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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I justify enjoying sorting stuff by explaining that I'm a Virgo. Once when I was living fairly isolated in the country with my mother and had no car or income of my own, I took to sorting colored glass beads that I'd bought at Woolworth's. I find it relaxing,...until it gets tedious. Then I usually go out and collect more stuff. πŸ˜„ It does help me find things in my inventory more easily, but I also have years of items still in packages. For clothing, I've developed a system of putting a * at the front of folder names for items I like best. Those I'm uncertain about get no * and so land along the lower half of the outer folder. When I have too many items in that outer folder. I start deleting the unstarred items first, then removing stars from some of the starred items. I figure as long as I keep opening packages, I also have to keep deleting stuff. The only clothing I need more of are for Historical, Sci-fi or Fantasy sims. I have so many thousands of casual street wear clothes that I'll never be able to wear even a small fraction of them.
  2. I think the uncanny valley problem is something that Philip Rosedale and Linden Lab are going to have to take seriously if they really want to animate avatars based on their RL expressions. I don't think it's necessary, but if they do it badly, it could actually end up turning people off from wanting to use SL. Also, the uncanny valley is not static, though I wish I had more data to show this. Over time, people get used to non-living objects that look human, such as dolls or robots. This article has some interesting examples of how the uncanny valley affects people. One example is of a robot the looks and moves sort of like a dog, which also elicited an uncanny valley effect from people. I couldn't help but keep thinking of the "Rat Thing" in Snow Crash .
  3. You can sometimes go through and rip out all the ads in a magazine that don't have an actual article on part of the page and end up with a magazine that's half its original size.
  4. Speaking only for what I do in SL, I mostly shop for good freebies such as gifts at shopping events, group gifts and hunt items. Then I spend hours going though my inventory while standing on my sky platform, trying on skin, clothes and hair, deleting stuff I don't like and organizing stuff I do like. This is 90% boring and tedious, but then I also like how my avatars look and enjoy looking at them when I think they're cute. This is me playing with my virtual Barbie dolls. Sometimes I explore the grid when I'm bored. Sometimes I attend virtual meetings or classes in world. Lately I've been updating my woods with a newer waterfall, flowering bushes and colorful poppies.
  5. Buy and wear unrigged earrings or wear old earrings that were never meant for mesh heads. I think it's funny how newer people complain about stuff that isn't really that difficult. You're lucky you never had to adjust a prim flexi skirt or prim flexi hair. (Goes back to screaming at the fresh fruit cups vendor for having an annoying horn.)
  6. Whether this is funny or not depends on who is wearing the HUD and who is falling down. If you are the one screaming and falling down, then I think it's funny. If you're animating other people's avatars without their informed consent, then it's a form of harassment called griefing. The normal spankers that people wear I find very annoying. Used to excess, it just makes me mute them so I don't have listen to their infantile attention-seeking antics. I don't break the ice. We have global warming doing that enough already.
  7. Great ideas, but I personally hate sappy chick-flicks. Give me a creepy sci-fi series instead. πŸ‘½
  8. The most likely explanation for what you describe is normal sleep paralysis while in a dream state. You might open your eyes a little, which makes your environment seem very real, yet the creatures around your bed and the rectangular object are actually part of a dream. I'll entertain another option as being a visitation by aliens, but I don't personally believe this is what was happening. Probably even less likely than Aliens would be something like demons or "shadow people". The human mind can do alot of weird stuff all on it's own, so there doesn't have to be anything outside of your own mind creating this experience. If you think it could be caused by something outside of yourself though, it wouldn't hurt to do some kind of protective ritual before you go to sleep, possibly something as simple as saying a prayer for protection. If this experience is caused by you feeling stressed, then a protective prayer or ritual will probably make you feel calmer and will likely help, even if it isn't needed on a metaphysical level.
  9. There is another way of dealing with this problem. Rather than removing your options, pay attention to where you choose to wear mesh items. Hats and hair should attach to your head. because when you Wear a new one, it will replace the previous one. Shirts could be attached to your spine or stomach for the same reason. You get to pick where you want mesh to attach. Pants should probably attach to your pelvis. I try to attach shoe sets to my left foot. Don't let everything attach to your right hand (or to your head in this case). I wear my mesh body attached to my avatar center, so if I wear a companion pet, I have to Add it. I know that I attach most of my clothing to my Spine or Pelvis, so If I put on wings, I'll Add them or attach them to my Bento Wing position. I have a few clothes that are meant to attach to the Stomach, but I know which ones those are, so I won't put on a belt that would knock them off. Once you set where you want an object to attach, it will remember that location for next time. Creators sometimes pick where they want items to attach, but often they're lazy about this and just let them attach to the right hand (the default position). My way of dressing avatars is more complicated than just Wearing or Adding everything, but it feels natural to me to know that pants or skirts go on the pelvis, while shirts go on the spine and mesh bodies go onto the Avatar Center. Normally my clothes don't go off unless I want them to, but if they would, I would TP home to fix them.
  10. Yeah, let's just go with that being an ironic quote & let it go, ok. πŸ™‚
  11. If you're not in the mood for traditional Valentine's Day stuff, there are probably some anti-Valentines Day Hunts in SL too.
  12. Last year for Valentine' Day, my two other single roommates and I had a lovely picnic in a historic cemetery. There were another group of gothic-dressed ladies there doing the same thing. We had fancy pastry, then walked around the graves and laughed at some of the things that were written on the headstones. No guys needed. We had a great time as single women enjoying each other's company.
  13. I think this can happen when you're using a Non-Bento animation. Were you using a Non-Bento animation with a Bento hand pose? (Just wondering, because I know this has been a problem for many people using Belleza Jake.)
  14. If you want to get Hulu super cheap with ads, sign up for it on Black Friday weekend. Last time it went for $1/ month, but I expect it will be back up to $ 2.50/month next time. The amount of ads you get with any ad-supported level of most streaming services is still less than you'd get on most OTA channels.
  15. If you want to desensitize yourself to perceived rejection, come join us on these forums. I can guarantee you will have some people laugh at your posts, argue with you, or make you feel like they think you're stupid or unworthy in some way. If you're lucky people will also make you feel seen and appreciated sometimes. If you can accept that everyone doesn't have to like you and agree with you all the time, then it gets easier to just be yourself and not worry so much what other people think. Going to another virtual world won't help, because no matter where you go people will sometimes be oversensitive or unsensitive jerks, weird things will bother them or upset them, and they will misunderstand your meaning or intention. That's just the nature of human beings. I mostly deal with it by saying to myself "people are weird", disengaging for a while from people who've hurt my feelings, then being polite but having my walls up a bit more with them for a while, until they seem friendly again. This may not be the best advice, but I feel the same way as you at times, and this is how I deal with it.
  16. 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽🌽 🌽 πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 πŸŒ½πŸ‘» 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 πŸ“Ί 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽 🌽
  17. Or 🍌or πŸ₯’ or πŸ₯• or ? We have a whole salad of emojis to select from.
  18. Actually, I'm starting to think we should use the 🌽 emoji instead, but perhaps that's because I'm American, so the shape is more evocative to me of the object it's meant to represent. πŸ˜‰
  19. This post reminds me of watching the movie of "The Little Prince" when I was a child. it was the first movie I watched that made me cry for a human character, and perhaps it had a bigger effect on my psyche than I'd realized, because I also believe one sees more truth with the heart than one does with reason. It also reminds me of a friend I had in SL who is a fox at heart. I think we introverts are like the fox who needs to be approached slowly in order to gain its trust, but the Little Prince who has not known deception, betrayal and loss still trusts everyone and speaks openly from his heart. The Fox is correct that to most people he is not an individual with feelings and neither are the men real people with feelings to him. It takes time and patience to understand people and learn if they are worth spending more of your precious time and heart on them.
  20. I just know from personal experience that I'd much rather have a good flogging than walk around in high heels for a couple of hours.
  21. Maybe they just have a higher pain threshold than most other women do?
  22. I agree with you on one point here. I don't agree that LL should try to turn SL into some massive video game. I do think they should incentivize new players to learn basic SL survival tools by giving them rewards for doing things that require them to learn how to talk, open a package, fly, save a LM and TP to it, etc., just a few lindens and some LMs to places they might find fun and interesting. I also think LL should sponsor a G-rated dance club that newbies can go to. One of the things new people most often complain about is that almost all the clubs won't let them in.
  23. I love this post, because the OP complains about all the behaviors that "much like real life" will make people not want to be their friend, yet they keep going back, doing the same things, and hoping for a different result. I doubt any place would kick someone out for not tipping. It's more likely they were kicked out for not wearing the right clothes for the venue and then being rude about being asked to change. Being kicked out for being "too small" probably is a problem for some people, because clubs and sims are so worried about being viewed as allowing an underaged look in an Adult or even a Moderate region. People don't unfriend someone because they're not the same gender in RL that they are in SL. There's more going on here than the OP says. They may have been rude to the person when they found out they weren't the same gender in RL. Also, playing a different gender than one is in RL is common in all sorts of online video games. Other people you meet in SL are not here for your entertainment or to assuage your feelings of loneliness or boredom. If someone you've met is busy or doesn't want to chat with you, find someone else to chat with or go find something else to do. "Immoral depravity" is a subjective concept. SL does have virtual sexual activity that many people would consider immoral, but if they don't want to see that, they don't have to go to those sims where such things happen. If they're upset because people create romantic or sexual partnerships with people they're not married to or with people of the same sex or whatever, well that happens everywhere online and in RL. Get over it and move along. Money seems to be one of the awful realities of RL too, doesn't it? Are you allowed to use other people's vehicles, houses or other possessions in RL? Maybe if you're friends with them they might let you. Are you able to use other player's possessions in other video games? I doubt it. If the OP thinks they were being "discriminated for being White", I think there was more going on than what they're saying. Caucasian avatars dominate SL as far as I've seen, so maybe they were being a rude, self-entitled white avatar in a sim that didn't want to put up with such behavior? "Money doesn't change people's behavior around you." - Were you under the impression that it should?
  24. Oops, you bought the wrong mesh head. I don't think the Origins line is being updated, hence the much lower price on them.
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