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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. If it does not attract new blood into SL it is only moving from one place to another. Nothing gained financially for LL. And 10 hours per sim, that adds up real quickly to a vast amount of money. There are thousands of mainland sims. I don't think the Moles work for free.
  2. LL is a business and has to think like one. No free lunches. And updating mainland would be a vast project. To big to do it out of love for the residents alone IMHO.
  3. There are surely possibilities to do something to improve chunks of mainland. But what does LL gain from it? There are still people who don't want anything else than main land parcels. And there are those who could not care less if mainland would magically disappear over night. That's why there are two kinds of sims in SL. And there is Belli for those who only want to consume en live their lives in SL. So everything is pretty much covered as it is. And I don't see improved mainland drive in tons of new residents. So how would it be beneficial for LL to put a lot of extra work in it.
  4. It all depends on how long you estimate that SL will still be around. Building Bellisseria will take a few more years I guess. Then they could start to tear down the first linden homes projects and turn these sims in a new kind of mainland. Then it will be most likely close to 2025-2030. Somewhere around SLB25. Anyone thinking SL has that many years left?
  5. keep the arrow forward always down as long as you want to move. Press the left or right arrow together with the forward key. You will navigate pretty smoothly then.
  6. I just found out Europeans have to fork up VAT over a name change as well. That would make it close to 50 USD. Now it's official: My last name stays Nagy until SL closes its gates, whenever that might be.
  7. Okay quarter of a novel then. There was talks about notecards and signs at the landing point, Do you know how short novels are these days? People don't like to read anymore.
  8. Nope, there are far more parcels in SL than those 99,999. I stayed on the safe side. I'm not talking about sims, but parcels, plots. Do the math yourself. If every sim has an average of 4 parcels, you're already there. I bet most sims have 4 or more parcels.
  9. If I have to read half a novel at entrance, I'm out again with one leg already. There are at least 99,999 other parcels available to enjoy my SL.
  10. Temporary banning alts who are at the same time on the same parcel could make sense but banning them for all user's parcels is stupid IMHO. But still, a great drama tool, so it fits in perfectly into SL.
  11. Why should I? I very rarely see them in my SL experience. Trolls and grievers are as old as the Internet. Don't feed them, ignore them. They get bored quickly when they don't get the attention they are seeking.
  12. That would be bad publicity for LL and SL. I don't think that is a desirable situation for the LL office, only to get rid of a few drama searching alts.
  13. It looks good on the SL statistics. That increases the number of active avatars online. Besides not everyone with an alt has bad intentions with them. Most people have alts and never cause drama with them.
  14. If they ban me, kudos for them. At least 100,000 parcels left in world where I can go to.
  15. Policing the forums is much easier. You have everything in writing. Resident vs resident in world is a lot more complicated. Many more factors to consider. Like is it forbidden to enter with an alt in a public accessible sim? Might be annoying for some, but is it forbidden? That's why the sim / land owners get tools to decide that sort of things. It is not on LL's plate. Because LL owns the program, doesn't mean they have to sort out every thinkable resident vs resident drama in world IMHO. Then they would need appr. 20,000 more employees.
  16. I only used the Emerald thingy to show that there have been some not totally honest TPV writers in the past already. Now I´m no programmer at all, but I recon it should be possible to disguise users through coding, by taking over the log in process. unnoticed, by collecting the username and password, save them for later use, and then give them to the LL log in process as if nothing happened. Question of a split second. Again, I´m not accusing anyone, just simply asking if it could be possible for criminal minds to do so. I think the answer is yes. But I would love to read what others think about that.
  17. Asking for the use of any TVP, and certainly not to accuse someone of something, but simply in general: Isn't it relatively easy to program a step 1a into the procedure for those TPV coders who would have criminal minds, where the author has a quick peek at the user and password information (and store it somewhere) before putting it in the safe hands of LL? We once had coders with criminal ideas already, something with green or so, remember?
  18. One of SL mayor rules: Whatever can be gamed, shall be gamed. Extensively.
  19. A lot of private estates don't allow them in their covenant, but sadly a lot of the landlords do very little to nothing to enforce those parts of their covenant.
  20. Where do you read that it does not apply for SL-dj's? 1. SL-djs ain't strictly nonprofit. 2. The text you quote states that non profits have to pay USD 1,000 a year as well, but have better terms then. I'm just explaining that the legal matter behind dj-ing in SL is complicated, not only under Dutch law but internationally as well. And for the rest, for me: whatever floats your boat. DJ as much as you like, where you like in or outside SL, with pirated copies or not, abusing streaming services like Spotify or not, with or without appropriate licensing. I'm fine with that, but I'm not the law enforcement. I have written more than enough about this matter by now, here and in that other thread, and I tiptoe out of this discussion.
  21. And there lies the real problem. It is not possible to obtain a license to stream to all countries of the world, which is possible trough SL. The most extended international Internet broadcasting license service I found so far covers 37 countries. My conclusion: It is hardly if not totally (im)possible to dj legally in SL or stream to your land if others than you and your RL family have access to it . But of course it is mainly on the same level as 'borrowing' textures and models for SL on the Internet.
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