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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. *sets Maddy on fire for being a "weeeeeeeerd dood"
  2. Never said it wasn't and didn't mean to imply it was. I'm just saying nothing is as secure as we'd like it to be. We can only do the best we can with what we have to work with. Which is why I don't access things from more than one device.
  3. Just spring boarding off your post. Locks and bolts aren't going to keep the determined criminals out. Windows can be broken, doors kicked in or taken off hinges. There is no such thing as complete security on the internet.
  4. This would be a really good way to kill SL. People are not going to want to have to verify every time they log into SL. Especially those who find it necessary to log in/out several times a day.
  5. Years ago I had someone log into my account after I had gone to bed. I don't click on links in chat, save passwords on my pc or any 3rd party app, didn't own a cell phone and only one other person had access to my pc besides me, my RL other half, who was still logged in and saw the whole thing. He knew I was in bed and came and got me up. I logged in on one of my alts since I couldn't log into this account. Idiot was standing in my home on my account spamming all of my groups which caused me to be ejected from two very important groups, one of which was the support group for the vendor system I was using and never was able to get back into. I was on the phone with LL watching this jerk and had my account back within 30 minutes. One of the groups they had to kick me from was the FS support group of which I was a team member at the time. Luckily it was caught in time and the only thing he or she changed was the password. Otherwise I would have been able to log in, which would have booted them off. Then it would have been a race to change the password before they could log back in. To this day I have never figured out HOW they managed to get into my account. There were no keyloggers on my pc or anything of the sort. My password was not an easy one to "decode". None of the "usual suspects" applied. LL will never tell you how it was done since then you could turn around and do the same to someone else. Not saying you would, just that LL is not going to risk it.
  6. Let them block me. Saves me the trouble of having to block their dumb a$$.
  7. Stay out of the line of fire and you won't get hit.
  8. Oh? Then why bother me with your lame self? Go pester all those women you claim are begging you. I don't beg. I do things on MY terms. *plonk*
  9. If you have RLV enabled, disable it and relog for it to take effect. LL can't do anything about things that happen outside of SL, its servers and websites. You should contact your local law enforcement and file a complaint regarding the RL photos. You are being stalked and that is illegal in the US.
  10. Just for grins n giggles. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2018/10/04/china-is-secretly-hacking-computer-motherboards-the-economic-fallout-is-huge/?utm_term=.dcdcaf85901f
  11. This. For me, it's Firestorm hands down. It actually runs cooler GPU temperature wise than some of the games I play such as Empyrion: Galactic Survivial which can run up to 80C in the summer. Firestorm runs SL at around 62C, which is about what Sims 4 runs at. And just for comparison: ASUS M51BC Series Windows 10 Home 64bit AMD FX(tm)-8300 Eight-Core Processor, 3.3 GHz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) RAM 24 GB ASUS GeForce GTX 1050 OC 2GB
  12. Then Carpenter's glue or he needs to replenish his stash.
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