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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. Releasing a mountain top log cabin overlooking the ocean. Part of lot has ocean view and part has more mountain. Plan to release about 11 PM SLT .. if interested contact me before then http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Skunk Creek/124/118/56
  2. Free?? did some one say free and curtains in the same sentence. Wow. Gonna look for applefall on sl search and see about getting them
  3. I love how you keep us all updated on stuff. Thank you!
  4. I did purchase this and for the price, am happy with it. The colors look a bit on the darker side but totally reasonable to me. My issue is the higher LI - 4 per curtain (8 if you use a double). I tend to go for lower LI stuff in general so that I can fit more in my home.. the curtains I usually use are 2 LI for either double or single. So I wont use these curtains if I am decorating a home that is constrained by limited LI. But some of my home decors have 20 to 30 LI to spare, and those are ones I would be happy to use these curtains. I think they are well worth the price.
  5. I wonder if it is your Environmental lighting? I rezzed this in my work area after reading your post, and I got colors that were reasonable for the names.. here is what white looks like for me:
  6. I totally love the environment of the fantasy region with its beautiful plants, crystals, arched bridges, lovely effects, etc... but I had been perplexed by how large the homes are and wondered if I would be able to decorate one to my satisfaction. After wandering around them for a bit, I found one style that I think that I could decorate comfortably: The Mistbrooke. It has more traditionally sized rooms and a nice one story layout that could easily become an entry, living room, bedroom, kitchen and dining room. The model is located here (at least while the demo region is up) if you want to see it: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Mesmerize/200/103/22
  7. Good advice. I also go to the options tab and clear landing point and TP routing.
  8. idk.. call me overly simple on this topic, but... IMHO... this is not an issue that is (or should be) up to us. Linden Lab knows all the details we are guessing at: cost, usage, loads, demand, future priorities, etc. This seems like a business decision that is up to the Lab and really doesn't concern us. I am happy to leave this decision in their hands and not be concerned about it...especially since I live in Bellisseria and not in one of the old linden homes.
  9. After being inspired by the lovely lighthouse view posts, I grabbed a houseboat this afternoon. It wasn't what I was looking for, but it does have a couple of nice features and may "check the boxes" for someone else. It is an end unit, so there is only an immediate neighbor on one side. It has a nice view of the stilt homes on the "no neighbor" side, and the windows face east towards sunrise. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Salmon and Gillfunkel/182/217/22 (Houseboat at Salmon & Gillfunkel -- the region name alone makes it almost worth keeping). If anyone wants it, please IM me in-world before 5 PM SLT and we can try to arrange a transfer. If I don't hear from anyone by 5 PM, I will release it then.
  10. wow hadnt see this populated of a land page in a long time... at 3:20 today:
  11. 35 breedables is a script resource hog. I recommend you AR them.
  12. I am the person who asked in Bellisseria Citizens chat about permapets... "Do they count as breedables and have to be limited to two?" Both Patch and one of the moles answered that they do. It is a clear and concise answer an I am no longer confused on that issue.
  13. Well said Mercedes. You explained that very well.
  14. hey everyone, this thread is starting to get ugly.... I am no longer enjoying reading it and probably wont anymore. This is supposed to be about building community. Please be nice to each other.
  15. actually I live in one of those... the blue one in the picture at the end is my house... and it was listed on the Land Page as Pier. (If you edit any pier home, the house name will say OW because it does not have a staircase going to the ground.) When I spoke of 3 types of Stilts, what I was referring to was how locations are listed on land page, not the type of object the controller rezzes.
  16. There are actually three types of stilts... OL = Over land, which may or may not boarder water. Some of them are quite inland and not at all close to the shore but still has a water view. OW = Over Water. These are not collected to anything. Supposedly they are only accessible by boat (but of course TP or flying or walking through the water still works). Many people build wrap-around decks around them so that they can have some sort of outside. Others have boats up against their deck. PIER = connected to a pier. The Pier itself may be connected to land at one end or may be just a ramp in the water with houses attached to it I dont watch closely but my impression is that OL comes up several times a day, but OW and PIER are less frequent. If you want an OW or PIER and see one on the land page, grab it immediately as it will probably be taken in minutes. They are however building more stilts. Not sure when they will be released or how quickly they will go.
  17. I completely concur. There comes a point at which there is simply too much regulation on what people can do in their linden homes. What is next? banning non-LL approved boats at houseboats and Chalets? Disallowing certain types of flowers (roses, etc) log cabins because they dont match the types of flowers in the Linden landscaping? I am, however, in complete agreement with the suggestion/JIRA that LL allow people to Derender (and also Derender&Blacklist) objects of their choice. Some other viewers (including Firestorm) already do that, and it comes in very handy when the neighbors put up something you want to look at.
  18. You are correct Gingir. Horizons parcels are private land .. I would say about 1/3 of them owned by land barons trying to sell them for an outrageous price. The others owned by residents who live there. They are 32x32 lots and cannot be terra-formed or joined. But you can buy two parcels in the same region and deed to group to get more LI allowance. However the center regions (6 of them I think maybe more) are a scifi game. Those are owned entirely by LL.
  19. PhotoTour #4, the Upstairs. This shows the bedroom, a glimpse bedroom's of the balcony, and the little sitting area on the other side of the partitions
  20. PhotoTour #3 - The livingroom. This shows it from two angles and then shows the lovely view out the big windows.
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