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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. Why would you want to install the driver from the CD and then immediately replace it with the newest driver from nVidia? Just go the the nVidia driver download site, find the current driver for you card and operatiing system, download it to your computer (the desktop is convenient and makes it easy to find), then uninstall the driver you are using now. When you reboot to finish the uninstallation don't let Windows search for or install and driver.......just close the pop-up. Go the downloaded driver setup you got from nVidia and install it. This time when you restart to complete the installation you'll be on the new driver. Try SL again.
  2. You're best bet would be to contact Billing Support directly. https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/
  3. If you were banned 3 years ago and you're still banned, you were "permabanned". That means exactly what it implies..........you were banned perminately. That means forever. What ever you did to warrant that action Linden Lab has decided that they don't want you back. Not then and not now. Linden Lab actually doesn't ban very much at all......and permabans are even more rare. You're going to have to do some serious jumping through hoops to get your computer/IP removed from the ban. Good luck but don't get your hopes up to high. Being young and immature 3 years ago is no excuse. 3 years ago you had to be 18 years old or older to even join the SL main grid (unless you lied about your age). An 18 year old is legally considered an adult in the US.........that puts some serious obstacles in the way about the "young" (and from that, immature) excuse. And, yes, I said excuse because it simply sounds like one to me.
  4. Have your friend either put payment information on file or age verify. One of those two things have to be done before anyone can visit "Adult" areas.
  5. I don't know who told you that, but I will tell you that what they told you is untrue. Second Life works wonderfully on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. And further SL works just as well with either 32 bit platform or 64 bit platform on all three operatiing systems. If you are having problems after your upgrade the source is likely to be drivers (specifically, video drivers). When you upgrade an operating system you actually replace the operating system......not just merging the new features of the new OS to the old features of the old OS. If you chose to "upgrade" over a "clean installation" the only things that are saved are most of your preference settings (but many of those settings will have to be reset to what you want). If you did the "clean installation" you actually deleted everything about Vista and then installed Windows 7. Using either method, your drivers probably did not survive the upgrade. And drivers for you video card are very important for SL to run.
  6. A Vista computer and Radeon graphics card is not the problem..........both work and depending on the performance of the model of your ATI/AMD graphics card quite well (some would say excellent). But I can't even guess why you crash when you launch the SL viewer. First a little more detail on exactly what happens when you try SL. Does it get you to the log in screen before you crash and you crash after attempting to log in? Or does it just crash immediately after clicking the veiwer short cut? And a little more than "a Vista computer and ATI Radeon graphics card". Specifically: How much system RAM, the ATI/AMD video card model (along with the onboard video RAM, if any), is your computer a desktop or laptop, how do you connect to the Internet........wirelessly (hopefully not) or hardwired with an Ethernet cable (Cat 5e). If you can get to the log in screen an easy way to get the computer specs is to click "About Second Life" under the "Help" menu at the top of the log screen. You'll see the basic computer specs of your machine on the first tab......copy those and paste back here. You can't respond to something in a thread you created in "Answers" so the best way to add the information is to use the "Edit" feature under the "Options" at the top of your initial post to start this thread.
  7. Objects and items placed on the land and not group owned (owned by the individual who placed the object or item) will not be effected in any way..........they will remain owned by the individual who placed them. And, if I remember correctly from when I sold my group owned land to my alt and back to me a long time ago, all the objects and items remain on the land and remain owned the the group until taken back by the owner of the group. I never deleted my old group so I don't know for sure what happens if the group is deleted. I think nothing since eventually my old group did get deleted when everyone left it a few months later.......I still have group owned objects (some that are probably original objects placed under the old group) and individual objects that are not group owned. I really don't think anything drastic happens but I can't swear to it. I would not delete the old group (or abandon it by ejecting everyone and leaving) until all the objects and items were taken back and replaced under the new group.
  8. That's personal information and Linden Lab does not reveal personal information. So the answer is no.
  9. @ iCade "... Also Peggy, white clouds aren't so much connection problems, the sound may be, but not the cloud problem. My connection is pristine, yes I called my provider when I had this problem, it was the eyebrows that somehow borked my avatar and I immediately showed up when I detached them." ------------------------------------------ There's almost an endless list of possible reasons for the "cloud" avatar (also known as "Ruthed avatar"). One of the most common causes is the communication between the user and the user's viewer to the Linden Lab servers not working properly or, in some way, gets messed up. That is a connection issue. Where that occurs can be anywhere between the user's keyboard and the LL asset server where the avatar data is stored, retrieved, and sent back to the user. In most cases that happens pretty flawlessly but not all cases.........and when something happens to disrupt or interfere with that communication the very first place to look is at the easiest (and very common) source of the problem. That source is the user's network (which consists of the network interface, the wireless or Ethernet connection to the Internet portal, the router and the modem). Routers and modems tend to stay turned on 24/7 for weeks or months at a time..........and almost all home routers and modems have small memory leaks which will cause problems in the data traffic being constantly transferred to and from the user (SL transfers a lot more than just regular Internet surfing). To dump the memory (clear the garbled data) and start over it's necessary to reboot the device with the memory leak (just like it's sometimes necessary to restart Windows machines that stay on 24/7). It's an easy process and something that is very often the source of the issue..........that's why I said to try it. But that is in no way the only issue that could cause the problem. In your case with the bald cap, that was the issue...........but that's just one more thing that could cause the problem. And there are a lot of things that could cause the problem. When trouble shooting or trying to fix a problem that has so many sources for the problem you have to start somewhere. And the logical (and most successful) progression is to do the easiest process that is a common cause first, then move the next step. You don't ever discount something until you eliminate it as a source.
  10. All the issues you discribed are symptoms of a connection problem. The most common source of connection problems originate in your home network. And the most common cause of home network problems is one of two things. A wireless connection or your router needs rebooting. To fix the wireless problem ditch the wireless and get an Ethernet cable and connect via that method. To fix the router needing rebooting unplug the router from it's electrical source and wait 3 to 5 minutes before plugging back in..........then reboot your computer to re-establish your Internet connection (you might as well reboot your modem while you're at it since a modem can cause a connection problem too.
  11. Linden Lab has the logs saved on the servers. Those logs are not accessible by anyone except LL employees who have the authority to access them (that means not all LL employees have access to those logs). A simple comparision of the copied chat log and the server chat log would reveal if something was manufactured. So, yes, they can "prove" that a log has been doctored.
  12. When did private IM's become protected from copy/paste? Back when I managed a club for a friend I often copied and pasted to Word IM's between myself and my friend for future reference on things he wanted done or not done by management. Sort like taking notes at a meeting. He was aware of my copy'paste activities...........in fact it was he idea to do so.
  13. All I got to say is that the other day (maybe a week ago) I almost got banned for being blunt and direct to someone. I hope you don't meet the same fate. Now I got to watch my p's and q's for a while. It's hard to bite your tongue all the time.
  14. According to the Grid Status page: ----------------------------------------- [RESOLVED] Unscheduled Maintenance Posted by Status Desk on April 4th, 2012 at 08:54 pm PDT [Resolved 9:33pm PDT 4 April 2012] All maintenance has been completed. [Posted 8:54pm PDT 4 April 2012] We are currently undergoing unscheduled maintenance. This may cause some Residents to be logged out or prevent some from being able to login. Please keep an eye on this blog for updates. ------------------------------------------------- http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ It looks like they fixed it about 5 minutes ago. Try again and if you are still having problems reboot your computer and try once more.
  15. Yeah, LL would have to want to sell before SL would be sold. But that's irrelevant in a rumor (or an attempt to get a rumor started).
  16. Clear the caches for each avatar on each viewer you use (2 viewers and 2 avatars equals 4 caches to clear). That should fix the problem but it will likely show up again........maybe a couple to a few days or months but it will likely happpen again. To prevent (or minimize) the recurrance move your caches to different folders on your computer. You can do that on the same tab you use to clear your cache. SL depends heavily on caches to speed up rezzing so any corruption of the cache usually causes problems and the most common reason caches get corrupted is the mixing that occurs when using multiple viewers and/or multiple accounts on the same computer. Separating them by moving them makes cache corruption a much less common problem.
  17. Without information about your computer, connection and setup it's nearly impossible for anyone to help. Use the "Options:" in the upper right hand corner of your post to "Edit" in order to give your specs.........don't start a new thread. In the mean time. Download the viewer setup file to your computer and run your anti-malware software across it. Then install from the downloaded setup file instead of running from the website. Often, if your connection is weak (such as a wireless connection) the installation will fail..........that happens when you run from the website instead of downloading and running from the downloaded file. Another thing..........make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements (but if you add the specs we can help with suggestions for that).
  18. Nothing on the Grid Status page http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ And I just logged in without a hitch. Try rebooting your router and computer.
  19. "... maybe less time should be spent breaking existing products so a handful of newbs unwilling to learn how to use their inventory can find there new shoes ... " ------------------------------------------------------------- So Linden Lab should spend more time appeasing a "handful or oldbies" on what is involved in making Second Life work at all? It's easy to rant and run your mouth because you have a problem and because you have a problem it absolutely must be because the people who created the platform are idiots and morons..........they don't care about customer base. They purposely break things just to keep that customer base all in an uproar. I mean, afterall, it's such an "easy thing to fix my problem." If you had a clue about what happens when you log into SL, you'd never make such a stupid statement as that. If it was easy, there would be hundreds of virtual worlds just like SL. If it was easy the Open Sim project would have buried SL years ago. If it was easy platforms like Blue Mars would not have gone belly up. You have a problem and that problem very likely originates at your end (your computer system or network) or within the Internet between your system and LL's system. Linden Lab cannot fix your problems, your ISP's problems or problems that originate on the Internet. Unexpected errors happen all the time............you see them when you are web surfing, you see them when you launch programs unrelated to the Internet. Unexpected errors are just that. Something went wrong and whatever it was you wanted to do failed. Your job is figure out why and in that figuring out jumping to "easy solution" by blaming others will seldom fix your problem. Do you blame your browser developer for every "unexpected error" you get when you are web surfing? Do you blame your browwer developer for a 404 error? Do accuse that developer of intentionally breaking things for you to make it easy for someone else? Do you realize how stupid that sounds to anyone who does have a clue about how things work?
  20. To get a Compaq to work in SL you will need a very light weight viewer. One that does not support mesh. You will need to set your preferences to low (you might be able to set some preferences higher than the minimum but don't bet on it). I believe some Compaq models do have the capability to install a discrete video card........if you have one of those, then you should be able to run SL somewhere near the mid-range on preferences (depending on the video card). However, from your discrcription I don't think you have such a model. Compaqs used to be somewhat of a higher performaning computer (though it's been a few years since those days......maybe 5 or 6 years). Compaqs today are low end machines........I'm not even sure they are quite up to the level of Emachines (which is universally known as low budget computers. Look for a viewer that is based on the old SL viewer 1.23 code. Set your preferences to the lowest and try upping some settings slowly until the viewer starts to show very bad performance (slow rezz, taking forever to load, etc). Do not even try to enable shadows, depth of field, shaders or any of the features that require a video card more capable of basic video rendering. You might help a little with more system RAM..........but, again, don't bet on it. As a general rule a Compaq is not suited for 3D graphics.........and SL is about the most intense 3D graphics program you can get. Until you replace the Compaq with a better computer, you're just not going to have a happy experience in SL. Sorry for the bad news.
  21. Whenever you encounter a problem with a program (Windows, any version, is a prgram....called an operating system but it's still a computer program) you generally ask how to fix the problem by going to the creators of the program that is having problems.......not the program that does not work properly because the program that creates the problem is just not doing it properly. Therefore, the proper people to ask your question are Microsoft. As Rolig pointed out, Windows 8 Preview is just that..........a preview of what Microsoft wants to release at some point in the future. It's not a final release and the information on the download page for the Preview version states that very clearly. It also states that you should install it on a different partition, different hard drive, a different computer or on some removable media (such as a flash drive) for the very reason that you cannot go back to your original Windows version once you install it over the top of the original Windows.....which is what it appears you have done. That's not a very smart thing to do and Microsoft warned you about such a move and you did it anyway.........you need to find your Windows 7 disk to fix your problem. You can contact Microsoft support of Windows 8 but I'm sure the answer is going to be the same......find the Win 7 disks or purchase another copy of your Win 7 or wait for the final release of Windows 8 (to which you'll be required to purchase the final release at that time). You have a problem because you didn't read the information on the download site or you read it and ignored it. Neither were a very smart thing to do. Contact Microsoft for more information.
  22. Go back to the driver you were using before you updated. If that driver was working before you updated then it's likely there was no reason to update in the first place. A little secret about drivers: If it's working and doing everything you need it to do the leave it alone. I using a driver that was released in July, 2010. It works, it does everything I need and want it to do so I won't update it until there's a reason to update it. Typically, you should update your driver when you get a new computer or a new video card, then leave it alone until something makes it necessary to update again...........the newest is not necessary (one that works is). System crashes can corrupt your drivers....update if that happens. And, it's always a good idea to record the driver version you are using so that you can go back to it if necessary (better yet, save the driver setup file so that it's easy to just reinstall it without having to search for it at the manufacturers driver download site).
  23. I've had 2 Cisco routers since I've been in SL and I never had to do any special configuring for access to SL. The only thing I ever did on either router was to lock it down so that random wireless connections could not be made through my router. I guess my question is: Why do you think you have to configure the router for SL to run? It should pass the up and down data right out of the box without having to open any ports (SL uses standard communication ports much like any browser). My suggestion is to reset your router back to the factory defaults. It's been a couple years since I reset a router (a Cisco/Linksys N30) but it's typically a matter of using a paperclip straightened on one end to push the recessed button.........hold it in for 5 or 10 secs. Then unplugging the router from it's electrical source and leaving it unplugged for 3 to 5 minutes. Plug it back in, let the lights settle to the normal blinking routine (about 30 seconds), rebooting your computer to re-establish your Internet connection and try SL again. I do recommend you lock your router down but that's an entirely different configuration.......check your manual for exactly how to do that. Also if you set a password for your router setup utility, you'll have to put the password back in after resetting to the factory defaults.
  24. We get these questions and threads all the time about how to change an account name to something else. It can't be done. I also can't be done with other games, sites that require the user to create an account user name, or anything on the Internet that require a unique user name.......your email account for instance. For the life of me I can't figure out why anyone doesn't take a minute of their time and think. The user name you are creating is the user name you are saying you want.......if you don't want it then don't create it. It's easy. Once you create that unique user name it's yours.........no one else can have it and it's set in stone. It can not be changed...............and you should have thought of that when you created it. If you want another user name then you have to create another account. Linden Lab allows individuals to have muliple accounts (each with an unique user name)........a lot of places don't allow that. If you don't like the user name you created then create another with a user name you do like. Or you can create a display name (but the user name is still the user name you created when you signed up the account). When you create another account think before you type in the name you want because if it's available it's yours and you can not change it later.........do you really like the name enough to live with it for the duration of your SL life? If not, then don't pick it. "LillyLovesBillY" is a great name until Billy strays over to Suzy.
  25. Strictly by the SL ToS the only things child avatars can not engage in is adult activities. There's no mention of weapons or role playing with weapons. Role playing in a sexual situation is strictly forbidden so I imagine Gorean role playing might be something to avoid as a child avatar. The owner of the sim where the role playing can alter their rules that might forbid child avatars with weapons so check the rules or covenant for the sim before you bring weapons as a child avatar.
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