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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. And? This isn't the first time a code change has caused problems nor will it be the last. You'd have hated the earlier years.
  2. Private Region prices can be found right here. For those averse to hitting links: The setup fee (for a normal, full region) is $349 without any added/applicable taxes while the monthly maintenance fee is barely any cheaper at $249 ... So yeah, if you can afford one/justify the expense of having one ..... Congrats.
  3. Welcome to Second Life, Axel. What you just described happens on any day ending in "y" - it's not unusual whatsoever. Shrug it off, write off the sim/owner and keep on keeping on.
  4. Ah yes, so a response by Linden Lab's servers is affected by how one sets up an E-mail address .... Unless you're managing your own mail server - meaning in house hosting - this is not a factor at all.
  5. Simply reading the message can also flag it in the system as received, it's fickle. Some require a response, some don't.
  6. From my own experience Ethan, once you respond to an offline through the e-mail, it gets yanked out of the queue for display on log in.
  7. At least someone's done their homework .....
  8. Sorry to burst your bubble there DeepBlue but until very recently, I've not had a problem with "crashes" or disconnects on the Animesh enabled client. Why yes, Firestorm. And on Linux no less. This is since the February release of the full Animesh capable client - I do not touch beta clients unless I have no other choice. The most recent issues with Teleports and such have only cropped up in the last week or two - for most anyway - and those issues are on the server end. So no, you cannot rule out your own machine, deal with it. Why users are oh so quick to blame Linden Lab is ... Well it isn't a mystery but seriously folks, just because you and those you know are having issues ... Point blank: If it isn't widespread (meaning affecting the majority of the Grid or user base) then guess what?It's not on LL's end. It could be between LL and you (if network related) or more likely your machine itself (for most other issues and quite frankly more likely mot of the time). That's simply how it is, like it or not. Don't go blaming the developer (goes for more than LL) for things that could very well be beyond their control.
  9. Considering when you made that post? No, it isn't.
  10. Hmm, now why oh why would user concurrency be down on a Tuesday... I wonder.... Couldn't have anything at all to do with rolling restarts, now could it? Especially not 14 or so hours ago... Oh wait... Imagine that... Welcome to Second Life. This isn't anything new to those of us that have been here for over a decade. Is there a problem? Probably. Are the low concurrency numbers you screen captured related? Not likely.
  11. That's nice. Read back a bit in the thread, you'll find that that was already covered.
  12. Now, to put the above a somewhat gentler way: Yes, there are some who will set their security systems up to give very little warning. There are some who will snap up a parcel near an airport or other vehicle rez zone just to spite a user who has "crossed" them ... And your answer amounts to adding in official restrictions that affect everyone in an effort to stick it to someone that will eventually forget why they have that parcel and move on or to stick it to a user you feel is impeding your enjoyment? Seriously? Vehicle users are not the only group within Second Life. You do not have Carte Blanche to go wherever you please, just because it pleases you. And yes, that is how that comes across - "How dare another user prevent me from passing over/through a parcel they pay for! The very nerve!" Contrary to popular belief, Mainland does not exist solely for exploration nor is anyone required to treat it as a community asset - thankfully. Yes, Second Life is not Real Life and thus the traditional notions of privacy don't really work here. Guess what? That cuts the other way too: In Second Life, a parcel owner has every "right" to decide they do not want you passing through or flying over their parcel. Over the years Linden Lab (wisely) has not restricted or changed that. The most they have done is incorporated a set of suggestions Into their ToS and CS. That seems to not be enough for some ...and honestly with the attitude some show on this topic (and the attitudes shown through the years for that matter) it seems as though nothing whatsoever would be enough. There are protected roadways and water channels as well as entire sim areas wherein air travel is also protected. That ought to be enough. If it isn't ... well that's just tough.
  13. Welcome to life - Second or not. Petty people exist, deal with it.
  14. It is obvious that you haven't a single clue exactly how nasty stalking can get... Nor do you understand that you admitted to a light version of it in this very thread. Mute, Block and Ignore - yes. Then you move on. You don't use online tracker HUDs to see when they're online. You don't see where they go/hang out... Nothing. Move. On.
  15. There is no "land role play" going on where parcel owners wanting a bit more "privacy" are concerned. By thinking along those lines you are -indeed - trying to present the subjective as objective. No incentives of any sort should be offered or used to weight a user's decision in either direction. Yes yes, Estates can add a further Land Impact bonus if the owner is willing to pay extra, I am aware. That's beside the point. Here's the bottom line: If you're not paying for it, you do not get to decide what access permissions or other security options a user has on their parcel. Linden Lab does.
  16. As a general rule? No. It's how you use the script/tools that matters. While there are some gadgets that play up the less savory uses for such scripts in their product description, the original intent for most remains as a backup method for checking if your friends are online or not - in case your Friend List gets borked.
  17. Seriously, there is no good reason to be using such a HUD in such a way. At all. What you see it as is irrelevant. Do try to understand that. Also do try to understand how you've come across here: High School maturity level stalker ex would be considered "polite" as a description. Write the Ex off, get on with your life. What they do isn't your concern.
  18. Ad Farms were objectively bad, Qie. No warning Security Scripts? Possibly the same. Pretty much all other complaints raised by vehicle users? No - they're subjective. Personally? I see no reason to make Estates more "attractive" to any set of users. Let the user decide where they want to go. Mainland does not need to be visitor-welcoming. It simply needs to exist as an option.
  19. Swing and a miss there, again. Speaking only for myself: I'm not on any "side" here. At all. My sole interest here is seeing the removal of your opinion/interpretation of the ToS as a factor or talking point. Some sections are worded as suggestions, others a bit more concretely. That's just how it is. Want a discussion? Have one. Please leave your interpretations at the door. That's directed at the general "you" by the way.
  20. Not really. Stating reality is just that - like it or not. Thanks for playing though, please try again when you're ready to proceed from a grounded point of view.
  21. Sorry Winslet, any such limitations do not preclude those paying for the parcels telling you - in no uncertain terms - to pack sand and go around their parcels. As others have noted: Despite your interpretation of the ToS, nowhere in the bits you have quoted is any language even suggesting any hard and fast rules concerning security systems and such. There simply isn't. It is phrased as a suggestion. That is the reality. You can disagree with that all you like, it doesn't change much. Now, want to try to change it? File a JIRA entry. Bring it up at a Town Hall even. Stamping your feet in the forum won't help you.
  22. Look it's very simple, as stated earlier: If you're not paying for it (in the case of user "owned" or rented parcels), you really do not have a say. Beginning and end of the story here. "Discuss" just how "unfair" that is all you want, no one is required to let you pass through or over their parcel. Oh and before you go getting all bent out of shape over this, I'm simply stating reality here. My personal opinion on the matter happens to be that so long as all you're doing is passing by or using spaces other users have set aside for use by the general user base... You're perfectly fine. You're NOT fine if you're demanding any level of access to a parcel someone else pays for, no matter your reason. You're not fine if you want to restrict what options other users have concerning access to parcels they pay for.
  23. Ah yes, it was only a matter of time... If you're not paying tier on it, you don't have much of a say - period. You also don't have much of a say on Linden protected parcels. Deal with it. No seriously, sit down and deal with it.
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