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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. MollyHampshire wrote: I think a good shape is one that doesn't look like barbie, unique is good. there is nothing wrong with having a barbie shape if it's presented well.. the shape is just the canvas to a whole look that could take it in a total different direction.. bimbo's come in all shapes and sizes hehehe you can be just as unique in whatever a barbie shape is as in any shape.. unique doesn't come from a shape..it comes from presentation of the total package..the shape should be a small part of what is considered unique in a look.. 
  2. there is no drama like club drama.. there is nothing wrong with venting..and there is nothing wrong with losing it once in awhile..people that say they never lose it are so full of it lol we are designed to lose it or we start to lose hair from stress..the reason they call it venting is because you have to relieve pressure sometimes or you just turn sour and one day start to explode big time for little tiny reasons.. i used to work at one of the big clubs for a few years..trust me i know the the feelings you are having.. don't let some internet ego bug you ..it becomes hard for people that get way caught up to see anything outside of their sims..it all becomes about the club..anyone in the slightest having anything against it or hurting it in the slightest can all of a sudden have the whole team of dancers dj's and drama squad tearring at them for the smallest of crumbs of brown nose points hehehehe just move on..it may feel empty for a little bit ..but you will later see just how silly some get and how cultish it can be to get way too inlove with some places in sl.. just keep the experience as a guide in how far you will dig in next time..not so much as the last..i know i won't spend that much time in one place like i did with my old club.. there are so many out there that it would be a waste to spend it all in one place anyways.. here you can join my club..it's free and you stay free too.. it's the special most exciting club in all of sl.. because you are we all are *winks*
  3. i beleive you go into your dashboard and then there is something to click to agree..i saw one in mine even though i already did age verification lol here is what it said in my dashboard under he age verification tab..it had my birthday above it and a check box next to this line.. By checking this box, you're confirming that the date of birth entered above is true and accurate. Adult content in Second Life is just that — for adults only. We'll spell it out for you: if you are under 18, do not check this box! If you are — check it, and off you go!
  4. omg lets not forget the ones that thought they had protection in the bag with no rezz script protection... if you rez this item a warning will im me that you are trying to steal my content and the content will delete .. it went something like that.. i saw an item like that in a store and wrote the whole store off as a never visit again just so i didn't make the mistake of buying a no rezz protected hair or clothes.. no rezz with resize script.. they still had seen their stuff in those fly by night content theft malls that would pop up with all the stolen stuff from tons of creators...maybe even more so for egging those botter guys on hehehe
  5. i think it is a fun idea for sure =) i think lots will like it as well..i love playing with shapes..this kind of gives you a stand next to type of gague that lets you go with the purportions or get really wild as well in an organized kinda way hehehe thanks for the new link.. I'munna try it out and have some fun wiff it hehehe =)
  6. Shannon Minoptra wrote: So, now nothing is ever going to stop minors from getting involved with sex with adults on SL? Why do teenagers even make teen accounts these days? nothing was ever in place to stop them..everyone knew you couldn't stop them..it was to protect everyone by making them lie even more than they did when making their account..to seal the deal..not only lying when the account was created..but a second time in verification to get to that content..
  7. it's not an open door policy as far as the grid..they are only open to G..not the whole grid..G is only part of the grid.. LL still needed to make sure everything was separated before they could make a move like they did..that under aged would still have to lie or cheat to enter those areas they are not allowed.. breaking into restricted areas no matter how they do it..they are to blame for breaking in to represent someone they are not.. users in those areas would not fall to blame for looking at everyone in them as 18+..those are 18+ areas..blame falls to the ones breaking the barrier or climbing the wall..if not them then their parents.. not the users.. not unless they snuck under aged people in or knew that people were under aged and in there and did nothing about it and were found out for knowing they were under aged..
  8. this is the start of my VACATion so i'll be next monday won't be just another oh no not for me vacation girl cause i'll be on So now it's time to open up the can of and let loose...TGIV!!! LOL
  9. Did you take it off the market? the link seems to only be going to the market place and not linked to your item?
  10. it could be your Intel chipset for your onboard video Do this..Go to the log in screen and then click "Help" then "About(viewer name)" then copy that information and paste it here..that will show what may not be fitting requirements if there is a problem with those.. you need to have an Intel 945 chipset or better to run second life.. Second Life may not run on graphics cards other than the ones listed above. The following cards are NOT compatible with Second Life: NVIDIA cards that report as a RIVA TNT or TNT2 ATI cards that report as RAGE, RAGE PRO, or RADEON 320M, 340M, 345M, or similar model numbers Intel chipsets less than a 945 including Intel Extreme Cards with the following branding: 3DFX, RIVA, TNT, SiS, S3, S3TC, Savage, Twister, Rage, Kyro, MILENNIA, MATROX 
  11. make sure your rezzor can reach that far.. also make sure you have the script in the root of those links that are not rezzing correctly.. another thing to check is to see if it can rez that many items.. myself i use rezzfoo which can reach in a whole sim and rezz a whole sims if i wanted.. also make sure that you are not rezzing to close to a sim edge..that can mess you up also.. thats just some of the things that may be going on.. what is the name of the rezzor you are using anyways?
  12. ok try this out and see if it gets you on your way..hope this helps =) http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=clean_reinstall
  13. if you were premium and the account went unpaid i would say they locked it..but they won't lock a basic that doesn't own them money unless you were AR'd for something.. i'm betting you are having viewer conflicts on the system somewhere.. let me find tha manual cache clean article for you as well..i would still try a clean install if you haven't already..
  14. have you tried doing a fresh install getting rid of everything and installing? i mean keep your IM logs by setting them into a different place until you are finished.. but i would try and clear out the old incase you are running into overlaping cache problems.. then do a fresh install of the viewers you are wanting to use making sure each has it's own cache
  15. if the item is in your inventory..Right click the item then choose properties and the profile button will show up for the creator.. also sometimes the creator and the seller are not the same person..so you may have too find out where the person had gotten the gift so you can contact the seller of the item..
  16. try changing your bald base and then doign a rebake..sometimes this helps
  17. i think it's a combining thing really..clubs tote tons of scripts as it is.. then get say 40 people hooked on huddles wearing prims with scripts from head to toe and you can tell thew difference when the club is dead or it's active.. i worked at the top traffice club for a few years and dj's used to always love to see if they could crash the sim by loading it up with people.. we wpould hit about 90 and start counting down and taking bets to how long before we crashed... no mall or venders tied to that sim..just the club itself ..the mall was in the next sim.. at about 40 is when you felt it coming on and movement getting slow..this was before sizer scripts were really used very much.. now you get 40 people in a sim and it feels like 90 used to feel..because there are so many scripts on people now compared to then lol
  18. how it works is this.. you have account verified and age verified..to be totally verified you would need both .. in other words ..if you are account verified you are not age verified... but you could enter some adult sims unless they have the sims set to age verified.. here is a link that may help for those that may not understand how it all works =) http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-verification-types/ta-p/805983
  19. ya thats right..she was in a coma..i haven't seen it in awhile hehehe.. i think the reason he can't be seen is because then she may fall into a deeper sleep thinking she is awake if he is there also..probably more than that comes into play also..like messing with memories..her having a memory and him not doing what she remembered ..
  20. it's always nice to see this one again..it's so enjoyable and sort of sad in a way also.. i believe that he builds all that for his wife that has passed away if i remember right..something like that.. just one of the best videos of all time =)
  21. well it is good to see it was fixed so quickly for you =) now get o0ut there and peep tom!! lol
  22. V2 uses the updated search..where v1's use the older search..and actually i believe it still depends on which v1 version you use as to which version of search you have in them as well..lol one of the v1 versions don't even show adult ..because they were before adult rating..so adult shows up as mature hehehehe you also have different protection filters depending on the version of the viewer you use as well
  23. All i know is this..when making an account and also doing that age verification or anything that can change the account..always double and triple check to make sure those sliders didn't jump to something else and that everything is 100% correct.. otherwise it's time to open the can of asprin.. cause LL will address you as the age you show them or whatever the part of information that is messed up.. i thought my fiance was gonna punch the monitor when he read that he can join the adult and moderate content when he reaches 18 in 2012..he lost it there LOL
  24. go there and make one and put pictures on it.. they have a setting now in one of the V2's i use and i don't know if they have it in phoenix or not..but you can upload your photos you take right to flikr now.. i mean if you wanted to hehehe
  25. well if there is a conflict they will ask you to verify manually..they asked my fiance to send all his stuff in..thats when he said this is getting crazy.. lol it was hard enough just to get him to make an account ..it's a mirical that he is in there now.. i was like..omg he is gonna give up any minute now... but he just told them after so many times that he is just gonna do it as he said he should have in the first place..now he is in lol Silly LL wabbits hehehe
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