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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I have a free set of hairbases from Amacci that has cute little curls around the face and neck. These are my goto hairbases for all my girls.
  2. Yes. The last one I saw in person was Grumpity Linden (as a giraffe), who helped me a couple years ago with removing some griefer objects in my neighborhood. I love that the Lindens all have their own styles for their avatars. ❤️
  3. For a cocktail dress, E. Valentina is nice. They make their clothes almost entirely for Maitreya, but if you wear Maitreya, check them out. You have to look at Blueberry and Addams too, since they both give out store credit as group gifts, which lets you pick what you want to get for free.
  4. I honestly don't understand why you'd be terrified, nor have I any idea what you're talking about. When someone creates a thread on these forums they do not own it, not in the sense that they can control who posts in it or what they might say. We can't even delete our own threads. We would have to get a moderator to do so for us. I reference the Cornfield as something old timers here would understand. The idea is based on the old Twilight Zone episode in which a little boy with god-like powers is able to wish people into a place of virtual oblivion. In Second Life, the reference is much less terrifying or dramatic. This was a place where in-world Linden moderators could place avatars who were disturbing the peace for a limited period of time. Many people who were sent to the Cornfield even enjoyed the notoriety and did things so they would get sent there. The forum equivalent now would be a temporary ban on posting, but that wouldn't be fun at all. At least in the in-world Cornfield one could wander around the corn stalks and chat with other people there. In-world it's now been made into a kind of zombie-shooter game with rewards.
  5. I can think of 3 ways to do this. First, there are sometimes camera adjuster HUDs that you can find on Marketplace. I had one for my Petite avatar years ago. Second, on Firestorm at least you can go into the Advanced Menu, Debug Settings to change your camera settings. The folks who run the Firestorm Support group will advise against doing this, because it's possible to mess up a bunch of settings if you don't know what you're doing. The default camera positions is horrible though, imo, and is far worse when you have a short avatar. I followed an advice page for better camera settings, copied those settings onto a notecard, and refer to that notecard from time to time when I want to change my camera views. Third, is the easiest way. Go into your Camera Control window, adjust your camera view manually, and then set that as additional settings for your camera. I find that setting for my Petite avatar and settings for my Wolf avatar work equally well for both avatars, so I only need one set for both of these. These settings remain for different avatars using the same viewer. A couple example videos:
  6. If there were a Cornfield for these forums, I bet Tama Suki would be in it with a few others. (Maybe one of them is even his sock puppet alt?)
  7. We would still need demos for mesh clothing. A picture is not going to show if your body will poke through or how the item will stretch when you move.
  8. Don't make it notecards. Most people in SL don't want to read a bunch of text. Newbies especially don't want to read a bunch of text, and instead skip past most of the helpful instructions at their starting point. Make it a YouTube video. This way people can see exactly what kinds of problems they might encounter (with your friends acting as the griefers) and exactly what to do about these issues.
  9. No. I got bored after 7 and went to read one of your other threads, the one where you boasted of the millenary history of Italian cuisine.
  10. Don't be a Jerk is a good general rule on online, in SL or in RL. Figuring out what constitutes being a jerk is a harder, but here are a few clues: 1. Are you doing or saying something that could hurt your feelings if someone else did it or said it to you? If yes, then that's being a jerk. 2. Are you doing or saying something to make yourself feel smarter, cooler, or more important than the other person? If yes, then that's being a jerk. 3. Are you defending someone or some group of people from someone who is putting them down? If yes, then that's not being a jerk. 4. Are you trying to give advice or educate someone, not just putting them down or calling out their ignorance to make them look bad? If yes, then that's not being a jerk. 5. Are you stating an opinion or belief as an opinion or belief, not as a fact? If yes, then that may or may not be being a jerk. 6. Are you using words and wording that sound intelligent, but are really just BS to make yourself sound intelligent? If yes, then that's being a jerk. 7. Are you trying to be considerate, kind and helpful? If yes, then that's not being a jerk.
  11. I haven't blocked anyone on the forum. If I find someone annoys me, I just think, "Oh it's that fool", and either ignore them or give them a passive aggressive reaction. In world, I have had to block griefers from my land, one toxic guy who was my friend's SL ex, one toxic guy who was my SL ex, people who gesture-spam and spank each other in public, people who beg for money in groups, people who "out" others in groups for being "dangerous", and objects that spam me with too many ads.
  12. Did you mean "Centennials" or Millennials". Your post made me think of this:
  13. The old forum used to be much more active. This activity included snarkiness, sexual innuendo, calling out creators and other people in SL, plenty of arguments and just plain silliness. Then the Moderators came when the old forum was replaced with the new one. The owners of Linden Lab wanted to sanitize the forum to make it less off-putting to potential users and investors. Suddenly it was easy to be blocked from using the forum for saying things we could have said before. Then there was a mass exodus from this official forum to the various others that are not controlled by Linden Lab. Included in the Moderation was the rule to not discuss other virtual worlds or other forums. This forum is much more polite and respectable than the old forum was, but it's also relatively empty and quiet.
  14. That is a valid perspective. Yet similar practices exist all over the world, and don't always involve the evocation of a deity, demon, or any kind of spirit. From a modern Western perspective, some people who identify as witches do evoke deities in their workings, but many do not. If one evokes a deity with prayer before casting a spell, this may be for protection from potentially harmful forces, to help gather and direct magical energy, or both. In modern Western magical practices one does not need to devote themself to solely one deity. They may work with a particular pantheon, with a particular patron/ matron diety, or with whichever deity or spirit suits their interest and personal calling. Some people who practice magic may identify as aetheist, agnostic or practice a kind of Chaos magic in which the belief of the caster is thought to help create the spirit which they then evoke and use to direct the spell.
  15. Let me give an example from a quick Google search for a spell. ...If someone is talking about you behind your back and spreading malicious lies and rumors, there are a number of ways to put a stop to it. This one is based on a spell found in Scottish folk magic, and works on the notion of “binding the tongue.” What You'll Need A cow tongue, available at most grocery store deli counters A knife A piece of paper A pen Sturdy twine Steps To Take Use the knife to cut a slit in down the center of the cow tongue. Write the person’s name on the piece of paper, and stick it into the opening you’ve made. Wrap the twine around the tongue tightly, binding it shut. If you wish, you may want to include an incantation, such as: “Out of sight, out of mind, Your wicked talk I now bind. Your words go far away from me, As I will, so it shall be.” Take the tongue someplace far away, dig a hole, and bury it. - Does this set of instructions describe a ritual, a superstition or a symbolic act? Your answer may vary depending on your perspective. I think there is obvious symbolism involved in equating the cow's tongue with the tongue of the person who's been gossiping. This kind of symbolic spell is said to involve *sympathetic magic*, because the act of burying the cow's tongue (the symbolic, sympathetic object) is thought to affect the tongue of the person who's been gossiping. It isn't intended to affect any cows or all gossips in the world, so the focused element of who it's intended to affect comes from the mental focus of the caster. It doesn't involve any kind of High Magic ritual, but I guess writing the person's name on a piece of paper, putting it inside a cow's tongue, reciting a little rhyme, and then burying the tongue in a hole somewhere could be considered a ritual. On the other hand, for someone who doesn't believe in magic, they could just as confidently say that doing something like this is pure superstition, especially because it's part of a folk tradition. As to whether doing these things would have the desired affect on the intended gossip or not, one would have to try it and then gauge the result for themself.
  16. 1. Meditation is a preliminary step to teach awareness of energies we don't usually notice and to learn visualization. Not all witches meditate, but it can be helpful. 2. Not all witchcraft employs rituals. "High Magic" does. So called, "Low Magic" is just as likely to involve simple acts that may seem like superstition, but which have symbolic meaning. Magic can also be used in workings that are purely mental, involving no outward signs or rituals. 3. The power used to charge a spell can come from different sources. It can come from the Universe, from plants or stones, from deities or other spirits, or from the caster themself. When a magic practitioner only draws from their own energy reserves, they tend to feel tired more easily. 4. Willpower or Will can be employed in different ways. On the most mundane level it's positive thinking and focusing on what one wants in life. One's will can also be used to focus what we could call "magical power", so that what one envisions is made more likely to happen. This can be viewed as giving "fate" a push in the direction one wishes it to take, influencing another person thoughts and behaviors, or influencing one's own thoughts and behaviors. 5. Enlightenment and striving to be one with Deity is fine, but probably most people who identify as witches use magic for more mundane needs and desires. This may be for getting money, health, love, or protection for themself or others, but also can be employed in all kinds of goals.
  17. I agree with all the posts ChinRey has made above. Second Life and Open Sim are similar, but Second Life has a ready-made user base that's much bigger, has better audio, and has a huge selection of user-made content. Lag will be a problem unless you hire people who know how to build resource-efficient structures, landscaping and scripts. A single full region costs about $300/ month, and would likely be your minimum initial investment, along with whatever it costs to hire people who know how to build resource-efficient structures, do nice landscaping, scripting, & etc. You absolutely must have a private island in order to control your maturity level, security and the quality of your user-experience. You can keep out flying genitalia and naked avatars if you take charge of controlling who or what kind of content comes into your region. You can limit the complexity of the avatars to reduce lag. You can offer low-lag avatars to your customers, such as some of the Second Life starter avatars or ones of your own design. Either set up one section of your region for a simple on-boarding tutorial or work with an existing on-boarding region, such as the Firestorm one. You might even want to suggest your customers log on with the Firestorm viewer or one of the other third party viewers. Don't use the default Second Life on-boarding areas, because they're filled with people who harass new users. What kind of RL entertainment are you selling? If it's a streaming service or music related, it might do well with the SL user-base. If it's for a brick and mortar establishment, it probably won't sell. Our user-base is probably a combination of middle-aged and older folks who have been in SL for a while with newer, younger people who've come here from IMVU or other social platforms. Virtual fashion is a big industry in SL, but that doesn't mean that SL users want to spend much money on their RL fashion. Can you offer a virtual experience that accurately represents your company's RL product? It's not impossible to advertise to SL users, but it's not easy either. There is virtually no tracking of user activity, so you can't get much useful data from us. If you have people join a group and send advertising through that, it's easy for people to close such a group or opt out of it if they get annoyed by advertising. You might be able to place ads on the SL website, but very few people actually come here to see them.
  18. I think one can easily learn much more about various magical paths from YouTube, but if they're new to such studies they might have a hard time figuring out what would actually be useful for them. Sacred Cauldron has classes in basic Wicca, but they tend to charge RL money, which I find personally distasteful. Magic in the Metaverse has a more diverse selection of paths, and is thus better suited to those who are not especially interested in basic Wicca. I once attended a great series on Hoodoo/conjure and rootwork at Covenstead, but their current sim is much smaller and less active than it used to be. Broom and Brew is a small group that had some great classes in the past, but I don't think they have any current ones. Look up these groups inworld: Artemis's Tavern at Witchfest (mostly a dead group, but they had a good library), Sacred Cauldron, Magic in the Metaverse, Covenstead and Broom and Brew. Fallen Gods used to have an interesting metaphysical library on one of it's distant islands too. If you're really serious, I'd suggest starting with a basic book on Wicca from your local bookstore or library, then look up different paths online or on YouTube. Humans have been practicing magical traditions for at least as long as recorded history, so there are many different ways, rather than just one "correct" way. I believe there are some universal truths within all the various traditions, but in the end, whatever works for you is valid. As a general rule, don't try to do magic that would hurt someone or take away their free will. (I believe there is a place for that sort of thing, but it tends to bite back when you're not experienced.) The beginning steps can be boring, such as reading books, meditating, and practicing visualization. I view using magic as mostly being about focusing one's mind to try to attain some end. Also, watch out for people who might seem dodgy or cultish.
  19. Policing Second Life is kind of like trying to police the internet, because there are all kinds of people in here with all kinds of goals and attitudes. Where you go in SL will also largely determine the kinds of people you meet and their interests. I'm sure there are those who look for child avatars for inappropriate activities, just as there are people who chose to use a child avatar for those activities. I think there are more people using child avatars in non-sexual roleplay, but I have no way to measure that data. Adult regions may sometimes be for largely non-sexual roleplay, such as family, vampire, ancient world or Game of Thrones RP. Because there may be adult themes acted out, the owners of such sims often decide to keep the sim set to Adult and will dissuade players from allowing child avatars in areas or in scenes where adult activity may take place. They may allow child avatars in non-sexual scenarios, because they would be appropriate characters in the roleplay there. The age of a player can not generally be proven, but since Moderate and Adult regions are supposed to keep out minors, I think it's reasonable for people in these areas to assume that the avatars there are probably being run by adults. Suggesting that an avatar could make money stripping or escorting does not mean someone is trying to groom a child for adult activities. It's just a well know way that some people make money in SL, and unless you say you're a minor in RL, most people will assume you're an adult in RL. On the other hand, if you do see things that are obviously against the TOS, such as RL sexual pictures in someone's public profile, then you should report that. I've seen a few pictures in people's profiles and skyboxes that shocked me, so I know this can be a problem in SL.
  20. I also think your best option is to get the free LucyBody and free Genus Strong head, then buy the LucyBody BOM applier for $ 197 (about 80 cents US). The Atenea LucyBody fits Maitreya clothes and Slink shoes, both of which have thousands of free items that fit them inworld and on Marketplace. I love free stuff, but sometimes you'll save more in the long run by spending a little bit upfront. If you buy about $5 to $10 in linden dollars, you can join groups that have free group gifts. Then get a mesh body and head that will allow you to wear thousands of free skins, make-ups, outfits, & etc. You don't have to pay rent for land if you find nice, quiet places that let you rez packages. You might even find places that have houses you can use for free, especially if you can join their land group. Make finding good freebies one of your main gaming goals, and SL will not let you down.
  21. If one doesn't have time to build a ring for their partner, how will they have time to be a partner?
  22. Divorce in SL does not cost alimony, but I think it costs $L 100 to dissolve the partnership? (It's been a long time since I was partnered and unpartnered, so I'm not sure what it costs now.) The other person may be too cheap to pay for dissolving the partnership he no longer wants, or maybe he doesn't want to admit to his own failings as a SL partner? Maybe he feels a little guilty, but obviously has not enough courage to talk and tell you that he no longer wants to be partnered. To me it sounds like it is not you who is lacking as a person, but it is these men who simply ghost you and run away.
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