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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. *tiptoes back into the safety of the 80s "metal" bands*
  2. Ya know, that reminds me of a friend I used to have to just HAD to have something to complain about. In this case, it's something to grab the pitchfork and rant about as it doesn't fit a narrow minded narrative.
  3. I liked the one where she said she was "the richest person in SL" and it zoomed in on her linden balance...of 895.
  4. No idea what you are asking or how to help, just popped in to say your avi is coming along nicely!
  5. It's just nice to know I am not the only person who thinks that!
  6. You posted this as I was replying above. Apology accepted! You would know if I was doing a personal attack 😉
  7. I have spoken to you in another thread where you pointed out my errors, so I stopped escalating the discussion...but as AdminGirl says, this is now the SECOND time in THIS thread I have addressed you, Doc Carling...YOU. I looked at the link to the comic art, but did not understand the relevance of it, as my discussions ON THIS THREAD have not been about your style of artwork AT ALL, but instead I was discussing WITH SCYLLA how I found her views confusing. I haven't attacked ANYONE, as I find attacks the lowest form of debate. And before you jump down my throat again, to some, erotic comics CAN be a kink.
  8. I was replying to comments made by @Scylla Rhiadra, which should be obvious as I QUOTED comments made by HER and then my reply TO HER. The quoted comment above ^^^ is the ONLY time in this thread I have made ANY reference to or about you and your pictures. I shall extend my "low horizon" when you learn how to read a thread and stop attacking me for conversations I have that do not have anything to do with you.
  9. 👍 I can agree to disagree. Speaking for myself, my distaste doesn't come from the need for the service or the people providing the service, it is more the need to constantly promote themselves and that service. That, and the fact said person promoted joining that service to an 18 yr old on her second week in SL. Having a kink is wonderful - we all have them - but sometimes it's better to keep your kinks to yourself, especially when they aren't being asked for.
  10. I get what you are saying, but in that same regard, women who highlight themselves sexually are ALSO expressing their kink and that is THEIR choice. They are often RPing that side of themselves as well, therefore their right to do that shouldn't be looked down on anymore than the person who is expressing their kink and RPing as a sex worker. Getting paid for it makes it worse in my opinion - but that is just that....MY opinion. That being said, I am not defending the pictures or avatars created by OP. But maybe this is HIS kink, creepy and distasteful as that may be to some.
  11. I am struggling with this viewpoint considering how you would go out of your way to defend someone who's whole forum persona is wrapped up in how she is a loud and proud sex worker and it is pretty much all she posts about.
  12. I used to always buy through MP because I hate trying to get into stores, the annoyance of dealing with morons begging or hitting on anything female, and it was just nice to stay on my skypad and shop. Then I realised I was missing out on SO MUCH store credit, especially from a certain berry store by shopping this way. These days I tend to grab demos from MP for hair stores so I don't have to battle my way there, then go home to demo and then battle my way back etc.
  13. I'm a Virgo. I have folders, subfolders, sub-subfolders and when all else fails - dozens of "to sort out" folders.
  14. Check out AlaskaMetro and Izzie's. They are my go-to's.
  15. Pfft amateur! 😁 *pats her 142,258 items in 26,333 folders*
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