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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. This is usually a massive time wasting exercise on whoever is kind enough to offer something up - never wait about especially if there is no answer - in fact it is better to offer it up in public and let the damn thing out than mess about trying to arrange with specific people. Anyone really interested hot foots it to the parcel or gets back to you pretty quickly. A couple of times I have helped specific people and they were successful I know they still have the parcels now ages on because they were polite and not messing about. Either way the less of a time suck option is to post about it and let everyone click, who has the time to mess on arranging stuff? IMO !!!!
  2. I have a sandy camper to let out if you want to try clicking around for it, congrats on your boat!
  3. Atm I am just catch and releasing but nice place you have there though great views across the sea!
  4. Both have been set free from my talons ................................
  5. Two houseboats going in at half past this hour... https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Conger Reef/176/152/0 https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bilgewater/60/76/0
  6. Putting yet another sandy beach sea facing traditional back in. On the hour...http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Yuge/34/118/28
  7. Very much loving my back garden, the creator makes instant solutions that just work in my opinion.
  8. One of the loveliest camper ones! Ah Oleander was spot on as well I just missed being so close to the water. My new place is Goosemere where I hope to re build the cabinet for future exhibits. My RL has a few new obligations in it so I have to place on hold until opportunity arises
  9. This one was an abandon to me this week so they are changing hands if I find another I will post!
  10. Thank you! Not usually a limit, it all depends on what happens at set up time -will be happy to include in future! I am working on possibly using the scaled down version of the cabinet on this new Victorian plot I have. I shall play around with it this week...
  11. Thank you Elena but I moved on for now at least - perhaps by Christmas? I got a Victorian I was waiting on as a home to last. This camper was fabulous location wise and just because it's a camper !- so perhaps by the end of the year we can do an xmas round. And of course please do pitch in! Everyone was really helpful with Summer's exhibit
  12. ** Current mood - changed. Sadly. But I do intend to bring it back one day in some form
  13. Letting out this houseboat in ten mins http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Penitent Beach/162/203/23
  14. I always announce when I leave for a bit. To answer your question..subtle digs that i receive personally and to see other's fighting brings me down and sees me step away. I prefer the peace and light and find the forum a social place most times that enhances being in world, a bit of a dirge though when people take pop at others. Gonna happen, it's a public forum - it is moderated and that's that. On topic : I might have a completely open sea view trad if anyone is looking ...
  15. And so the front row really starteth to move. Most within the last few hours, the Everfaire beach home at the weekend...(tentative back to forum post) great time to get a home.
  16. I am putting a Hammond Park back in at twenty past the hour then taking a forum break until some threads peace out a bit http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hammond Park/188/57/34
  17. This happened to my alt except the owner was Guy Linden
  18. Putting this one in now : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nott/192/24/33 I think it's rather a good Victorian I forgot I got hold of it last night...
  19. This Trad is going back in about five minutes...http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Domingos/56/204/36
  20. Well if you want to have a try for it I can let it out it's here: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Due South/200/120/0
  21. Busy land page this morning - for those who are seeking the coastal victorian the lovely lower barensmouth home doesn't seem to fit anyone's bill so I've let it out again just now. I've also picked up a houseboat in Due South if anyone is looking. Methinks because it is also Wednesday and now September, it will be a productive fishing day...
  22. Sorry guys it was at my 10 am which was an hour and twenty ago. Still. The day is young....
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