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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. The only thing I disagree with is regarding resources. There are not enough to sustain the way humans live currently. There is far, far, far too much waste. Look up how many tons of food WalMart throws out on a daily basis. Much of it doesn't need to be thrown out. If people would put refrigerated items back into refrigeration, stores like WalMart wouldn't have to throw out tons of meat and other foods that require refrigeration. Anything that isn't put back properly by the customer is thrown out regardless of whether it's been out 5 seconds or 5 hours. It will never happen. Everything is disposable, including people.
  2. I wish. I got to drive one once but it was red. The owner was an antique car collector. The ex got to drive the Bentley.
  3. Do you sound like Vincent Price, Peter Lorre or Boris Karloff? Or Bela Lugosi? Or Max Schreck?
  4. I would. Without a shadow of a doubt. You should never be in the company of anyone with whom you would not want to die. ~Frank Herbert
  5. From what I'm seeing it's the physical manifestation of the fight or flight instinct. Not something I care to monkey around with, in case of possible harmful side effects no one is aware of yet.
  6. If you don't pay your property taxes your land/home can be taken from you and auctioned to cover the unpaid taxes. If your state charges sales tax, you won't be able to buy anything if you don't pay the sales tax. There are consequences for not paying taxes. Is anyone prepared to pay the consequences? Somehow I doubt it.
  7. I think I'll just stick with melatonin, a bowl and certain episodes of How the Universe Works, season 1.
  8. I've already been told to shut up and sit down more than once and accused of saying things I never said so... there you go. No point in saying anything since no one wants to hear the truth.
  9. Just go for the meatball sandwich. It's much more satisfying. Just squeeze and twist and squeeze and twist.
  10. Low voices droning in the background, My parents quietly conversing in the den with the tv on low.
  11. Well, there is a market of at least one. Make that two. Neither of us would be considered a gamer, we both build our own PCs and buy stock ones, we both use SL and before SL there was AW, where we met over 20 years ago. There is a market, albeit a small one. Possibly minute.
  12. Apparently. I don't either. Maybe ask the guys who came up with the idea for Jack@$$? I'd trade Jack@$$ for Max Headroom any day.
  13. You've never had the hair on the back of your neck stand up? Me either. My hair has never been that short.
  14. I never said you did anything of the sort. You said I was trying to keep you from speaking up when that was not the case at all. Done with this.
  15. In no way, shape or form am I trying to shut anyone up and I don't appreciate the insinuation. This is what happens every time POC try to speak up. They get accused of trying to shut the discussion down, when it's the exact opposite, by the very people who say they want to listen.
  16. I love it! And I love it when I inspire someone to do something creative! Thank you!
  17. @Gatogateau I know your heart is breaking. Stop a moment and think of how many centuries our hearts have been broken on a daily basis. When you can see the difference, then you will understand that it wasn't meant as a poke at you.
  18. Did you notice the pool of blood that started forming immediately under the old man's head? I did. It doubled in size before you could no longer see.
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