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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. Ah good, well I have another going out in a minute : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Piranhaconda Bay/68/56/0 super nice lighthouse view location! I've given up all my premiums for now, (I HOPE) and rented a little place in an estate with seasons, full on Autumn. I consider it a trial run to squash my home obsession. I fully intend to still have fun in Bellisseria every day - more so now that I am not so pre occupied with hopping around.
  2. Just let a Pickards Wharf and a Lake Breeze houseboat out!
  3. Both genuinely scary and amazing, love it, thanks Moles!
  4. Currently in a hot tub with Abnor Mole ...
  5. There is a houseboat waiting here : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kainen/118/222/22 it just needs a friend to convince it to show up on the LP
  6. I am about to let go of this waterfall camper - I've owned the camper on the opposite side to this one, it is a really enjoyable region : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hope Springs/164/84/0
  7. I am a big fan of Bellisseria Homes and Gardens because on the whole they take hours of building work or faffing around out of making workable solutions for almost every parcel. And I am also a fan of spending more money on something that is well built and instantly does what I want it to. I am not very thrifty so the price usually does not matter I know how many hours they saved me. Also of course I am a fan of Blushed Living add ons for the same reason.
  8. Gonna need your waders for this incarnation...something a bit like this dependent on houseboat I keep!!
  9. Letting out a square houseboat at Le Prince : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Le Prince/92/84/0 There is another boat waiting so they should both arrive immediately!
  10. Well, there is one because I put it there earlier, but still ..... cries.
  11. Yes I know that old "forever home" statement that I just won't be able to keep to
  12. Thanks for all of these replies - it IS great to see some people rolled a winner and stayed in their first place but at least now that Bellisseria is bigger with more themes people feel they can change home if they want to and experience a different level of the place without any prejudice as there was a bit in the beginning for hoppers and people who were determined to find what they liked. I know there are still others out there with no home but it seems lots of us started with abandons ourselves...
  13. I started a nosy topic to keep us busy waiting for stilts...!!
  14. Okay, so where was your first ever home in Bellisseria ? Was it an abandon? Which was your first newly released home? My first ever was a trad in Holton Center an abandon. I then decided to try for new regions and I got a canal facing trad in Wolfboro.... I may have had the odd home since then elsewhere! over to you!
  15. It reminds me of the days when we could not go to the loo in case a release happened and you could watch the regions slowly come about and work out what was going next! I am missing those days so looking for earlier region homes now
  16. And this one same time : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jamesborough/28/132/24 I am really nostalgic for early Bellisseria at them moment so trads/boats may come up a bit from me until I retire my people!
  17. I have this beautiful home going back at 15 mins past this hour : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Esper/239/85/23
  18. House at https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hardtack/64/164/28
  19. Camper on https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sandflea/72/192/23 going now...
  20. Complete privacy at : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blue Duck/20/52/38
  21. I have two camper parcels that are great in two very different ways coming up. This is the first : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lake Tatakaka/144/32/0
  22. This Victorian going in now : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Banebury/24/76/24
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