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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. If, by being "inactive", you either let your premium membership lapse or you canceled the premium and opted for a basic account you lost the Linden Home the moment your account went basic (or was closed due to non-payment of the premium fee). Your Linden Home is no longer yours. You'll have to get a new one with your new premium membership (in other words, start all over again). If you haven't created a new membership (assuming you canceled it and went basic) then that's the first thing you must do (again). If you let the membership lapse (you didn't pay the membership fee when it due before your period of inactivity) then you need to create a new membership.......even for a basic account.
  2. And for Viewer 3 you go to the "Advanced" tab. **Discribing how to's is getting complicated with all the different viewers available.
  3. When I first started making clothing for SL I took the advice of one of the original creators in SL and uploaded the templates as clothing so that I could see where the UV's match up. It helped a lot for making system clothing to be able to see how critical some portions of the templates are for areas where the front meets the back and the upper meets the lower templates. Then when I started trying to make skins I uploades the complete templates again (this time including the head template) as a skin. I was really wanting to know how the UV's met around the neck and along the seam for the head (which is in the back instead of on the sides of the avatar). Again, that helped a lot to get my perspective correct. But I found the "template skin" much more useful for making prim clothing......which, for me, is much more fun. I don't do mesh (just too much trouble for an hobby) but I can see where a skin with all the UV's would be very useful for mesh. And it would also be useful for alpha layers since you are wearing the mesh as a skin instead of a clothing layer that you might want to use with your creation. Yeah, it's ugly but you don't wear it all the time.
  4. Pre-paid cards are iffy for use with any business. I've had my employer give me a pre-paid Visa card for gasoline purchases when I was using my vehicle on company business and about half the time it did not work at gas stations that accepted Visa cards for gasoline purchases (it's a good thing I always had the cash or my debit card handy.....which was also Visa). I've had rebates given as a debit card (both Visa and Mastercard) and they, too, failed about 50% of the time. There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to why it does not work at some places and it does at others. I think it revolves around two things. First it must be a major card issuer and the place you are using it has to be signed up for the issuers' pre-paid program. Most businesses have an agreement with the credit/debit card issuers for the major issuers..........I don't think all businesses have agreements with those same issuers' pre-paid cards. It also appears that those agreements can change from month to month or quarter to quarter.........one place that didn't accept the pre-paid card for gas one month did the next and, then, not the following month. Pre-paids are still a mess. Iffy at best.
  5. The normal bandwidth speed is given as download/upload. So, as I read it, your cable company is giving you 30 mbps download and 6 mbps upload. That would actually be 5 mbps faster download than the FiOS connection you have now. And download is what you are interested in........the upload is really not important unless you do a lot of uploading of content (and I mean a whole lot and often). You won't see any difference with your connection with the cable company over FiOS. Of course, the proof will be in the tested speeds but if you test out at less than about 75% of what you are paying for then a phone call to the ISP would be in order. Even if you were to only have the 6 mbps download that will be still be more than enough for SL. You'll never get more than the servers will send and I don't think the servers will ever send more than 2 mbps (and then only in very rare spurts). I'm with Knowl on the "PowerBoost" thing........have them give you the down and up speeds without the boost. It sounds like a gimmick to get your money.
  6. While technically both Cinn and Rolig are correct. There is no direct transfer of accounts from one to another. But I think I understand what you want to do. I did it myself in 2006. I called SL billing to ask how to do it without being charged a premium membership fee two times or waste part of a month's fee from having to pay a premium fee for my basic to upgrade and then downgrade the premium to basic. I was told there is about a 2 hour window where it can be done. I also owned a mainland parcel and I didn't want to loose it. What I had to do (according to the SL billing person I spoke to) was to first downgrade my premium an hour or two before midnight SL time and the last day of my premium membership for the quarter (I pay my membership quarterly). Then at or after midnight on the last day of my membership I upgraded to premium with my alt. That took care of any overlap of fees and when billing hit my credit card at about 2 am of the day the fee was due everything was transfered to the alt (this account actually). The hardest part was retaining my land. For that I had to enlist the help of a very good and trusted friend who was also premium and did not own any land so she had the available 512 square meter tier free allotment. I sold her the land for $L0 just before I downgraded and had her hold it for a couple hours. Then when I had upgraded Peggy to premium she sold it back to me for $L0. We had fun with her putting lots of prim heavy objects on the land and her teasing me about not being able to return them to her. Anyway, that's how I did it and it worked great. You just need a very good friend that you can trust to hold your land for you while you wait for the upgrade to happen. I had her on the phone in real life when I did it and we both stayed on SL while we waited. She still has owner rights on my group owned land to this day........but she's lost interest in SL so I don't see her much on anymore. We do visit each other in real life often and talk on the phone and text all the time. She lives about 8 miles from me in real life.
  7. "you see people this is clearly someone who thinks the same way i do they believe in fighting back with greifers too" ---------------------------------- Huh? LOL.
  8. Your rampage is this obsession with griefers and the need to "fight back". That, in itself, is a form of griefing. Let's use a real life situation everyone who lives in the city I live in (real life). There's a huge gang problem here. People get shot, wounded, beat up, robbed, harrrassed daily. So lets all "fight back"..........we'll have fire fights in our streets because it takes too long for the police to arrive (a drive by is over in seconds.......longer than it takes to call 911). Sure some gangbangers get their due.........but what have you accomplished? A war is what. That's why LL will treat you (even if you are "defending yourself") the exact same way they treat griefers. File your AR's and move on. Don't let the griefers win by participating in exactly what they want..........a freaking war. They will win.........they are better equiped than you and will defeat you on your ignorance.
  9. I used to have fun with griefers. Actually most people in SL back then had fun with the griefers. No one got all bent out of shape when some idiot dropped the flying **bleep**' on us or when some moron would lob fire bombs at us when we were all doing our crazy stuff at some club. We knew how to deal with the attack and did it......making fun of the griefers all the time. Sure it interrupted our little party for a few minutes but no one got so mad or upset that they went into some rampage and pulled out their weapons or donned their Mysti-shields. We AR'd the jokers and within a few minutes everything was back to normal and we had many more laughs about the little episode.......and back to the serious stuff with all the dancing, requesting songs from the DJ or playing jokes on each other (some of which might have been properly defined at "griefing" each other). Perhaps thats why I have such a hard time understanding what the constant fuss is all about with griefing.....it happens and when it happens you deal with it and move on. Certainly, you don't let some moron spoil your fun (unless you want it to spoil your fun.......which I think is what a lot of people these days do. Be a victim......that's the feeling I get from a lot of people today). Even when griefers used to take the grid down with self replicating prims..........we had fun. We'd come to the forums and cut up telling stories about how the attack took the grid down just at the moment of "climax" in that oh so anticipated encounter with Mr/Ms Hot Bod. And when the grid came back up (sometimes a few minutes but sometimes hours later) we wouild all go back to the party. Nothing got in the way of our fun. Griefers were nothing but an inconvenience at most.
  10. You don't need to downgrade to basic to change your membership plan. I would call billing like Rolig said or, at least contact Live Help. If you wait til your account goes basic you will loose all your land.
  11. "in a nutshell: It was their account, then it got compromised, and they can't verify ownership through normal means, is there anything at all they can do to get it back?" -------------------------------------------------------------- In a nutshell: The only thing I can think of is to contact Linden Lab directly and plead his case. The problem I see with that is it's going to be extremely difficult explaining why your friend had to use someone else's identification to sign up. It never was a requirement to give a cell phone (at least not back in late 2005 it wasn't). I signed up without a cell phone (but a cell phone was one of the options). Up until June, 2006 some form of indentification was required for an SL account and it was never okay to use someone else's identification (even with "permission"). Back then, if you didn't have acceptable identification then you were left with two choices.......lie or stay out of SL. Linden Lab expected you to do the later. Back then SL was an adults only grid (well there was the Teen Grid but that was an entirely different grid separated by a big fat firewall). The ID requirement was partly in place for just that reason..........to make it harder for minors to enter the grid. If LL ever allowed someone to use someone else's ID then a large reason for ID would have been completely defeated. If you wanted to go to an adults only nightclub and didn't have any ID do you think it's okay to use someone else's? Even if that someone else said it was okay? I don't think so. If you get caught, you'll get thrown out (possibly even have the police called to come have a chat with you). Like I already said, if your friend used someone else's ID to get an account then they should be permabanned. Declining to cal it what it is does not change what it is........identity theft.
  12. Linden Lab wouldn't tell the DJ anything of the sort. At most, they would tell him to contact you since it's a resident to resident thing (but I doubt they would even do that). My bet is your DJ friend is trying to stiff you out of $L8000. Follow Knowle's advice.
  13. Let me see if I understand this. Your friend has had one of their accounts compromised (hack's not the proper term unless tthe account was accessed by whoever broke into it entering Linden Lab's account servers to gain access.........I don't think that happened). The account was compromised by either your friend giving someone the password (in which case, your friend should have a very good idea of who it is) or your friend had an easy to guess password and someone guessed it. And, from the way you stated the second post, you friend can not verify that he/she is the proper owner of the account because your friend used someone else's identification when they created the account. If that's right, then your friend should be permabanned. Not only is that against the ToS (a pretty big violation, by the way) but it's also against real life law to use someone else's identification for anything on the Internet..........it's called identity theft and carries some pretty heftly penalties (including prison time). If I misunderstood the second part (about the use of someone else's identiy) and your friend simply can't prove ownership of the account, the best thing to do is just forget that account. If there is payment information attached to the account then contact the payment provider (credit/debit card provider or PayPal) and close to change the account. They might also want to change their email and email password........and be on the look out for funny stuff going on with the rest of their online accounts. And, since one account was accessed without authorization, assume whoever did it the first time is going to try to do it again with other accounts.........change all those passwords. Tell your friend to treat it seriously because it sure can wind up being serious........very serious.
  14. After just about 6 1/2 years I believe I've experienced a fair number of griefing attacks. I've never had ot "fight back" and I've "defeated" them every time. Sit on a physical ojbject, start filing AR's (with snap shots) with as much information as I can find, mute, freeze, inject, ban if on land I have those rights to (though sometimes I've just sat there watching them play until they poof.........that is kind of fun ). But, I don't experience much griefing anymore. I've learned the places where the children play and, since I have no interest in playing with children, I avoid those places. You have a lot to learn, my friend..........you might shorten the learning curve if you would heed some advice given here. But, I really don't think you want to avoid griefers. You are a child yourself (as evidence by your posts) and, like most children, you'll have to learn the hard way. When you get permabanned for being what you say you want to not be (a griefer) then maybe you'll remember some of what was told you here. Good luck.
  15. VBO is "vertex buffer object". It's an OpenGL feature used in rendering for programs using the OpenGL rendering architecture such as Second Life. Enabling VBO should give better performance for your graphics....but the key word is "should". Some video cards and the associated drivers show problems with VBO and by turning the feature off in your preferences you get a noticable increase in performance and quality. Both nVidia and ATI (now known as AMD) cards have occassional issues with VBO enabled in preferences...........most to the time the problem is fixed with a driver version that doesn't have the problem. ATI/AMD cards have historically had more problems than nVidia in the past........that's probably why you were told to turn off VBO in preferences. If you've done that it fixed your problem then leave it off. Over time a new driver will be released for your card and if you update to it, you might try VBO again to see if that driver fixed the previous issue (that would be up to you). The reason you don't see any issues with VBO in your other games is that those other games are not rendered with the OpenGL rendering architecture..........they are most likely DirectX (especially if you are using a Windows machine). You won't have any problems or issues with a rendering engine that use the VBO feature because DirectX doesn't have that feature. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertex_Buffer_Object
  16. A correction about being under 18 in SL. Not only can you not visit "Adult" areas on the grid, you also cannot visit "Moderate" areas on the grid. You are restricted to "General" areas only. ------------------------------------------- Teens in Second Life Second Life is generally for adults 18 years and older; however, if you are 13 years of age or older you can use Second Life with some restrictions. If you're: 16-17 years old you can access regions and search results that have a General maturity rating. 13-15 years old, you can access Second Life through an affiliated organization and will be restricted to the private estate of that organization. Only avatars approved by that organization will be able to enter these estates. You can't use Second Life search or purchase items from the Marketplace. See Maturity ratings Knowledge Base article for information on Second Life maturity ratings. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Teens_in_Second_Life 
  17. I don't think it has anything at all to do with your neighbor griefing you (and that would explain the lack of action from LL about your "tickets".......Abuse Report is the proper report of ticket to send in). The constant failure to rezz (what I think you meant when you said you were a "ghost:) is an indicationg of a connection to the servers problem.......actually it's a classic symptom of connection problems. Now you are showing as not online. Not being online is always a connection problem. Instead of seeking a solution by blaming your neighbor try rebooting your router and modem (one of the very common causes of connection problems). Unplug the devices from their electrical source for 3 to 5 minutes then plug them back in. Reboot your computer computer to re-establish your Internet connection and try SL again. That, by far, is not the only problem that could cause connection problems but it is the most common and because of that the first thing to try to fix it. If you still have the problem we will need some computer specs and a little more detailed discription of the problem (leave out your neighbor since that is very unlikely have much, if anything, to do with your problem). To get your specs the easiest way is to launch your viewer but don't log in. Under the "Help" menu click "About Second Life" and copy the specs given by your viewer back here. Don't start a new thread to give the additional information. Use the "Options" at the upper right corner of your initial post and "Edit".
  18. "your stupid you should know well enuogh by now that you will not get banned for that." -------------------------------------------------- Griefing is griefing.......no matter who does it. You retaliate to someone griefing you and they report you, LL looks at the logs and sees you did, in fact, grief them (retaliating with force is griefing in the eyes of LL.....and, also in the eyes of most residents) then you are subject to a ban. Maybe the others get banned too, but that's of little comfort when you're on the outside with no way to look in. It's a game griefers play. They have disposable accounts and and Internet/script savvy enough to be able to get back in when they get banned (to a point.......LL will eventually block them)..........you probably don't have that technical knowledge so you're the one who gets screwed. If you did have that knowledge, then you would know exactly what Griffin it talking about (but you don't so I say you don't have that knowledge) Griffin and I are at odds on many things but he is not "stupid". In fact, anything but stupid.
  19. "it would deture them they are trying to humiliate you do you think they want the persion who they are trying to get to get the better of them? let me guess you are one of those people who hate horror movies and you also do'nt fight back physicaly in sl when some one attacks you lol" ---------------------------------------------------- What makes you think bleeding or any other damage or injury similation would deter (note the spelling) any one prone to griefing or harrassing someone else? If anything, it would encourage those type of people.........it gives the act of griefing one more level of "sport".' The part I bolded: It's not a matter of horror movies or wanting the "fight back" when attacked. It's a matter of personal choice. I love a good horror movie but I'll watch a good action drama or edge of your seat mystery every time. Fighting back will only get you in hot water with the authorities (Linden Lab). There are proper ways to deal with griefers (that actually work) that are much more effective that "fighting back".......fighting back just makes it more "sport" for the griefers and, in most cases, you loose way before the griefers loose (getting banned is the most often outcome). It's all about maturity. Let me guess. You're a teen and you dream of going to the gym to get all buffed up so you can play with the bullies.......be a hero.
  20. Most of what you say would be great........if Second Life was a game. It isn't though so those ideas defeat the purpose of what LL designed the platform for in the first place. LL wants the users to create all those things for themselves...........which many users have done. If you want avatars to "bleed" when stabbed or sliced with a sword or shot with a bullet, then you can do that with scripts.......but it would be up to you to do that (the platform has the tools for you to create pretty much anything you want to create). That's what make SL what it is..........a user created world and not a developer created world. I know I wouldn't have stuck around as long as I've stuck if everything was "enabled" by default to be some game. You want SL to be a game, then make it a game for yourself........don't force it on me and others. I'll vote for a better avatar mesh. But I'm realistic enough to know that in order to do that many (if not most) of the clothing, hair and skins in SL would suddenly be "obsolete"..........that's not a wise road to go, in my opinion. I'm sure someday someone will come up with a virtual world with better avatat mesh and still have the same major qualities of SL with user created content..........but, until then, I don't see a new avatar mesh on the horizon. Will LL be the ones to produce that grid? Maybe, but they would have to build it from the ground up and it would be a totally disconnected grid from the present SL.
  21. The way Second Life is designed it nearly impossible to "hack" an individual account. In order to "hack" someone's account the hack must occur at the Linden Lab server level. There is one documented hack of the servers and that was about 4 years ago..........practically every user had to change their password after LL discovered the breach (and that was within hours of the breach). I was impressed both with LL's security that found the hack and how quickly they responded to it. I don't think you're using the proper term.......your friend was not "hacked". The more likely issue is that your friend revealed his password to someone or your friend has such an easy to guess password that it was guessed by someone. Tell your friend to change his password immediately........to a hard to guess one and never, ever, reveal it to anyone (not even his closest friend). If his password has been changed by whoever accessed his account, then have your friend contact LL immediately and give all the details possible. Have your friend notify any financial institutional parties that he may have given to LL as payment information............closing those accounts would be in order.
  22. But, it fixes the caching problem, doesn't it? I also clear my cache and history for my Internet browser. And I seldom have problems with that either..........though, to be honest, I do occassionally have cache issues with my browser. Should I hammer Microsoft about that?
  23. Oh I have no doubt you fixed your cache. The problem, as stated by you, it fits your speicific needs. I would imagaine that if the fix for you won't work for most others it's not a good fix for LL to impliment. I fixed mine too. 512 MB (the default) on a separate hard drive.........and I clear my cache for every log in. It takes maybe 15 seconds longer for everything to load upon my initial log in and sometimes a few seconds longer when I go to my familar haunts.........after that, it's lightning quick. And, as I mentioned before, I haven't had a cache problem for 3 or 4 years. My fix would work for almost anyone........even if they don't have mulitply hard drives in their systems since you can create a partition quite easily these days (not like the old days when that was a scary process).
  24. "To me it feels like you're trying to argue that LL is incapable of implementing a working cache where the rest of IT can get caching right. What makes LL so special that they cannot write a pretty stupidly simple cache?" -------------------------------------------- Because you are saying that the caching for SL is identical to the caching of Internet Explorer, Safari, or Chrome. I could go along with that is SL was not a unique program, very different than the Internet (about the only common link if that SL is delivered via the Internet). A viewer is a specialized browser made to handle the unique Second Life program. I'm pretty sure you don't know how SL is coded..........evidently neither does anyone else except the Open Sim project grids which reverse engineered the SL server code to come up something very similar. Now, why is it that those grids have the indentical cache issues as SL? If it's so simple why hasn't, at least one, of the Open Sim grids fixed it? There's something that makes the cache issues that everyone experiences occassionally...........I don't know what it is and I don't think you do either. It's easy to say the the LL coders are idiots for not fixing something you see that is easy to fix. But, since no one else has fixed it yet it appears that you're making judgements based on incomplete facts. That's all I'm saying. Creating a cache is a known art for browsers but, obviously, it's little more difficult to create for something like SL. Keeping your cache small, clearing it regularly, and even moving it to a second drive or partition "fixes" it for me.............I haven't had a cache issue in 3 or 4 years.
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