet, Inworld (outside of a targetted promo event on the release of one of my main packs). On that day, about 90% of all those sales came from my 6 packs that are on MB. So... lets stop the factless theories that because a merchant migrated to DD from MB their sales have increased. If it happened - it is surely not because of the delivery method. In fact Flea, its because of these statements you are making that I am starting to second guess if maybe you actually are a LL Commerce Team member in disguise.
  13. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Yes, slam bit http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Debug_Permissions I agree with you that you need to delete the object in inventory and take the rezzed one with the changed permissions. Although inventory is just pointers to the asset database when you rez a new item it is given a new UUID and becomes a new object, NOT just a copy of the old one's link. You would not expect to be able to resize and recolour the one in-world and automatically see that reflected in the one still in inventory (and any further copies you rezzed from that too). WOW Peter, After all these years in SL I did not know about this SLAM bit and the anomally of permissions changed to next owner directly from Inventory fall out of sync and are not applied until rezzed. That is a scary thing to learn now. I cant begin to imagine how many times in my SL life and while building and setting up packs that I might have changed massive item permissions directly within my inventory. I am assuming with DD - this anomaly might be a bigger issue than from items that are delivered from a MB ? EEEEEK!!!
  14. JeanneAnne wrote: >>As to the question of statistical confidence, I'm not claiming a very high degree of conclusiveness;<< Ok, just so long as were clear on this .. >>The claim that there is probably a malefactor, by any degree of conficence, only needs to be stronger than the claim that there probably isn't a malefactor in order to be a point worth making.<< Null hypothesis is that theres no malefactor .. Design an objective non-arbitrary test of this hypothesis & thereby refute it w/ p <.05 that your results arent due to chance .. & then you'll be on2 something !! oh yeah .. & do so in sucha way that the assumptions of parametric stats arent violated .. or .... use nonparametric analysis & thereby loose statistical power .. Meanwhile, its mere speculation that malefeasance is @ play rather than mundane incompetence. The converse is also true, of course .. but mere opinion couched as objective analysis or hypothesis testing is still mere opinion. Jeanne /ME scrambles onto Google "definition" to learn what a "Malefactor" and "malefeasence" is so /ME can figure out what is being discussed here. mal·e·fac·tor (m**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/schwa.gif" border="0" align="absbottom" />r) n.1. One that has committed a crime; a criminal. 2. An evildoer. ohhhhhh
  15. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: LINDEN LAB SPEAKS ! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Marketplace-and-Direct-Delivery-Update/m-p/1462915/message-uid/1462915#U1462915 And admirably comprehensive, if concise, it is too. WOW... it was actually more descriptive than the normal "we are aware of the situation and when we have more infromation we will get back to you" statement. A few points from the comments: So Commerce Team deployed changes to the MP system and yet I do not recall there being ANY notice of implementation of this new code into production. Did I miss this announcement? Did the commerce team post on the grid status or florums or anywhere that they were making changes to a sub-system of MP that could (and DID) impact production operations for us Merchants? Related to point 1, we all now know and can confirm that all the anomalies we notice this past week actually was from a secret LL code release to MP. Of course LL wouldnt have the guts to 1) tell us they were doing this change beforee they did it , 2) tell us immediately after we all started noticing these serious anomalies ealier tis week. They felt it was best that we guess and speculate on what LL did to the system. Arent they nice. I read that they are saying No money was taken from customers that was not transferred to the Merchants. Yet we have heard from some merchants that say they had proof that the customer bought an item, received it, was charged full price for it, and yet the merchant did not receive any money. THIS is not the sign of a STUCK / QUEUED transaction that they abandoned. Its of a transaction that processed and yet failed to pay the merchant. The deadline for MB retirement has now moved to August 1 and Brooke has publically stated that we all will get 4 weeks notice. remember that folks. BUT at least all our pressure in the forums and maybe to Rodvik has forced Brooke and company to post an update to us. To bad it takes this level of public shaming to get the commerce team to communicate with us.
  16. Gavin Hird wrote: > in fact since @Rodvik does not even seem to be aware how critical MP is to the growth of SL Here is a novel thought: What if the MP is not critical to the growth of SL at all? For one, it drives in-world participation down and erodes tier payment from merchants and creators. If they develop client for mobile devices (which they have said they do), there might be other mechanisms like in-app purchases (not the same as in-world purchases) that is driving their direction, and the current MP is just a transitional tool in which they don't want to invest too much in. Although your points are valid Gavin and MP has been one of the biggest factors (along with the Midnight Mania marketing tools fad) to devastate both the inworld economy as well as content value deflation, the problem is that LL has long since opened this door and let MP loose on the SL economy. Putting the dragon back into the cave now would likely not rejuvenate the inworld economy - it would likely further devastate the ecommerce in SL. I know that MP makes up over 70% of all my sales in SL. It does this because MP's advantage over inworld sales/distribution for a merchant is product search. Inworld search is a complete mess and was not designed to effectively search for actual MERCHANT PRODUCTS. Since every rezzed prim in SL can be marked as make searchable, the search results we complain about in MP is still a BMW in class of search function for merchants compared to the tricycle classed search inworld for merchant products. I would likely shut down my inworld store if MP or any other 3rd party web merchant site for SL would to be removed from SL.
  17. Rival Destiny wrote: ...kk, what DD Deadline?? I thought all deadllines were on hold. I think he meant MB Deadline. The commerce team stated a while back that due to all the problems they were encountering with the DD deployment that they would push back the MB retirement deadline. I believe they mentioned that the new deadline was in June but I also understood that this was not cast in stone either. But since LL is so fearful of communicating to the Merchants that they cannot even provide a quick weekly blog of all that is happening or even a rare blog that updates all us merchants on the status of the MB deadline... all we can do is guess and wait for them to come down from the mountain to suprprise us on a date. The Commerce Team has a habbit of very short deadlines after announcements so it wouldnt be surprising that they post a blog one day and say "MB will now be retired and please be off it in 2 weeks" I would like to know what the current % of listings in MP are still on MB and not DD. I know my 6 top sellers are not migrated over but my 42~ other listings are all migrated over. Lets guess that about 40% of all listings are still on MB. Lets say that even if LL announces a drop dead date of JUN 30 for MB to be shut down and that 25% of all listings on that date are still on MB.... Do you all think LL would have the nerve and smarts and guts to shut down MB and destroy 25% of all MP's listings? LL has proven by their actions to often not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I cant believe even they would destroy 25% of all MP listings simply because they set an arbitrary deadline to retire a delivery system that in all honesty is not negatively impacting their operations by running. It hurts no one that MB continues to run. So do you really think LL would be that stupid to wipe 25% of listings?? What are your thoughts.
  18. Pamela, If I were @Rodvik , I would realize that ALL the content that is ingested into SL and what basically makes SL worth participating in comes from all the creators / merchants. If the source of this stream / distribution channel for all thhis amazing content were to be damaged or even cease to flow, then the natural thinking is that this would speed up the sliding customer interest in participating in SL. Imagine a SL world if there was no content to buy and use. As @Rodvik, I would also know from talking to merchants of SL that selling and getting your products noticed / found inworld has become near impossible. So I would realize the critical value of the SL MARKETPLACE. I would quickly realize that I need to ensure MP not only stays healthy, stable, retain merchants of SL.... I would want to ensure that for the sake of a healthy and attracting SL, the MP needs to be very popular and friendly and useful for both Merchants and Customers. If I as @Rodvik were smart enough to realize all this... a couple things I would put as a top priority in my books and make sure every Sr. Exec at LL knew was: To ensure LL has the most competent and skilled Commerce Team management to be able to lead the effective direction and growth of Marketplace. To ensure ALL LL staff are trained and skilled to communicate with the Merchants and Customers of MP so that LL was completely on top of knowing what is needed with MP. To provide top customer service to both merchants and customers of MP so that MP is a place both sides enjoy working with and trust using. To be 100% sure that any new features and functions development on MP is carried out with all mature aspects of software development, testing, and deployment. This is to make sure there are only minor or no disruptions to this critical MP operation. Since @Rodvik clearly does not have any of what was mentioned above. In fact since @Rodvik does not even seem to be aware how critical MP is to the growth of SL, what @Rodvik should be strongly considering is to outsource the entire MP to a partnering business that has these skills, has the passion/desire to service their customers, and can focus on MP being a priority for them and LL. Its better that LL outsource this work to a skilled motivated team and lose the sales commissions from MP than to lose MP all together from a corrupted, unstable, untrusted service that the current Commerce Team is turning MP into now. Sadly, @Rodvik clearly does not see the value of MP and is fully content to leave this inexperienced Commerce Team drive MP into the ground. I am not sure how a CEO of a small company like LL has such disregard for such a critical aspect of SL.
  19. Pamela Galli wrote: I agree: @rodvik @secondlife Who knows, it might get his attention. I already tweeted him the Harvard paper Sassy linked to. I sent him and @secondlife a could messages to the thead on sales with no received payment and asking him when he will eventually be a CEO and deal with this escalating problem within his team
  20. Sassy Romano wrote: Magic boxes in themselves never were the problem, I agree. Xstreet handled magic boxes appropriately, seemed to have multiple processing queues, retries and all else that was required to account for LSL and other SL script communications unreliability. Marketplace took an off the shelf package with a single process queue and tried to shoehorn it into working with magicboxes and discovered that it wasn't a good fit and had issues. Then in a moment of inspiration blamed the Magicbox and set about a whole new project to solve an issue that was self created. Blaming Magic boxes as "unreliable" was like saying that UDP as a protocol is unreliable. It's perfectly appropriate if the reliability is built higher up in the architecture. In my view, LL shot the wrong target. Another example, Xstreet ANS was architected and coded to retry sending data until the web host receiving it acknowledged it. That's reliability designed into the process. LL's replacement Marketplace ANS sends once regardless if there's anything to receive it and has NO retry. That's yet another point of failure designed into the process. For months i've tried to be charitable, I do understand that the team work within constraints but there's just nobody making key design decisions from the top. The stakeholders aren't engaged and communication is non existent. It's a guaranteed project fail methodology even before anyone approaches a keyboard to do any coding. Immature methodology from the very beginning. Sassy... your tech talk gets me all warm and fuzzy inside. Thats why i likes you so much! Your points are so dead on. Being a network architect - I totally grasped your UDP example. Big Warm Hugsss!!!
  21. The point I wanted to make in this thread is not as much about all the rampent problems that were spawned by the poorly tested DD deployment. Its as much about the fact that quite likely the Commerce Group's DD deployment has placed MP into a fundamentally irreversable situation of constant and unpredictable DB corruptions and sales transaction anomalies. What the prime objective / point of this thread is, is to bring to attention how LL is handling this. From Rodvik down to the actual LL Commerce Team, their utter silence on this serious situation as well as no communication of what these un-resolvable issue will mean for the slated MB Retirement date that is aproaching fast and I would suspect a large number of MP listings are still not migrated to DD. Its simple unacceptable that a primary SL ecommerce engine from the sale and distribution of most content into SL is being treated by Rodvik and LL management with such abandonment of such a critical aspect of SL function and feature. It has become very clear for some time that Brooke and anyone else at the Commerce Team has pretty much all but shut down any communications with their customer base. They are completely out of touch with their community. They realized they have messed up MP big time and would be the actions of my kids when they know they have screwed up big time - both them and the LL Management have simply put their heads in the sand and are avoiding the issue. As such , we Merchants need to bring this critical issue to the top and get it known. LL Management is known to be forced to take action and communicate if they are shamed into it. It has often worked and sadly it is all we are left with now to get Rodvik and the LL Commerce Team to step up and communicate and tell us what is going on and how they will deal with this. Here is my suggestion for ALL MERCHANTS and even any SL Customers that care about the current and future health of MarketPlace.... If you have a Twitter account. Send tweets to : @rodvik @secondlife and tell them as a Merchant you need them to tell this community what is going on and how the Commerce Team will fix this. If rodvik and the official secondlife tweet group get flooded with Merchant tweets demanding them to take visible action.... I am very sure we will hear from them. Demand an official blog posting from Rodvik or the VP of SL Ecommerce on what is going on and how will they fix this.
  22. Spica Inventor wrote: I am now convinced that Flea Yatsenko is an undercover LL agent here to spread propaganda. ;-) Flea could we hire you as a double agent so we could get some much needed insider info from LL? ;-) In SL ... no one ever knows who is speaking behind the covers as Alts... but I am not convinced Flea is a member of the Commerce Team. I would have expected more passion behind the convictions if Flea was an Alt of LL. I just think Flea's view of what is going on is not of a perspective that properly catches the current situation and Flea is making unproven assumptions and escalating them to FACT status. As such, with these perceived FACTS in mind... the conclusions being made would be rational. A step back to "prove the assumptions are facts" needs to happen first.
  23. <START TRANSACTION> 1. Customer purchases off MP 2. Transfer funds direct from customer to MERCHANT, pay LL commission. 3. Direct Delivery of product to customer 4. Update records, send ANS etc. <END TRANSACTION> I agree with the order of the transaction Sassy but what if there is a failure within a step - specifically step #2? i.e. if during payment transfer from Customer to Merchant.... the process dies? Transaction has stopped. How do you propose Backout of the step so that no party is injured from the failed process? There needs to be oversight checks and balances that monitors each step of the transaction and takes action if a critical process of step fails to complete. This oversight process would also be responsible for generating all the status reports, updates, and notifications to any required consumer of this needed staus data.
  24. Rosemaery Lorefield wrote: Something happened with MP on the 13th because I got a ton of aborted orders as well. They are very rare for me normally. I would agree that its too coincidental that after a couple days of major escalated Merchant frustration and communication how the MP is corrupting some sales transactions and stealing revenue from the sales from the Merchants and some escalations to Rodvik on what the heck his team is doing.... all of a sudden we all are seeing aborted transactions. Clearly someone in the Commerce Team took some actions yesterday - not sure what the actions were and why they did it. But I have not had an ABORTED transaction in MP since January and yesterday I get 2 in a row as well as all of you also reporting these same aborted transactions. What is so utterly frustrating is that all we can do here is guess as to what LL is doing. How Utterly childish and disrespectful LL Commerce Team has become on their handling of all the issues with MP and the growing DD problems. They cant send Dakota down from the Ivory Tower and have one posting in the threads to explain what the LL is doing. pretty sad.
  25. As for shooting down MB's stability and reliability.... I have been using the SAME MB since 2008... and other than the times with LL has screwed up the over all MP or XSTREET, my MB has been nearly flawless all these years. I have had my MB on a laggy mainland sim for 2 years and before that under a tree at a very busy rock club sim. You can knock MB all you want but you will never convince me that DD will be any better than the near perfect service that MB has offered me so far in addition to the better reporting from MB (i.e. delivery notices) and easier administration of items in MP from a MB vs all I have seen with DD so far. Its all a moot point though... LL will wipe MB off the face of SL soon and we will all soon be forced to live with the poorly architected and deployed and tested DD and all that this new system has done to corrupt MP and make MP and untrust place for merchants to sell their products.
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