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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. Just got a vic in Montrose Station - is that a new one? Yes, it's a new one
  2. There are! I picked up a Widow Point one as well as the Grunion Beach - seen a few pass me by too ...
  3. It was an abandon this morning during my "happy hour"!!!
  4. I just let a great houseboat out at Grunion Beach also
  5. Letting out a Bridesmere Victorian on the hour. There are train tracks on the left great flowers out front http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bridesmere/106/235/24
  6. Campers at Spiderwood and Whackamole. Traditionals at Cobbs Market and Twilling. Victorian at Epsom Quarry .....
  7. Sorry Leora, maybe I can spin one we all wanted on the front row, lets see!
  8. I just caught a Rocky Heights! ♥ one of my ultimate desirable residences circa 2019. But not one of my coveted spots. Going to let out in five mins : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rocky Heights/132/188/0
  9. Caught and released a seaside traditional in Wood this morning - have to say I have an affinity for those islands they often turn up during my early morning
  10. Reminder! 😀 9 am SLT time this lovely Victorian is going to find a new owner : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oleander/135/36/32 You've got sea, railway, lighthouses, bridges...
  11. Campers are great. I never wanted one I thought they were too small but as people get enjoyment from decorating and re decorating 1024s I have the same fun working around the sometimes restrictive 512. It's fun, sometimes you tear your hair out. It allows me to have a small mainland store space on my main premium account. And I love most of the camper builds. They have fantastic landscaping and a big proportion have water nearby. You can focus in on the details. Camper love over and out.
  12. Only three days left to visit The Cabinet in its current incarnation until it becomes someone else's home ... say hi if you see me I am around taking some photos of the Summer exhibit ♥
  13. That is something I made from a full perm mesh, I like to mix up other's stuff with my own I love this place - I do have the big boat in the far horizon but does not bother me view wise.
  14. Settling in. Once again, my go to sand rescue is beach straws and sand barrier fences.
  15. I got a little freaked out when I saw the train imagery I wondered it was very similar to the Cabinet train room so I went to see - our free railway prints are indeed decorating this flat for rent. So I'll say now - I don't know who this is!!!
  16. Totally not! I am widowed and can work from home. This helps my home search. No one wants to swap with that, or at least should not want to! Whatever helps, whatever brings the fun. This is my own decision not to pay anymore or search much now, I could keep it going with more money but I am choosing not to pursue these stilt homes
  17. The builds and their landscapes are very appealing. The log home landscape to me is very appealing but I don't like the builds. Nor any of the traditional landscapes or builds! Taken me a good year to work it out. Victorians remain a favourite but still I am letting mine out as well -for me it is in favour of having just one premium account. I would love to keep the Victorian but I am adamant to only have my main account now and we need a 512. Sometimes I lie awake at night thinking this all through (embarrassed face) !!!
  18. Those flowers are just the best! Someone will adore this home
  19. It was a huge gamble - just as Chloe had the Wheeler camper my alt got this one on her last night. I even did it in the middle of the SL day which I usually don't dare attempt but I was determined to try. The first switch went wrong they ended up on the wrong accounts so I had to gamble twice and THANK GOD got it right! But on the second go I had to let the Wheeler out completely so I could have lost both. Such is the gamble!
  20. You have mastered GOH if you have this knowledge. You can have all the alts and browsers in the world but until you unlock this and put it to use properly..... (unless they change it!!)
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