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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Do you not see the contradictions in your own words?
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_treaties
  3. It's rather difficult to trust when trust has been betrayed time and time again. Discover for yourself how many treaties were honored by the American government and how many have never been upheld. You'll find the have nots (referring to treaties) far outweigh the haves.
  4. That is true for some but it is not true for all of them.
  5. We say Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ. All are related. Aho!
  6. They tend to not like themselves very much too.
  7. Depends on the point of view. Humans do some really crappy things to other humans simply because people are different and some have an irrational fear of those differences.
  8. I am not white. I am Lakota. Oglala Lakota.
  9. You can start with Charles Eastman. And follow up with: http://college.cengage.com/english/heath/syllabuild/iguide/mathews.html ETA: You may also want to read Russell Means' Where White Men Fear to Tread.
  10. What the? I'm pointing out a fact to you and you call me a racist? You have no idea how absurd that is.
  11. You keep using the word war. It is the wrong word to use. Seriously. History is written by the victors/conquerors to make them good. Try reading something written by the conquered instead. There were battle yes but the concept of war didn't exist.
  12. You've been reading the wrong history books. Try reading some that weren't written by white men. You'll find that most tribes were not engaging in wars, much less waging wars to gain more territory.
  13. Just wait until someone starts fanning the covers.
  14. Guidelines? Community standards? Magna Carta?
  15. They can? Man, I wish you guys would quit changing the rules.
  16. Why not just go straight to the source? Ebbe didn't start SL, Philip did. Ergo, it's all his fault.
  17. I have to blame it one someone. Would you prefer that someone to be you? No? Awww. You spoil all my fun.
  18. Took you long enough. It's been on YouTube for a very long time. Not that version but an original recording. I had the album.
  19. Dear Philip Rosedale, Do you see this? Huh? Do you? YOU did this! It's all on YOU! It's all YOUR fault! Best regards, et cetera, et cetera,
  20. This is more fun. You get to sing AND dance.
  21. Get out of my head! I was thinking crackers though. And fanning the covers.
  22. No brunch or supper? I still have trouble remembering which comes first, dinner or supper, and have to look it up. Dagnabbit, now I gotta look it up again.
  23. Aren't you supposed to drink your tea and eat the cakes and cookies? Or is it biscuits? Teacake? Scones! That's it! And finger sandwiches! Whew! That was close!
  24. I really do not like having to go back to the future just to turn around and go back to the past to pick you up. AGAIN! Next time it's gonna cost ya.
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