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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Besides what @Orwar said, Linden Lab already doesn't keep up with the current MP listing violations. They'd never keep up with an additional one.
  2. Shouldn't be hard to exempt a demo that's linked to a listing that already paid a listing fee. Freebies and gifts can have links to their in-world locations if you don't want to pay to cover the listing fee.
  3. Considering search now returns the ancient stuff first, those rules mean that a lot of stuff will be able to slip through. They're very ineffective as written. There's certainly an argument for "preserving ancient plywood as monuments", but if we're comfortable shutting down their MP store, why aren't we comfortable shutting down their in-world store too?
  4. Should regular logins be required to keep content active in SL on the marketplace and in-world? If someone hasn't logged in for months or years, should their stuff still be on sale despite being abandonware? How about returning items to their inventory from in-world?
  5. Right off the bat I can tell you I've got six computers/laptops in my home. I can run probably 20 instances of LL's regular viewer across them very easily. With virtual machines I could double or triple that number. You guys are making suggestions that would be a ton of work for LL (so they won't do it anyway) and do literally nothing to stop me from running 15 bots on my parcel. Someone serious about botting could easily beat my numbers, too.
  6. Even restricting the viewers won't do a lot. Someone with 64 gigs of RAM can just fire up a dozen instances of the default viewer really really easily. The only thing a closed source viewer would do would be to allow them to implement other features around it (more work they won't ever do). Simply restricting viewers alone won't do the trick.
  7. Being serious for a moment, it's not a bad thing to want to see the bot policy enforced. "Fake" accounts cluttering a place up to make it seem active is definitely a problem, I can concede that. The real issue is coming up with solutions for it this late in the game. Short of a single closed source viewer and/or getting rid of free accounts, there's really not much that can be done, which is why threads like this turn so silly.
  8. That's not a solution, "just ban everyone obeying the rules". All that does is make people disable the flag on their bots, not enable it. The current Belliseria ban did that already. Enabling it in more places would make it worse. That also doesn't help with venue owners operating bots in their own regions where they won't want to turn on the bot ban. Oh, if we're including ideas that'll never happen, LL staff could also give me a million dollars. They're already supposed to act on reports of bots, and they don't. Hell, they don't act on most abuse reports, and you want to add more for them to (not) do?
  9. So, assuming LL takes the time to build a system to actively monitor the location of every user on the grid (??!?!?!), why wouldn't the ones already breaking the rules simply ignore that email? They're already breaking the rules, after all. What's another warning to them?
  10. You're still not answering the question of HOW. How is Linden Lab supposed to filter between people and non-people? How do they detect who's following the rules? What's the method they should use? Captcha popups every 5 minutes?
  11. Mine was one of the few that was on topic. Let me know when LL makes you a forum moderator.
  12. That one about "can't handle me at my worst, don't deserve me" that basically warns everybody that you're an insufferable shrew always makes me laugh.
  13. Maybe we should do something about free accounts, then at least the bots would be contributing. Someone should start a thread covering that. Oh, wait.
  14. Seems to work fairly well for most games. Allows for free accounts to still exist while still providing some filtering from mass producing accounts that can do anything.
  15. Sometimes I think @Solar Legion has that laughing disorder. Everything is always so funny! But, they do say happy people live longer, so maybe Solar will outlive us all, having fun and agreeing with everyone all the time.
  16. How come every time this topic comes up, it's always all or nothing? Why never any nuance or tiers? Every other MMO out there with free accounts has various tiers with various abilities tied to them. For example, in some MMO's you can't send messages in zone chats (analog to group chat in SL) until you've spent some money. Great way to stop spambots. Why not do the same type of thing with SL? Most free accounts in SL have spent money, so locking certain abilities behind that gate wouldn't even affect most people.
  17. Naturally. I don't think anybody would be happy if there were two of me.
  18. You and me both. Staring at a list of missing, ghosted, possibly actually dead people seems depressing as hell.
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