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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Blush, seriously ... you're responding to a brick wall.
  2. @LittleMe Jewell Honestly its better to do a custom build when you can (time, patience and cost factored in) so that you can be certain what you end up with will not only run Second Life (and whatever other programs you intend to use) well but so that you've got a bit of wiggle room as newer technology hits the market.
  3. Boy I really hit a nerve, didn't I? Nothing has changed, back into the bin you go. Oh and just to address a singular point: This isn't a support forum. That's over in the Answers section. This is General Tech Discussion, your quoted thread is in another general purpose section: Second Life Viewer. That you don't understand the difference speaks volumes.
  4. That is partly because of that one's steadfast resolution to only use off-the-shelf, store bought computers.
  5. No, they don't. Not on something the size of the average PC monitor - they just don't. There's a reason I don't bother reacting or responding to you in general these days, Cykar - nowhere did I say innovations should not be made. In the future respond to what is present, not what you imagine was being said. Improve the hardware's capabilities but be realistic in the application. You know, that thing you ignore when trying to answer users who ask about their hardware specifications: The average user doesn't care if a given hardware set is capable of starting the client program, they care about it being able to meet their expectations of a "decent" experience which often means being capable of more than 15 - 20 FPS (closer to 40 - 60) out of the box or with minimal fuss, in most situations.
  6. Welcome to Second Life. No, there isn't. Worry about something a bit more important.
  7. @Blush Bravin That is normal for that particular user - anyone who disagrees is always wrong and/or part of some (often long gone) group that is out to get them ....
  8. Adding to earlier ... I'm back at the preview right now to examine a few houses and house boats I'd not looked at last night and I have to say: There's at least one or two House Boat styles I like and really only one House style I like in the preview. The latter of those has a nice second floor balcony I could use! Erm, so yes ... Don't mind the Kitsune wandering around! I don't bite, promise!
  9. The new houses ... too small? Seriously? You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking .... I normally don't comment on another's size choice but really, unless you're a bloody giant, these houses are a wee mite big. Doubly so for some of the house boats. The bulk of my avatar forms look small inside one of these things - and none of them are straight up Human! Heaven forbid I assume one of my smaller, critter forms!
  10. I've got an automated Group Changer I use that requires RLV and a teleport portal at my Den that requires RLV and a Relay. A former pet of mine (now a dear friend) uses a Wardrobe that requires RLV. Honestly, it's useful for more than just BDSM ....
  11. Adding to the above: Nor was Second Life - and the content within it - ever intended to run at such an insane resolution. As one of my room mates put it once: There is no reason to be running 4k on something the size of a computer monitor. That assumes of course that you're being sane about that and not trying to use something pushing 40+ inches as a monitor ... A 55+ inch unit as a TV or gaming display (for a console or in home streaming)? Sure, 4k is sane-ish. For Second Life or about any other general computer use case? No. Sorry, not even for 3D modeling. You're not going to use something that big for that, you're just not. What's that? You say that 4k exists on smaller displays? And your point is ... what exactly? What you're using in that instance is a display size that has to have pixels crushed down to allow for such an insane display size. You're not really going to notice much improvement - no, you're not, don't even attempt to argue. This absolutely irritating trend to make more and more content/PC games 4k is just that - irritating.
  12. That's nice and misses the entire point. Put him on Ignore. If someone quotes him, so what? You see only what they end up quoting and don't have to read his posts otherwise. Heck, until people started to respond to his bait in this thread, all I saw was "You've chosen to ignore content by (User). Options ". Do note that I haven't responded to him - not directly - and have thus far responded to those who have or to a situation his shenanigans have brought forth. In short: It doesn't matter at all if you believe it "doesn't work" - reality shows that to be nothing more than a belief born of a personal inability to resist responding or reading. Get over it, resist the urge and move on. That is all, that is that, that is reality. Deal with it, do what you have to or let the actions of a pedantic troll control you. Your choice.
  13. As Coffee notes .... That's his MO, among other things. Throw him on Ignore, let him believe he has "won" and move on. Reality will remain unchanged no matter how much he wants it to be otherwise.
  14. Point blank for you: It is up to the one who created the content to decide on the permissions said content has. Beginning and end of that story. Does it make it harder for those who have a specific look in mind for their avatar? Sure - get used to it and get over it. I've personally had to "settle" or otherwise alter what I was going for countless times, all because I find it more than a bit difficult to make the bloody content myself and because - being on a fixed income - I simply cannot afford to plunk down much for custom work (even if I were to cut back on a few things, I cannot justify the expense, not when the prices I have seen quoted are hourly and more often than not end up costing more than a month's rent on a PI 4096 parcel). Yes, some places will sell full permission templates - often with some sort of licence or user terms attached. At least one shop I occasionally patronize has extra steps to acquire the truly full perm version - all thanks to people being arsehats. Such places are not really all that common. Welcome to Second Life - sit down and listen to those who've been around here for a while.
  15. As far as how one defines "bot" ... it is irrelevant. The only stance on the matter that actually matters is that of the Lab and/or the individual Linden responding to the report or to you upon an appeal attempt. Story, end of.
  16. Unless iTunes allows audio output to/as a URL ... you're SOL. The last time I used an in house media stream for parcel audio, it was a Shoutcast type stream. This required a program designed to "listen" for streamed input over the LAN which was then processed and repeated as an output back out using a public facing URL that could be plugged into Second Life (typed into the Audio/Sound section of the parcel settings). Anyone got any information?
  17. See above, Blush. I'm not getting into it, I've explained it repeatedly and frankly I'm sick and tired of doing so. I'll direct you to the Buy L$ page so you can do the "savings" math yourself instead. ETA: Quoting it doesn't much matter - I'm not going to argue about it/over it and not interested in any "discussion" on the matter.
  18. Do note the language used before responding in the future. Point blank: Nowhere in there is it even implied that either had or would add in such functionality. Settle down.
  19. I do so love how shocked some seem to be at the potential $25 price tag ... Since some are so keen on trying to compare Second Life to games, I'll just toss out there that even Microsoft and Blizzard will charge you about the same to change your account name/tag. So no, $25 is not unusual.
  20. EEP is still in beta. Until it is out of beta, no TPV should be using any of the EEP code yet. No, being rolled to RC regions on the main grid does not mean it is out of beta.
  21. Sorry, no. It wasn't ever allowed. At no time did Linden Lab ever allow you to share IMs with anyone over their service/systems. They banned users for doing this even before my time (2006) if it was reported. Nor was it all that difficult to remove an RLV enabled collar: Log in using Linden Lab's client, remove. If that didn't work, use the runaway function or safe word. We could continue on this for some time but as said a moment ago, the only users that have actual authority concerning their information are... Kitty Barnett and Marine Kelly. Outside of those two, you're going to get responses from users that either never encountered those functions or users that are inflating the actual functionality back then for some reason. I DO remember that back then, many collar makers simply did not include safeguards or tried questionable methods in their efforts to appeal to sections of BDSM users.
  22. You'd have to directly ask either Kitty Barnett or Marine Kelly directly to see if what you were told is at all accurate. From all other accounts (including Kitty herself in the earlier linked 2009 era thread) such a thing simply never existed, not in the official code for RLV or its derivative anyway.
  23. That's just it, the ToS never allowed such a thing. It may have been clarified but even as far back as 2806, IMs were considered/treated as private by Linden Lab and their ToS, making any method of sharing them using their service or any part of their software "illegal". That includes the client software, among other things.
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