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  1. I am appealling to Linden Labs and all those with the power on Second Life to help me and intervene in this affair - this is urgent! A bitter person on Second Life is using an avatar to turn me into a BO BO DOLLY...she has some photos of me inRL whcih were leaked by my ex husband (jealous looser...) and she is now modelling the avatar on ME IN RL... She is then making the avatar jump off buildings, fall into the sea, fall into fire, injure itself, jump in front of vehicles, shoot its head off...this is to hex me and cause me serious injury in RL. She even made some clothes to match a photo of me that was leaked, she and my ex husband are trying to destroy me... This has to be banned! Linden Labs needs to BAN this dolly, I could be killed in RL. This is really sick. She is tryin g to kill me using witchcraft and is getting away with it because the TOS is pedantic - how can I bring this to the CEO/chairman of the board and report it to make sure she HAS to ban it?
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