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Xeriko Melnik

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  1. Can't you apply that same "principle" to study non-humanoid representations? Wouldn't it be equally interesting, from a "social science" perspective, to know/understand why humans prefer certain non-humanoid avies instead?
  2. CZ Slim body? It's not a "you" thing... unless we're doing the same mistake: there's always a seam with Lelutka heads at least (that's what I use), even with matching head+body skin (+ neck layer) from same creator designed for this particular body. I've been using a neck tattoo to hide it (chockers can be "effective" too). 🤷‍♂️ I've been told it might be due to my lighting settings, but I don't have seam problems with other bodies under the same lighting conditions...
  3. Lelutka has a couple (maybe three) pretty nice Asian-oriented heads (sorry that's the only designer I can recommend because that's the only one I use). As for skins, I think every skin designer have several Asian skins, but from memory, check out Avarosa, Stray Dog, and Not Found.
  4. From their message, they know how to update links and reorder layers. They just want to know if there's a way to update approx. 700 outfits quickly. Me: 700 outfits?!?!?! Why? 😮
  5. The Vertigo LeBond skin @Stephanie Misfit posted about a while back is the only skin I've seen so far for this CZ Slim body. It's pretty good, but you may need to use a neck blender to match most popular head skins (not a big problem, but something to be aware of). be.raon does have several EvoX head skins you could try as well (and then you won't need to worry about neck blenders).
  6. Not three, only two: Gianni and Davis (for people looking to buy a new body). As @KjartanEno said, Signature retired Geralt and "replaced" it with Davis.
  7. Hola. Aunque llevo muchos años en SL, no me considero experto en nada que tenga que ver con la moda o los avatars (suelo pasar meses e incluso años sin un cambio de ropa, por ejemplo), pero por si esto te ayuda, aquí van mis comentarios y de manera práctica. Mis disculpas por adelantado si algún comentario o recomendación va con un tono un tanto pesimista. Pieles: Encuentro que casi todas son muy parecidas, tal ve les cambien un poco el tono del color, unas veces las cejas, o un poco de brillo en los pómulos, otras tantas en los labios, pero son casi todas iguales. Cuando compro, casi siempre ha sido de Stray Dog porque encuentro que ofrece más variedad racial que las demás tiendas. Tengo un par de Tableau Vivant, de las nuevas; otro par de Clef de Peau. En el pasado compré algo de Not Found, pero en mi opinión "reciclan" mucho en el caso de las pieles para hombres. Avarosa tiene algunas cosillas interesantes si buscas una apariencia juvenil (no tan marcada masculinamente) y he probado recientemente algunas de Vendetta, pero si eres detallista tal vez no te causen buena impresión. Volkstone sacó recientemente algo nuevo y Belleza creo que tiene tres nuevas pieles que lanzó con la actualización de su cuerpo mesh que tal vez podrías tratar. (no añado LM para las tiendas porque no estoy en SL en este momento y hago el recuento de memoria). En realidad, depende de la imagen que quieras crear. AO: si prefieres comprar un paquete que venga ya confeccionado, Vista Animations. No son muy baratos (rondan los 3000L si no me equivoco), pero funcionan bien integrados. Tatuajes: Me gusta Garden of Ku, pero también he comprado de Dappa y Bolson. Otras tiendas conocidas son Vegas Tattoo, Letis Tattoos y Meshmafia; de estas últimas creo que nunca he comprado, pero las he visitado Accesorios: De esto no puedo ofrecer recomendaciones (tal vez sea muy básico yo), excepto de ojos, que aunque casi siempre uso los que traen las cabezas, he comprado de Gloom y Avi-Glam. Creo que también tengo algo de Avarosa. O pelos: Dura, Modulus y Wings; hay muchas más. ¿Zapatos? Ni idea; los que uso los trajo Cristobal Colón en su último viaje a América... Maquillaje: La cabeza que compres puede que ya tenga lo que uses con más frecuencia (las de Lelutka, que has dicho que es la que comprarás, tiene algunas opciones --no muchas-- que se pueden graduar y combinar --dos de ellas a la vez--), pero Gloom tiene algunos productos para hombres que funcionan como maquillajes y realzan las características o los detalles de la cabeza que uses, especialmente tienen algo para destacar los labios, que es en lo más que fracasan las pieles. Cuerpo: El cuerpo de The Mesh Project es muy popular y es muy bonito, pero si todavía no has comprado, el cuerpo de Belleza finalmente recibió una actualización recientemente y lo han puesto al día (excepto las manos, que siguen siendo rígidas, pero eso se resuelve on el AO de Vista Animations, si te vas por ahí). Es muy bueno (hay quienes dicen que el mejor de SL), existe para él muchísima ropa y ahora mismo creo que está en descuento por su reintroducción, por 1500L. Creo que es el más barato en el mercado ahora mismo (el de Mesh Project es probablemente el más caro en SL). Cabeza: Sí, Lelutka, en mi opinión ofrecen más variedad (creo que hay como seis para varones) y son fáciles de usar. He visto que alguna gente va bien con Akeruka (no estoy muy seguro que ese sea el nombre correcto; me corrijen los que sepan) y otros con Catwa, pero no tengo experiencia con los productos recientes de ambas tiendas. No has preguntado por ropa, pero como dijo Orsini, Deadwool produce ropa de calidad de variados estilos, aunque es más conocida por sus atuendos más formales. Igual Cold Ash. Para ropa menos "convencional" tal vez haya, sorpresivamente, más opciones. Como mencionara también Elena, para hombres, es mejor ir a los eventos, como The Men's Department y Man Cave, porque ir a las tiendas directamente puede ser frustrante. Hay otro: Men Only tralalá (perdona, no estoy seguro del nombre), pero los otros dos conocidos. La recomendación de Seraphimsl.com puede ser tu mejor parada. Saludos... P.D. Añado: Prueba todo 500 veces antes de comprar...
  8. ¿No has preguntado a tus amigos si, cuando añaden un contacto nuevo, esa persona recibe la tarjeta con el nuevo nombre únicamente (sin rastro del nombre anterior, que sería lo más lógico) o refleja todavía el nombre antiguo en alguna parte como dices (algo que veo difícil que ocurra en estas circunstancias)? De ser lo primero, a partir del cambio no tendrías que preocuparte por eso. Tus viejos contactos, de todos modos, sabrían que eres tú aun cuando cambies el nombre, me parece...
  9. Hace no mucho que le comenté lo mismo a una de mis amigas: SL necesita emojis. 😆
  10. You're absolutely right. When I realized that was when I decided it was time to pack the prims and move somewhere else.
  11. The post was not about what to do with the bots nor me abandoning the land. As I said, I already "solved" that problem by moving to another region. It was about me worrying about a stranger I shouldn't be worrying about in the first place, and figuring out if I should try to help somehow (that was me thinking the person might have a problem, when probably it isn't so). ...and: Those two comments gave me the information I was looking for, so thank you. ..etc. Yes, that's why I wrote the post: to seek some "fresh" opinion, and it indeed helped me see some perspective that I simply overlook (the two comments above).
  12. I guess you didn't read all the message? (it was indeed a long post). To clarify, I left the place just two weeks ago, after ARing the issue again in January. And yes, at first I was having a problem with the bot issue, hence why I put it on my profile (where I can add whatever I want) because after living in that region for 4 years (6 years counting 2 more years I spent there as a tenant), you can guess I did invest enough time and money to maintain several parcels. I liked those parcels a lot, and didn't think it fair having to move out just because someone else thought putting two dozen bots next door was a better use or resources (which might have been this person's opinion), so it wasn't that easy to simply move because buying more land in that place isn't as easy as packing things up and setting your stuff next door. Besides it was actually more like giving up than just simply relocating (I don't know if you understand what I mean). I took care to avoid all possible name (even gender) references in what I posted, so I don't know why you conclude I'm just harassing whoever this person is (or did I leave something in the text to suggest an identity?) You're right, I'm not an expert whatsoever in mental issues or anything related to human behavior. Hell, I'm not even used to deal with private issues inworld. After almost 13 years in SL, this is the first time I have to deal with an out-of-the-ordinary situation. That's why I decided to consult this forum (my mistake?): I didn't want to do anything else that would be totally inappropriate. Now some of you, it seems, think even posting here was inappropriate (?). So I do appreciate your observation. My point was this: Yes, I don't know this person, but TO ME this behavior is not that "normal," from my limited and inexperience perspective. Should I just walk away and ignore it entirely, or try to know if there's something else that can be done (in case there's really a problem), or is it just me and my ill-judgment, from my limited perception? So far, it seems I should just let it be, and avoid posting in this forum as well (?).
  13. WIll try to make this as short as possible... Four years ago I bought a few parcels in a well-known --even privileged-- zone in Mainland. Before a month has passed someone built a platform in a 512 sq.m. parcel across the street. Shortly after that a persistent bot problem began. At first I didn't mind it that much because there weren't too many bots; I even thought it was a group of friends meeting up there regularly and having some fun. After all, the parcel is group-owned (ownership is associated with a group that isn't necessarily restricted to that particular mainland zone), so group activities could be a thing. As time went by, the problem kept growing, and I found out it weren't group parties over there, but some people (I think it's actually a single person) playing a certain SL-based game that, apparently, give players some titles as their alliance numbers grow up. Things kept complicating, up to the point when last year, a total of 29 bots were set on that sky platform for hours on end, on a daily basis. Region performance dropped or course, some neighbors began to leave, and after consulting some friends and some well-versed neighbors in this type of regional conflict, I resorted to AR. Last January I filed an AR for the last time, and then also left the place. The number of bots went drastically down a few days later, as usual: up to 12 bots a couple of hours a day, so I thought LL may have looked up the problem once again and done something. Yet, yesterday afternoon onward a wave of new accounts creation started and lasted for several hours. By the time I logged off a total of 53 avies have been born and TPed to that sky platform (though the number of them never surpassed 7 at a time). I don't know if there's a way to auto-create SL accounts or if whoever does it has to work them one by one, but yes I counted 53 of them. And now is when the bot dilemma becomes secondary, because my concern now is: Is this a sign of some kind of an addiction problem? Or is it normal behavior among this game players (the other game, not SL itself) to create so many accounts periodically (yes, that wasn't the first batch of bot creation either) just to play a "game within a game"? I don't think I should attempt another AR because the issue here is no longer SL per se. So should/would you do something else to approach this situation? I haven't contacted any avies directly (thinking about the suspect's friends --yes, there are some names in his profile and even a partner as well) because with so many alts floating around I'm not 100% certain who is responsible for them (yes I have a name since you leave your "fingerprints" in all objects you rezz around). I also want to avoid any drama, big or small. I did inform the group co-owner about the situation in hopes she, as group co-owner, could do something on that group-owned land, but her advice was to keep watching region performance and AR if I thought so. Of course, I can move on and forget it all, since I already moved out of the region as I said. But if this actually reflects a potential health issue, would you recommend some other approach, or would you just walk away?
  14. Oh, don't worry people, I understand how the game works. I was a GoH player for a couple of weeks too, after figuring out what was going on (it didn't take too long). I was just trying to agree with @Chloe Dolores in terms of settling in+down to give regions the time to become stable and maybe form communities (as time zone differences permit), and giving more people their own chance to find their dream parcel.
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