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Ansariel Hiller

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Everything posted by Ansariel Hiller

  1. Oh a *toilet*! I still have this hole in the ground...
  2. It claims to be a roleplay games with vampires and werewolves. In fact, it's rather a pyramid scheme like game where people are trying to bite newbies to steal their blood and soul and whatever. That's why they are aften also called "spampires", because they spam people with their annoying bite requests.
  3. You need to create a blog post and also shout for help and rant on Twitter! Such a **bleep**storm will really speed things up and the issues will be solved within the flash of a second! BTW: [updated 7:19am PDT, 19 March 2013] Today’s inventory server maintenance has been extended. Some residents may still be logged off, unable to log in, or unable to complete transactions during this time. Please monitor this blog for additional updates.
  4. Play RL! It's really awesome! Even pixelbumping is much more real!
  5. But you noticed the same question has already been asked a couple of times before?
  6. [updated] Scheduled Inventory Database Maintenance [updated 9:45am PDT, 18 March 2013] Today’s inventory server maintenance has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19, 2013 from 5am PST to 7am PST. During this time, some residents will be logged off and will be temporarily unable to log in for a brief period. This maintenance may disrupt transactions and logins. Please check back here for updates.
  7. [updated] Scheduled Inventory Database Maintenance [updated 9:45am PDT, 18 March 2013] Today’s inventory server maintenance has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19, 2013 from 5am PST to 7am PST. During this time, some residents will be logged off and will be temporarily unable to log in for a brief period. This maintenance may disrupt transactions and logins. Please check back here for updates.
  8. The folder most likely isn't deleted, but the display is borked so that the button has gone missing. Try buying a free item from the Marketplace and see if it comes back then, for instance the Direct Delivery Bear: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Direct-Delivery-Linden-Bear/3290638
  9. Right click on the speach bubble thingy (where it usually counts the number of unread messages) and select close all.
  10. What does "failed" mean in detail?
  11. Why are bananas yellow? Nobody knows without further details about your system and what the crash looks like (for instance error messages)!
  12. No idea. But always a good idea to contact billing service directly: Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only
  13. greek Wingtips wrote: am now ending anymore on this BTW as to me dealing with this griefer nothing untowards to him was done other than some stern words in a private conversation so let it rest at that /me starts the timer and expects the next thread about the same topic in - what day is today? Monday? - okay, 5 days...
  14. Since when can objects simply attach stuff to your avatar unless they're using RLV feature and you shared wear is enabled?
  15. If you enabled deferred rendering, you could see small lines running through a screenshot picture, "tiling" the image.
  16. Hmmmm.... That's why the names of the residents are mentioned in the report: https://secondlife.com/my/support/incident-reports.php ?
  17. Heart Brimmer wrote: Yes he is, 16. I hope for his own sake, he cools down and realizes that the only thing that can come of acting on his own, is more trouble for him. Some people just don't seem to listen though, especially if ones opinion doesn't agree with theirs. Darn! I just read that guy is 16 years old... Anyway: He already got a special shower to cool down!
  18. That happens, because in the SL viewer, there is already a fix for the lines you currently see in Firestorm. That fix however breaks the aspect ratio if you select a custom resolution. Your screen resolution is 1440x900 pixel. Now if you select 1024x1024 as custom screenshot resolution in the SL viewer, the created picture will indeed have that resolution of 1024x1024 pixels, but the viewer does NOT clip the image to the desired size. Instead, it takes the whole screen resolution of 1440x900 pixels and stretches it to 1024x1024 pixels. Currently, you cannot properly use custom resolution in the SL viewer due to the broken "lines" fix. You will either have to take the picture in screen resolution and crop the desired resolution outside SL in another tool. Or you will have to use a custom resolution and "unstretch" the picture outside SL in another tool.
  19. Es gibt nur 4 Sachen, die ein Avatar benoetigt, um angezeigt zu werden: * Haut * Augen * Haar * Form Also bezogen auf die sogenannten Wearables, d.h. kein Prim-Attachments. Fehlt eines davon: Wolke (oder wenn "Einfache Shader" deaktiviert sind: Ei)
  20. http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page
  21. Dresden Ceriano wrote: But... is my thought that simply reducing your number of scripts will end up reducing your memory usage valid? ...Dres In general: Yes. Or recompile LSL2 scripts as Mono scripts. Basically, my intention was to point out that the fuzz being made about script memory by using those script memory boards is pretty much pointless. As example, run this little script both as LSL2 and Mono version: default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { list props = llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY]); llSay(0, "Memory used: " + (string)llGetUsedMemory() + " Bytes"); llSay(0, "Memory reported: " + llList2String(props, 0) + " Bytes"); }}
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