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Paul Hexem

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    Not So Serious

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  1. This is a fantasy you have, right? Or do you really expect all that from the same people that can't even be bothered to add a "report this store" link to the marketplace?
  2. "But the bad ones will just ignore the new rule(law)" never worked for anything before, why would it work now?
  3. This is a "welcome to the world" moment for a lot of people, it seems. We see in RL laws get passed all the time- some of which you probably applaud- that ban personal property and/or entire hobbies from totally innocent people with no recourse or reimbursement. I've had to turn in legally purchased products for destruction, no reimbursement. I've had legally purchased products be made illegal to use, turning them into three thousand dollar paperweights. I've had to make silly and ridiculous modifications to my property, at my own expense. Welcome to "we live in a society". It could be worse.
  4. Unless forum appeals use a different policy than Governance appeals, that's not true in my experience.
  5. The bit about no kids in adult regions... Thats the one thing they've done here that makes some sense.
  6. I used to script all sorts of stuff for a club (tip jars, security stuff, timeclock systems, etc) and in turn they gave me a parcel on their region as my workshop. Does that count?
  7. The real punishment is having seen some of the stuff people in SL create and call artistic.
  8. This really is the question to ask. By all accounts, SL is a broken, laggy, outdated mess with already invested users clinging to it and keeping it afloat. It's certainly not growing, it's not innovative anymore, LL insists the servers cost more money now than before... By all rights, it should have been shut down already. And yet here we see a company like Thunes spending money to acquire a related LL property and every now and then (see PBR) LL shocks us by adding a feature or improving something. It's actually a very strange thing we've got here, from a business perspective.
  9. There's nothing wrong with spectator only art. A lot of what we build in SL we want people to come and see and not mess with it (every parcel that's open to the public comes to mind). But something you're buying and taking home... In many cases, if it's no mod, it's effectively worthless. It's akin to not being able to adjust the seat in your car.
  10. Oh, well. Just tell LL that it's okay, I'm sure I'll be able to get away with it then. What do you mean, how so? "I don't want you rezzing this on your parcel in a way I don't like" is extremely anti-consumer. A creator with that attitude should have an art gallery and charge admission, not sell the art.
  11. Isn't that what Puppeteering was supposed to be before they realized they'd need to put in effort to get it working?
  12. If it's amphibious, I might even put one out on the water.
  13. When I bought it I had elaborate liquid cooling plans, with dyes and everything. Then I just... didn't. And since the air cooling is holding up fine, I haven't been strongly motivated.
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