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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. A thread? lol There were two that were 10k plus posts and the summary thread. Not to mention a couple of others that didn't take off. And then of course the JLU had to try to jump in defending all that crap. Those threads gave me something to read with my morning coffee.
  2. I thought I remembered you being there as well. Those were some crazy days. ?
  3. Lost it again when it went from SLU to VV1. I had somewhere around 14/15k. You don't want to know how many posts I had on the old and older SciFi forums.
  4. belligerently belying bilious boiling bubbles
  5. You're just using that as an excuse to pump up the number of your posts. *nods knowingly*
  6. What viewer do you use? If you are using Firestorm you can back up your settings and restore them. https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/backup_settings
  7. OMG a three way with 2 Jasons! You are so devious. Hope they don't read the forums.
  8. *whistles innocently* https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[keywords]=jason+momoa
  9. I agree with one exception. I will not emote pixel sex. For the simple reason that I don't do pixel sex. I am terrible at it and it really doesn't do any thing for me. Yeah... no... sorry not interested in watching someone else get their jollies while I either fall asleep at the keyboard or fall off my chair laughing.
  10. Is this the one where you answer "rub their belly and see if anything pops up"?
  11. I stopped reading at the first "wait for it". My eyes glazed over.
  12. My condolences to the family and friends on the loss of their loved one.
  13. The best prim babies are the ones that can't be seen or heard.
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