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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Your best bet is to contact the creator for support.
  2. Sorry, no can do. Perhaps someone else can. I just don't have the programs needed.
  3. No Rose, that is a limit that is set in the forum software. It can be completely removed, increased or decreased. They just don't want people to flood the forum with posts. That is what that feature is for. Preventing flooding. Note the amount of time between this post and my next post. One minute. That is what the timer is set at so you have to wait one full minute before making the next post.
  4. That's cuz I like mine fresh. And I like to play with my food first.
  5. ...hugs you all up and sets you on fire We love you, too!
  6. Thank guys. I needed the laugh after trying to get my outlook account unlocked because MS locked it for no freaking reason other than I tried to use it for the first time in months last night.
  7. This is Maddy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heyoka
  8. Thank you. You aren't the first and I doubt you will be the last.
  9. Mel borrowed it. And I still love Blazing Saddles. Even after all these years and changes, it's still funny to me because I know what Mel was attempting to do with it. It was never just a comedy. It was aimed at the hearts of those who are prejudiced. Mel didn't know, at the time, that most of those hearts were made of stone. Even to this day many of my nonwhite friends find it hilarious because they understand the message behind it.
  10. Mel Brooks didn't have anything to do with the movie that came from. The movie starred Humphrey Bogart. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948.
  11. *adds this to her collection ...drops a fart bomb at your feet
  12. I'd say my threshold is higher than yours since I don't reserve wtf for just one particular type of situation. It's one of those versatile phrases.
  13. Then you're definition of a wtf reaction is far different from mine. Because when something confuses me that is my first thought. It connotates bewilderment not scorn. Bewilderment is a far cry from scorn.
  14. How you figure? Seems more like a wtf kind of reaction to me.
  15. Thank you Rose. You are as sweet as your name. *hug*
  16. I told you. You are heyókȟa. It's why we get along so well. ...sets you on fire for not posting a pic from the river
  17. Agreed. Which is why I do not react or respond to that person. Never again. That's one trap I won't ever fall into again. No matter how hard that person tries to goad me.
  18. I do the same thing. And sometimes I think the person is being deliberately absurd so that people will laugh. Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to oblige. Especially since I know there is at least one person that would like to see me gone from SL and the forum. Permanently.
  19. I wonder how many of my genuine laugh at the post because it struck me as funny laughs have been misconstrued as scorn. I can't help it I have a strange sense of humor.
  20. Thought so. Just wanted to be sure. Thanks!
  21. @Rolig Loon, if I were to get this all setup and working with the doors linked to the root prim of the house, if I move the root prim will it mess up anything? Let me explain a bit further. I'm using mesh made by others so I have to add a prim to show me as creator. That is the root prim. Currently, while it is linked, it is not in the final position it will occupy so I will be moving it into it's final position once I have completed the build (my final step). Will moving the root prim have any effect/affect on the script?
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