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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. I can imagine that listening to the music at Motown might cause some to explore said music in 1st life more, and perhaps even purchase it. Personally, when visiting Motown, I noted a musician I'd not heard of, and found them on YouTube. I guess some do buy music they hear and like, so I see it as plausible.
  2. Peeve (joke peeve): Persephone is filling my head with unwelcome images, and right after my 3rd eye enhancement class last evening.
  3. Is there really any difference between using a one or two word dog whistle vs a several paragraph long post that cloaks the intent but is still just calling out to others who also rather go on about the OP personally vs the question raised? Just a long winded dog whistle IMO. What you used has become a meme, a symbol. As such I don't see anything wrong with it. It simply means someone who is overly critical regarding grammar usage. This differs from a dog whistle. I take your point though in that I think we need to be responding to what the poster is wanting here and not picking apart her grammar or how we imagine she should function as a PHD candidate in New Zealand.
  4. Paedophiles wouldn't exist in SL if there were no child AV's . Perversion IS legal, as long as it involves no illegal; activities. Pedos would not exist here if sex was not allowed too. We have to be careful throwing out the baby with the bath water. Lots of child avatars learn about themselves via being children in SL, so would not want to toss their rights. pet peeve: sometimes it's so hard to sort out what's right for any world
  5. There is a difference between casual conversation, or even serious conversation, and someone looking for others to do their doctoral work. I took every thesis, every dissertation I ever did pretty seriously. Students that don't, won't make it very far, in my experience. Having an advisor that doesn't help you take it seriously can be just as problematic. If it's presented as just a conversation, just someone looking to see if their own personal habits which are affected by sl is having the same experience as others, it's taken differently. Context plays a big role in responses you might get. That's like using dog whistles to rile people up which might get the responses you want, but it will also lessen anything you say moving forward. As I tell the 6 year old children "if you have to call people names to make your point, your point isn't valid". Well I agree with what you've said here, but there's another side -- it's more complicated and there's more context. I see our OP as a fairly new person here, and when people are new they don't know the ropes, and so I want to go a bit easy on them. In addition to being new she seems to be from another country, and so is further disadvantaged. I get how you value education and doing things right, but still I think we should cut her a little slack due to the facts I mentioned above. I get what you say about context in communication, and why some would find her post off-putting, but perhaps she used the mentioning of her educational status as a way to tell others she's on a serious mission and needs help. Had she posted in a casual way, as you mentioned, perhaps others would not take her seriously (most especially as a new person I've noticed others aren't too eager to help those not more established here). So you see, there's another perspective here as to how we should treat such a person, most especially when they don't know any better. I tend to reserve such criticism for those who consciously know they're infringing on rules, and am hesitant to criticize those who are more innocent. Of concern to me too, is how we treat new people in such a way that we demonstrate SL in general is a gracious, welcoming place. Nothing demonstrates such a dynamic better than how we treat new people. Who knows...she could have become an interesting forum member, teaching us the ways of New Zealand. But now I'm concerned she finds this place unwelcoming and feels hesitant to return.
  6. I notice that when certain people fail in their attempt to disparage others, they probably report their own posts and any replies to that post and then scream for a lock. It's happened enough to see a pattern. I am so leaving this forum. The paranoia that develops as people turn on each other, using the moderation features, the power structure, of the forum to enhance their own power and cause division. It's what happens when people have to operate in an underhanded way to have a voice. Pet Peeve: I'll miss you all....even the ones who don't particularly like me. Waves ~
  7. This, right here, Rolig, is why I'm considering leaving the forum. If you are direct, and try to debate honestly, you are punished via thoughtful posts removed, perhaps even seen as trying to start a fight and slapped. While the ones who are rabble rousing with the dog whistles skate by without punishment. This makes discussions confusing and causes them to elevate into insanity. I suppose some think this is exciting -- causing drama while evading moderation, but for some it's really the only way they can add a needed point to the discussion. I can learn to play this game, or I can leave....but the latter is seeming more appealing atm. So yeah, this dog-whistle manipulation is annoying -- both inworld and on the forum.
  8. Sometimes I think it's also when a person wants to feel powerful, when in other parts of their life they feel powerless. Ima report your post here and feel a surge of power yeah!!!!!!!!!! This coffee isn't energizing me enough.... Oh, pet peeve: Need more caffeine...have to get up and make more coffee.
  9. LOL I heard that joke decades ago from someone with a PhD and I just couldn't resist sharing it. lol I see I use a surgeon in one of my comebacks in 2nd life, and so is fresh in my mind. People have tried to hire me for very cheap prices (like pennies for an hours worth of work), and say that I should do their job so cheaply because since I'm at artist I could complete it in very little time. I say to them, should a surgeon receive pennies for a job because it only takes them a minute to make the cut? In other words, it takes a whole lot of time and training to know where to make that 'cut'.
  10. In sl? People tell you they love you so that you feel obligated to them. Some people tell you terrible stories about their rl so that you feel sorry for them and do what they want you to do. Some are overly generous with gifts so that you owe them. Some message you constantly so that you don't have time for other friendships. And then there are the ones who randomly burst into tears so you have to walk on eggshells around them. I'm more savvy now than I was when I started about a year and a half ago. I found sl culture very confusing in the beginning. So emotional manipulation in 2nd life then? Yes I've experienced that too. But then it's common in 1st life as well. Basically, according to some, people are also the products that Paul is alluding to.
  11. a BS degree, we all know what BS stands for MS is more of the same a PhD is just piled higher and deeper; I hope you receive surgery from a highly educated person. If you don't, you're in big trouble.
  12. A relationship or marriage in SL lasting around 3 days sounds about average.
  13. We've learned now that if we see a thread we don't like we can just spam in it and the mods will lock it. I'm sure if I spammed here the thread will be locked instead of my posts deleted. Right? I don't think it's as much spamming a thread that gets a thread locked -- it's when we start to argue. It was the arguing over the use of the word 'incel' that caused it to get locked, IMO. You were partially responsible for that. Pet Peeve: the difficulties humans have when attempting to communicate, when communication is so important, and those who grief/troll in order to thwart effective communication
  14. Spending time @ the healing circle @ Satori. Amazingly...as I sat there...a woman I hadn't talked to in 9 years messaged me and gave me advice (out of the blue, without hearing about anything I was going through) that helped my problem. This kind of thing happens a lot to me. Synchronicity, as Jung explains.
  15. I focus on nature in SL...I'm a nature artist. Often I see various plants in SL that really strike me as beautiful, and this inspires me to buy the plant in real life! Sometimes when we look at art or objects in SL we pay more attention to them, and so develop more of a love for them. This can translate to RL. I imagine (for some people) this would also happen with clothes. * oh, I remember it happening with a rug many years ago I just had to have that pattern for my RL house too.
  16. You could start attending some of these events/classes...meet lots of people. They're more involved in RL stuff. I know some of them could direct you to RL education residents: https://www.virtualwholebrainhealth.org/calwbh/
  17. Hi RL consumption practices/patterns means that the real-life process by which people search, purchase and consume products in a way to meet all their needs or desires. For example, I like to wear a tight hugging mini skirt in SL, then I found that I like to wear the same type in my real life as well. For the brand I knew from SL, I will try to buy the product from the same brand in my real life. Do you have the same similar situation? Looking forward to hearing from you. Phil prefers the looser type miniskirt I believe. And I am being super silly.
  18. Pet Peeve: Not another guy misbehaving! Although, certainly we need a trial to know for sure. But accusations by 5 women does not look good! I was kind of starting to like Russell..thinking maybe he was a bad boy who redeemed himself, started getting into healthy eating and beneficial kinds of spiritual beliefs like ....love, treating all with kindness.. But now this....sigh. Personally I don't think it has anything to do with "the woke media" as someone mentioned earlier, cause the media sure went after Bill Clinton!
  19. I Concur!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOCK ER UP, LOCK ER UP, LOCK ER UP!!!!! Pweeese
  20. It might be to do with his having had some appearances on a channel not loved by woke media. He's been accused of some horrific stuff: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/sep/17/russell-brand-broadcasters-launch-investigations-abuse-allegations
  21. Guess you missed Phil and Akane making a date Having tea is not the kind of dating we're talking about here.
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