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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Alazarin Mondrian wrote: Herry, I hear your concerns about the *ahem* lack of propriety *ahem* of a significant proportion of steam users. My own guess is that the majority of that crowd will take one look at SL, laugh at the [by comparison] crude graphics and return to their "action-packed" FPS shooters. Who knows? We might get the crowd who are growing out of the action/quest gamer scene and looking for something new. Maybe SL will be repositioned as the 3D hangout for gamers. My main concern is that LL, in their rush to make SL appeal to gamers who are used to a much more polished visual experience, raise the hardware requirement bar so high that the default 'SL user experience' is only available to hard-core gamers with deep pockets for high-end graphics cards. For example I'm an oldbie resident and most likely will stick with SL to the bitter end however I already have to disable the current raft of visual shinies just to have a framerate that is in double digits. I suppose it really doesn't matter but as a part-time builder it helps to know what stuff I build is going to look like to people who have all the bells'n'whistles. For years I had no idea that a majority of my builds looked like radioactive glowing beacons simply because my graphics cards at the time couldn't process that information adequately. As a result I set [and enabled] light and glow at ridiculously high settings... so now I have to go back through years of work tweaking [or disabling!] light and glow settings all over again. *Sigh* Not to single you out, but this is a terrible hobby to have if you're not running a gaming machine. Like it or not, it is a 3D game like the others on Steam, technologically speaking. If you can't/won't keep your computer up to par, it might be worth considering spending your time and money on other pursuits. Then again, I could simply be biased. I'm always super annoyed by builders that don't build on ultra graphics, then won't listen when the flaws are pointed out.
  2. That's a good point. Compared to some of the games on Steam, SL is like a 1988 Atari game.
  3. This is potentially very good, or very bad. A lot of the game communities on Steam make SL's griefers and trolls seem like perfect company. Particularly the FPS gamers. On the other hand, more potential users could be good for SL.
  4. You shouldn't have to drop 1k USD all at once to have a decent computer. Buy it in parts, upgrade over time, and you can get the same performance for half the price.
  5. Online gaming is like any other hobby, there are equipment costs. Rock climbers have to regularly buy new rope and other equipment, vehicle racers have to buy tires and keep engines tuned, even stamp collectors have to buy storage books, or whatever they use. And so on. For those of us that choose online gaming, the equipment costs are computer parts. MMO games have been dealing with user retention for years. It becomes a simple question- do we want to lose the casual players that won't upgrade with us in order to give the best possible experience to those that we know will stay, or risk losing those serious gamers so we can keep people that aren't serious about it anyway?
  6. You'll never get full perm unless you pay closer to eight or ten times that amount, I'm betting. A better idea is to strike up a deal with a creator to buy in bulk for the group, or maybe a group only discounted vendor.
  7. You want people to set up on your SIM, pay tier, AND give a portion of their profits to you?
  8. My family absolutely thinks I'm wasting my time playing video games, despite cashing out profits from time to time. I don't even try to correct them anymore. When they ask where I got extra money, I just say I sell drugs. At least that argument is more amusing.
  9. Solaria Goldshark wrote: There is no nice way to put this: When your real life photo ends up in your SL (avatar) tab, you''ve missed the point. When your focus is on an avatar's real life sex makes you cringe, you've missed the point. When you've lost your ability to use your imagination, you've missed the point. When you make SL a dating service, you've missed the point. When you make this life similar to your own, what's the point? If a sense of escape is not the point, let's shut the whole thing down. If you've been disappointed by your experience, let's shut the whole thing down. If you've been heartbroken and can't go on, let's shut the whole thing down. If you've felt cheated, angry or felt that the world owed you something, by all means, let's shut it down. Grow up dear residents. I'd be willing to bet that the best of you take chances, make connections, and form lasting friendships despite any expectations of a person's real life situation...and the latter being the icing on the cake. The real risk being disappointed on what you might find on the other side. If you are, leave it at the door.....do not judge the pregnant wife, the slave, the wolf, the vampire, the **bleep**, the tranny, the manwhore, the prostitute, the warrior, the saint, the surfer, the slacker, the fashionista, the builder, the players...for they are all us, and we are legion....and we do not make excuses for our fetishes and fantasies, for that is the point. Welcome to the escape. I'll clear my plate for a serving of humble pie if I'm wrong. I was going to say something constructive about online gaming and Internet communities in general, but I'll simply say this. My friend here in SL calls me by my RL first name, Paul. Because in SL I'm Gadget. Then when we play STO, it's Sirok. In WoW, it's Koraf. In C&C4 it''s Warlocc. And on the Xbox, it's Gothicle. And it would be stupid to use six different names to talk to the same person. If you try to tell me it's six different people, you're an idiot.
  10. Blaze Nielsen wrote: Considering a majority of the serious content creators in sl are using Macs, No majority of anything, anywhere, is using Macs. They have their benefits, but like it or not, Windows is the dominant OS. Amethyst Rosencrans wrote: I am a content creator and use Macs. I don't know what the statistics are, but comparing absolute web statistics and SecondLife statistics is a false comparison No, it's a perfect comparison. The sampling size between the web and SL may be smaller, but I guarantee the percentage will be about the same. Amethyst Rosencrans wrote: Macs are high end machines which are much more likely to be used by content creators Hate to say it, but every Mac I've ever seen is junk compared to PCs in the same price range.
  11. Mac: Hi, I'm a Mac. PC: And I'm a PC. Mac: I'm installing the latest iTunes, aren't you jealous? What are you doing? PC: Playing games. Mac: I can play a few. Which ones are you playing? PC: All of them.
  12. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Why must the Phoenix viewer be used? I asked the exact same question last time she posted this ad. Doesn't make sense. I'm not aware of anything in either of those viewers that can't be done via script in other viewers. If there is, then they're against the TPV guidelines.
  13. It's server side, because even those of us with crazy gaming setups have been having issues.
  14. Your ping is kind of high, but I've seen much worse out of the UK. The problem is, LL isn't very good at making optimized software like other companies with 3D content (games, AutoDesk, etc.), and to make it worse, much of the content is created by people who barely have any idea what they're doing, adding to the issues. It means if you don't have a computer that has insane horsepower to overcome it all, there's always going to be issues at times. That said, there are things you can do to improve it. Make sure nothing else is sharing bandwith while you're on SL, close down background programs, all those little tips that normally sound really stupid and annoying.
  15. If the prim is on your land, it's encroachment, there's no gray area. I generally start by sending an IM or something to the owner. If that fails, on mainland you can return it now (at least, I think that got rolled out everywhere). If not, you have to AR it and wait.
  16. Innula Zenovka wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: If Marvel saw their copyright repeatedly infringed in SL, you bet they'd take LL to court the same way they did with CoH and impose the same requirements on LL, if not more. Obviously they aren't looking then. There are a ton of them on the MP. Perhaps someone needs to drop them a letter? This is what puzzles me. The OP cannot, to my mind, in the normal course of events have received a communication from Linden Lab that said "We have received a complaint from Marvel Comics about your selling outfits based on Superman and Wonder Woman." any more than would someone receive a communication to the effect that "Coca Cola have complained about your using the Pepsi logo." Various possibilities present themselves. Someone at LL may have made a silly mistake when writing the email; he received a communication from DC and, for some reason, wrote "Marvel". Or the OP may have made a similar mistake in writing the post. Or LL may have fallen for a -- to my mind, perfectly transparent -- hoax perpetrated by a very incomptent hoaxer. It would be helpful to know what LL actually said. Agreed, I'd love to see the actual wording used. Something about this situation is just wrong (besides the selective copyright enforcement).
  17. Ever hear of a game called City of Heroes? A similar thing happened there. Someone created The Hulk over there. Marvel got wind of it, and went after the whole company to make sure it wouldn't happen again. To avoid being shut down, they (CoH) had to restrict creation names and actively hunt any offenders and take them down, as well as ban people that repeatedly did it- all without Marvel having to get involved for each case. Many Marvel copyrighted names are filtered by the system- you get an error when you try to use them. If Marvel saw their copyright repeatedly infringed in SL, you bet they'd take LL to court the same way they did with CoH and impose the same requirements on LL, if not more.
  18. Something about this situation sounds iffy. If Marvel or DC had come to LL with copyright claims, they wouldnt't stop with a single merchant. They'd want it all shut down. LL might even be in legal trouble. Which means this actually IS selective enforcement by LL, or another resident filed a copyright claim and LL acted on it. EIther way, it means what we already knew. LL is bad at this.
  19. If it is different for SL, then yes, most people are just breaking the law. But I was told by BMI that the venue is required to have it, just like RL.
  20. Only if the object and the script is mod. Otherwise, you need to get with the creator.
  21. Crashing or disconnecting and crashing? For one, your GPU is terrible. Could be that. If you're wireles, it could be that. We just plain need more info.
  22. Actually I meant it's pointless because LL is inept. But Innula is right too.
  23. Unlike experienced game developers, LL never considered that people may want to actually customize their keybinds and controls. I'm pretty sure there's a JIRA for that, but I can't find it. Either way, that's where this request would have to go.
  24. While SL really could go for more power in their servers, this thread is just... pointless.
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