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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. There are many couples in SL where one person has a Premium or PremiumPlus account and they get a Linden Home and their partner lives with them there. They can give their partner Rez rights by setting the land to some private group that both they and their partner are in, then setting the land->options->build to "group". (I think that group is the default for that anyhow, so it may not be necessary to set that... but the land->General->group must be set to the private group if they want to give others the ability to rez on their property without giving it to everyone in the whole wide SL world.) The Premium/PremiumPlus member can give their partner control over opening doors/windows, choosing the colors of the house, etc by adding them on the interior control panel. To do that: 1) click the control panel, 2) Select Access, 3) select Add Name and enter partner's login name on the popup, 4) select Back, 5) select Use List They cannot give their partner access to the exterior House Controller, which allows you to select the house style and ask for the Content Creation Pack. That can only be accessed by the property owner.
  2. They way I understand it, the gift is not breedable as is, but you can buy something at the Wild Kajaera store to convert it into a breedable. But if you convert it, then you also have to feed it, just like any other breedable.
  3. It looks like we got More Ranch homes!! Yay!! and thank you Linden Lab and Moles! From what I can gather, there are 13 new regions. One is a homestead and 12 are residential: MAP: __01__ __02__ __03__ __04__ __05__ __06__ __07__ __08__ __09__ __10__ __AA__ __BB__ __CC__ __DD__ __11__ __12__ __13__ __EE__ __FF__ __GG__ __HH__ __II__ KEY: (new Regions) 01 = Okay Corrale 02 = Jellyside Downs 03 = Dreadmore Falls 04 = Caribou (a homestead) 05 = Three Acres 06 = Mynahs Rest 07 = Mz Trueheart 08 = Donegal 09 = luvay 10 = Tree Fiddy 11 = Sweetiepie 12 = Sneaky Pete 13 = Rileys Branch Existing Regions AA = Buzzard BB = Thunderthud CC = Mint Julep DD = Mighty Dog EE = Muskrat Love FF = Wolverine GG = Comeuppance HH = Gilead II = Polka Time
  4. I assume you ARed it? I would guess that governance would be quick on something like that which effects so many people
  5. Thanks Gabriele. How does one use this script? do we rez a box on the parcel and put the script and the EEP assets in the box?
  6. oh that is good to know. I knew there was a limit, but I was under the wrong impression that you could do it more than once a month. It would sure be nice if they could automate the process (as they once said they were hoping to do) and then remove limits and time delays.
  7. I disagree with you. If a store is up in the sky and a person is walking down the street, they wont see it and know it is there when they pass it.... and that means potential customers are lost because the store is not in sight when they walk by it. Lost sales harms the brand. I have discovered more than one store that I have shopped at when walking around. I like to believe that other people have as well.
  8. Rats! I missed it.. seems to be gone now ... either that or my viewer is not drawing it
  9. This site is very rarely available. It is $L 280/week (pay for 5 weeks and get a 6th free) and allows 200LI allowance. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lakeville/186/191/57 Arrow Lake Campsite sits on the edge of a pond centrally located on Lakeville sim in Ipperwash Cliffs National Seashore. Surrounded by woods it really provides that up north camping feeling. This area of the park is very scenic and has lots of trails to explore. Caviots: Tents, structures, and RV's on the site must be harmonious with the theme of the park.
  10. I am a bit confused why people keep talking about the next 2048 release. Did Patch or Derrick say something about another 2048 release that I missed? I know there are more releases scheduled, but has Linden Lab said anything about them being Premium Plus Homes?
  11. ok, I am not Oliver Twist, but his famous catch phrase describes how a lot of people feel about the ranch homes. I am a BelliMentor and a lot of people are asking me how they can get a Ranch home, as the land page seems to be "sold out." I think the Moles and LL have done a fantastic job on both building and releasing the Ranch homes. I am guessing they are working as fast as they can to make more Ranch Home regions. And their production has been amazing. But... just as the initial Linden homes release in 2019 .. demand remains high and the current supply is not enough for everyone who wants one. In short, the SL community wants even MORE!
  12. if your goal is to keep people from walking onto your parcel by accident (or even on purpose) then I would think 4 meters is taller than is needed. I would think 2 M should be plenty tall enough. I dont use it myself .. I am quite proud of how I decorated my home and landscaped my yard and welcome people to come take a look. Honesty, I thought it was very clever of those prior neighbors to wall it off in a way that gave them privacy from uninvited guests but did not hamper the view at for anyone inside or outside. I am a tad confused on what you are saying here. Are you saying that it violates the spirit of the covenant to have a transparent 2 M tall fence around your property, but a non-transparent fence is ok? Or are you saying that if someone chooses to have a transparent fence, they must keep it no taller than 4 M?
  13. When I said Invisiprim, I actually meant a regular prim with an alpha texture (e.g transparent). I did not know there was a previous special type of object that no longer exists. I was not trying to refer to that... and if you hadn't said something, I would not have known that I had inadvertently misspoke. In this case, they used 4 prims linked together and set to convex hull (so LI was only 2). Perhaps that was to control the thickness of these invisible barrier walls, because they would have been rather thick on a 32x32 M box where max hollow is 95%. BTW. your idea of scripting it it to go phantom when certain avatars (on an "approved list") collide with it is quite cleaver and very doable. I am only an intermediate level scripter, but I think I could write that one myself. Someone really ought to make and market a "smart invisible wall" to protect one's property at ground level. I think there might be a market for this type of product, especially in Bellisseria.
  14. I disagree. I work with new people regularly as an SL mentor and also at the firestorm gateway. A new person would not understand being banned at all, and might think they are being targeted. New people dont know the "rules" of this "new game." The way Rowan handled it was perfect. The new resident learned something and did not feel personally targeted. In fact, she most likely felt helped because of Rowan's gracious IM.
  15. I actually like the rectangle shape better because I have some cute swimming dolphins. I like tp put teh dolphins in the half of the parcel where the houseboat is not covering the water and watch them swim around. Wiht their swim patterns, the fit perfectly in a 16x32 area. However, I dont like to be "penned in" either, so I like ot my have my rectangle at the end where I only have a close neighbor on one side.
  16. A Banline Alternate Solution When I had a fantasy region home, I had a couple for neighbors who did not want anyone to visit their place. And they found a very creative way to keep people from accidentally wandering onto it... they had 4 invisiprim walls surrounding their parcel that you would run into if you accidentally stepped onto their parcel. It kept people out. (And no, I did not find it by trying to enter their property. I was editing something and accidentally ended up clicking on their wall when I was trying to click on my tree.) Just saying.... there are ways to keep people from accidentally wandering into your parcel without using ban lines.
  17. I feel sad for your location then. I have made 4 lifelong friends in SL who started at neighbors at assorted belli homes, and many more casual friends. Of course I am kind of an outgoing person. When I see someone on Nearby who is in the same region as me, I quickly check their profile to make sure they dont have something hostile in their profile description section. If I see something like "Dont bug me with IM's" then I ignore them. Otherwise I often IM them to say "hello Neighbor" or something to that effect. I have also had neighbors who IMed me in a similar manner. As I said, I have made lots of casual friends from belli, and a four who have become very close friends.
  18. NEW VIDEO - a video tour of my ranch home that Robert created.
  19. When I read your title, Mount Campion National Forest came to mind. It is a beautifully landscaped many-region forest with wooded trails, beautiful lakes with waterfalls and streams, with the occasional forest meadows and fields of wild flowers. They rent both campsites and cabins/houses. You get a parcel that you can decorate the exterior (must be in theme) and the interior (as you like), with a generous prim allowance. There is also a community group and daily activities that you can participate in if you so choose. You can rent by the week and get a discount for longer term rentals. If you would like to check out what is available, this is the LM to the rental office: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/109/89/285
  20. oh I did not see this thread until I had already answered in the Bellisseria Help Group thread. If your profile wont allow you to select anything other than general, you may need to submit a support ticket.
  21. In the future, it is better to log in to SL and ask this type of help question in the group chat. You will usually get a faster response there.
  22. 2MyLuv, bring up your profile (ctrl+p) and go to the General Tab. The second line on that tab says "I want to accesss" and has a pulldown menu. Select "General, Moderate, Adult" That shoudl give you access to moderate and adult land and content. Also you need ot be signed in on the marketplace and set the maturity rating there a well to see that content on the marketplace.
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