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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. No..........my bad. I meant to reply to the original post. I wasn't disgreeing with you at all. I don't have any Linden friends or ex-Linden friends that I know of but every occassion I've ever had in dealing with any Linden employee (in-world, support, or billing on the phone) as been quite pleasurable........even if I didn't get exactly what I wanted or expected. I cannot think of a single occassion over 6 years where I've ever been treated badly, rudely, or made to feel I was bothering or otherwise them trouble with even the most silly "issue". I had a Live Chatter even come in-world to help with a problem I was trying to get fixed with a sim restart.......he agreed with me and restarted the sim while standing right next to me on the adjacent sim. They do care about us.
  2. Well, how would you like to be called a moron, idiot, and low life all the time? And not be able to even flip the peron off for saying those things. Everyone seems to think they are experts yet I haven't seen any of them create or even help to create a grid like Second Life. It's been tried numerous times over the years..........and every attempt has been less than stellar. There's got to be a reason for that...........don't you think?
  3. If you were messing around in your graphics settings in preferences try setting them back to the "recommended" that the viewer determined by the hardware installed in your computer. That will probably set your graphics to a pretty low setting and then you can slowly, one setting at a time, adjust them back up to where you have what you want. A few things that usually give people problems with textures rezzing slowly is anistrophic filtering enabled, anti-aliasing set too high (4x is usually pretty good), draw distance set too far (128 meters gives a draw distance of half a sim distance), shadows and depth of field enabled (you need a fairly strong graphics card for those to work even mediocre). If you were playing with bandwidth try setting it back to 500 kbps (that's the default and it's actually a good setting for most computers..........if you know your computer, network and connection can handle more then setting it to about 80% of what your system can handle should give you a slight increase in performance (but usually not enough to worry about it. If you set your bandwidth above what your system can handle you'll get packet loss which will give you more problems than having it set too low. Your operating system shouldn't cause you any problems even if you did mess with those settings (well, you dug into some settings like overclocking your CPU or GPU without knowing what you were doing, you could really cause problems.....with more than just SL). You may need to update your video driver but probably not so don't jump to that conclusion just yet.
  4. ATI, AMD, nVidia or any other hardware manufacturer is not likely to have any driver written with Windows 8 in mind for a while yet. MS just released the preview a few days ago.......the preview is not the final release. And manufacturers are not likely to waste both time and energy (not to mention risking introduction of bugs that effect current releases of MS operating systems) on software that is beta and could change drastically or even not ever be released in it's final form. The Windows 8 preview is beta............the final release is probably not going to be very much like the preview.
  5. To Microsoft's credit the do warn you on the download page. If you read it and follow some of the links MS provides you would know it's a full on operating system beta release. They even warn that unless you are experienced with uninstalling and reinstalling operating systems that the "preview" may not be for you. Heck even finding the ISO download was confusing to me..........but I have it if anyone wants it. As it is now, it's a pretty shiny purple coaster (to add to my collection).
  6. It probably can. There was someone else who had issues with Win 8 the other day. From his discription of the problem it appeared to be a driver problem for his video card (which makes sense with a new OS). He later said he got the problem resolved but even after 3 requests about what the problem was so that people like you could see how to possibly fix a similar problem, he never responded. I just got done wiping my drive on my other computer because I messed up (actually, I don't think I messed up so much as the ISO setup that Microsoft gives is funky.......but that's just my opinion. I created a partition for Win 8 on the drive to install it so that I could keep my Vista on that computer too.........the installation over wrote my Vista OS even when I designated the installation on the partition (drive J). I got miffed and wiped the drive last night and into today (it took 23 hours and 20 sometime minutes to wipe..........I'll never do the DOD 7 pass wipe again ). Make sure you install the Preview where you want it. I really was careful about selecting the drive but it installed on drive C anyway. There's no going back if you overwrite you OS........you must reinstall your OS if you decide you don't want Win 8. Microsoft is calling it a preview but it's really just a beta release.
  7. Is this the one you are looking at? http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/Asus-F50SF-A1-Intel-Core-2-Duo-P8700-Laptop-w-100.00-Mail-in-Rebate/4108447/product.html That's a pretty hefty price tag for a computer that will only run SL at mid settings under good conditions. Shadows and depth of field are probably out of the question. Keep shopping. You can do much better at the $1,000 range.
  8. I can't sleep either. I just did the DOD wipe of the drive on my other computer to the tune of 20 hours, 20 some odd minutes and now I have to install an operating system on it.
  9. In addition to what has already been said in this thread, all I have to add is "the world doesn't wait on anyone". You want what SL has to offer then you need the equipment to take advantage of that offering.........otherwise, move over. You're holding up progress (well, not really since Linden Lab ain't going to wait on you to catch up).
  10. I've actually done something like that myself......so you're not the only one. What I had done that sort of stumped me for a few minutes is that I had forgotten to show the layers that made up part of my cothing texture (mine was a shirt instead of pants) when I went to save the final texture for upload. I use GIMP and somehow I turned of the little eye to make the layers visible on my texture image. I know it sounds silly to save something with part of it not visible but I did it and so can someone else. Another thing I did that really had me going was that I created a nice system skirt but I used the pants template instead of the skirt template (they are different even if they look similar). Make sure you are using the proper template for the clothing item.
  11. First thing to check would be how hot your computer and it's hardware is getting in that 10 to 15 period of time. Get some hardware monitoring software........Google "hardware monitoring" and you'll find many programs and quite a few are free. Install the software and monitor you hardware (specifically your video card) while in SL. If the temps approach 95 C, it's time to shut down SL and find out why. If you are using a desktop a good cleaning of the insides is easy (take the side off and blow out everything, including fans and power supply). A laptop is a little more difficult (only the extremely experienced, brave or foolish will attempt such a feat themselves). Take it to reputable repair shop. A cooling pad is very helpful too. Another thing is to check your memory modules.......a failing stick of system RAM can cause the problem too.
  12. I shop much more than I buy. I look for everything with no specific item in mind (well, sometimes I will go a search for something specific but usually don't find it and wind up either not buying anthing or something else that just hit my fancy at the moment). I won't alter my shape to fit my clothing so it's rare that I buy prim clothing but I do get ideas that I use to make my own if I really want something prim. I don't know how to make meshes (though I'm about to jump into Blender again to try) so I don't own any mesh clothing.......that could change if I see something I really like enough to take the chance that it will fit properly on my shape. To answer you question: It's basically all about the mood I'm in at the moment I see it.
  13. "How do I start to play Second Life if the app keeps crashing?" ---------------------------------------------- If I'm reading your question correctly, you are crashing when you try to start your viewer, or you crash when you try to log in. If that's the case some computer specs are necessary for anyone to help. If you can launch the viewer, click on the "Help" menu before you attempt to log in and then click on "About Second Life". You'll see your basic computer specs listed. Copy those and paste back here for people to see. If you can't launch the viewer without crashing then tell us what type of computer you are using (laptop, desktop, Windows based machine, Mac, Linux, ect.), what your graphics adapter is (dedicated nVidia or AMD/ATI) or if it's an intergrated graphics accelerator (either on the motherboard on the CPU), what your connection speed is for your access to the Internet, and how you connect (wirelessly or Ethernet). It's also helpful if you tell us what viewer you are using (SL official or a third party viewer). Don't start a new thread to give this information (we all know the software for this forum dosen't allow a thread starter to respond in their own thread). Use the "Options" in the upper right corner of your initial post and "Edit" to add the information or a comment.
  14. Your laptop is not the market Linden Lab is looking for. A first generation flat bed 1/4 ton pick up is also not what the transportation of goods across the roads industry (truckers) are looking for either. Keep up or get left behind..........a fact of life everywhere. Especially in the technology field. Are you still using an analog cell phone?
  15. It sounds like a sign with a script in it that will rezz an item for you to look at before you buy it. I can see pre-fab home builders using it to demostrate how the house would look in 3D.....maybe furniture builders would find it useful too. I'm sure it's going to be a temporary rezz of the item.......... a few minute for you to get a good look at it.
  16. on 03-02-201210:07 PM There is a certain person whose SL store is full of products that are exact or almost exact replicas of very popular RL brands' products. When I try to send an Abuse Report, it makes it sound like I can not submit it if it is not Copy-Botted. Then when I went to the website to see about sending a letter to LL about it, it seems as if it has to be MY copyright that is being infringed upon. -------------------------------------------------- That's because it is necessary for the person making the formal complaint (known as a DMCA Take Down) to be the owner of the intellectual property (or digital content) in question. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Millennium_Copyright_Act What is the best way to go about contacting LL about this deliberate copyright infringement? I am tempted to contact the companies themselves and let them take care of it. ------------------------------------------------------------- That's exactly the way to handle it.
  17. If she purchased the land on mainland either from Linden lab or a resident and if she pays her tier directly to Linden Lab monthly (for a plot larger than 512 square meters), then she does own the land.......and she will have terraforming rights on the land. If she purchased the land from a resident on private estate land and pays tier (rent) to the resident, then she does not own the land.........the person she "purchased" the land from does. Many estate owners "sell" the land which is really just some up front money you pay......sort of like paying your landlord a month or two advanced rent (but not really........just that idea). She will have to get the permissions to terraform from the landlord. I believe she is really just renting from an estate owner and does not own the land. My opinion on estate owners that pull this scam should be able to be AR'd for abuse..........but it's perfectly legal as far as the ToS is concerned. If you buy land directly from LL or another resident and it is mainland then when you click on about land your name would be shown as the owner.
  18. Well that's three requests (counting mine) for information that could help others..........I don't think an answer is in the works. Funny how people are quick to ask for help but when there's a chance that something they did or found they disappear. We'll only see this resident the next time he/she has a problem or question........then off to the secret place only they know about. Sometimes that makes me want to pull my hair out. I'm trying to be good......honest I am.
  19. Ceera, who is much more experienced as a builder than I am, gave you the answer. And, after thinking about what I said I believe when I did that trick I was on a wall that had a 32 bit texture (I made a round window on a wall that already had a couple or windows I created with my imaging program and uploaded as a 32 bit texture. In that case, my method would work but then you need to deal with the alpha sorting glitch OpenGL displays..........that's probably the reason I wound up redoing the whole house. It's been a long time and my memory is a little fuzzy. The hollow being on the z axis actually makes more sense to me. If it were horizontal then there would be complaints about why is the hollow on the x axis or why on the y axis? Hollowing vertically is what was chosen by whoever coded the feature into the building tools........he/she could have gone either direction but vertical is easier to deal with in my opinion.
  20. The hollow is always on the z axis of a prim.....that is to say top or bottom or bottom to top. The only way to fix your problem is to rotate your prim so that the z axis is horizontal instead of vertical and then adjusting your textures which is something you say you don't want to do. You can fake it by using more prims. Create a prim (probably a cube since it's a window) and push it through your stone wall where you want the windows, then texture the prims with a 100% transparent texture on all sides (all six sides or simply don't select a face and texture the whole prim). You won't be able to fly through or walk through the windows unless you make them phantom (which sometimes create problems with random prims, other than the desired prim, becoming phantom when included in a linkset).
  21. You can get the clothing templates and links to tutorials here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Creation_Portal On the converting your $L into real money you will need a verified PayPal account for LL to send the $ to after you've gone through the process credit discribed here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015 A word about the $L to $ exchanger rate. The linden dollar consistantly hovers around 250 lindens to 1 USD.....it fluctuates a little bit so that is approximate. That exchanger rate means that for each 10 linden dollars you convert to USD is $.04 (4 cents). Keep that in mind when you decide on pricing your items for sale.........competition is stiff so you'll be working at a very small "profit" margin. Second Life is not a get rich quick platform. To make any real money at all requires a lot of dedication and hard work..........it's best to think of your creations in terms of how much fun and satisfaction you get for your work (the money needs to be secondary.......a few pennies to put in your pocket once in a while). Patience and experience will pay off if you are serious about creating clothing but I'm sure a few here will attest to hard work required to cash out enough real money to visit Starbucks for a cup of coffee once a month or so.
  22. Rolig said "You have lost your way? Be calm. Tao is found within. " -------------------------------------------- I'm lost too,
  23. Make sure you downloaded the proper viewer file for the operating system your computer uses. A Windows installation file will not install on a Mac machine.
  24. Glad you got it fixed. But, it would be nice if you told everyone what the issue was.......you know, in case someone else decides to give Win 8 a try. Just my opinion.
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