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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. you know, the map can be deceiving and give you the wrong impression of a property. Let me share a quick story... I gave up a pier that I liked cuz someone really wanted a pier and the alt that has it will expire in April anyhow.... (sad part.. even though we coordinated carefully and there were no other piers on the land page.. another one popped up just as I released. She got the wrong one and someone else got the one I was trying to give her.) Anyhow since that alt who gave it up doesn't expire until April, I decided to get another home for her.. tried a vic. When I looked at the map, I was like .. "ug! awful location" ... in middle of big area with no water. I TPed over, planning to quickly dump it. But I decided to look around a tad. It turned out to be an incredibly nice location.. totally different than anything I'd ever gotten before. It was next to a railroad station with an SLRR Rez zone. Had a big park area on one side.. big open area then tracks behind... only 1 neighbor and there was tons of space between me and that neighbor. I had been wanting to try out riding the railroads and since this house is just a few steps from the railroad rez zone, this makes it easy to do. It wasn't at all the sort of home I was looking for but I think I am really going to like it.
  2. I am planning to release an extremely nice Pier Stilt at 4:30 PM SLT today ... I love this location... sort of an end in that there is no house to one side... only 1 close neighbor on the right... even the house across the pier is staggered and not directly facing you. There is a wide sailing channel near it, so houses across the water are far away and from time to time you get some nice boats sailing by. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Null Quay/52/60/23 I am letting this go because my alt's premium expires on the 19th and I since I have on OL and OW pier, it just doesnt seem worth 99 USD to keep this one too. The views are too similar to merit the cost. If you want to try and arrange an exchange (where you know exactly when I am releasing it, pls contact me at the house.
  3. I have a stunning pier that I plan to release about Feb 19. I was originally gonna keep it cuz it is so nice, but decided it is too similar to my OW to merit paying another 100 USD for. So I plan to let it go the day before that alt's premium expires. I am guessing there will be others in a similar situations. So dont give up hope. There will be some nice stilts out there for you!
  4. that is a lovely lot! Before the stilts that is very close to my dream home.. but now I have a beachy stilt with 2/3 sand and 1/3 water -- so I am not thinking about relocating Whoever gets that spot should be very happy! It is an awesome spot
  5. Announcing an art display of Bellisseria photos mostly taken from this thread... displayed at the Firestorm Gateway Art Gallery for the month of Feb 2021. There are 21 different artists and each artist has given permission for their photos to be used in this display. The hope is that this display will encourage some of the new residents to become premium members and get their own beautiful Bellisseria Home. You can come see this art display at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Firestorm%20Social%20Island/190/174/28 It is up now and will remain up for the entire month of February 2021.
  6. That is a lovely trad! My fav are the sandy beach ones... you did well. I think you are smart to hang on to it
  7. I think sweet myrtle has one of the nicest layouts of most stilt regions. Folks who get homes there will mostly be happy
  8. wow.. amazing to me. Every type of stilt is available atm but no trads and no vics.
  9. Actually that doesnt look like a bad spot to me. But what really struck me is that this Hourglass Sands spot looks identical to a otter limits home that one of my alts had. I guess a lot of the regions are duplicates of each other
  10. just checked the land page.. atm all 8 styles (including the 3 stilts) are listed. Great time to try for a home regardless of what style you want.
  11. that is a stunning location. I am sure that whoever gets it will totally love it!
  12. I did. Stop that is. I have a couple of stilts, a Victorian and a trad and am extremely happy with each location. Took me a while to get what I consider "dream" locations but now that I have them, I am quite happy. I had a premium alt that wasnt due to expire for a week after getting my fav spots... I tried 3 or 4 times a day out of curiosity to see if I could do better... none of what I got came close to what I already had. I havent been "house shopping" in a few days now and dont miss it at all. I am just totally enjoying the spots I have. I expect it will be some time before I tire of these locations and consider GOH again. But I have to say that I extremely enjoy watching this thread.. read it religiously.. and super enjoy seeing what people are finding and releasing. I think I will remain very addicted to this thread during the period where I am no longer house shopping...
  13. go figure... the only one that has consistently been in short supply over the past few days is Victorian. well I do admit the victorian neighborhoods are lovely... but still a but surprising to me that vics are the hardest one to come by of all 8 house styles (counting each style of stilt as a separate house style).
  14. I am going to downgrade this alt to basic later today. She has an unusually nice Pier Stilt home... on map edge with unblocked ocean view.. only close neighbor on one side. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Otter Limits/140/198/23 I am thinking of letting this go at 8 AM slt. SInce there are other pier stilts in the queue it doesnt make sense to try and coordinate a release with someone, but at least you know when I am releasing this really nice one. And RELEASED... (8:07 AM SLT)
  15. well I have a stilt really like but was trying to see if I could do "better" out of curiosity. Turns out that 5 tries each of 2 days nothing else came close. Almost time to downgrade the account I am trying with. I am coming to the conclusion that there are a lot more locations that I dont like than spots I love. I consider myself lucky to have found one that I really like.
  16. I just looked at the land page out of curiosity and every type of stilt is on it right now.. OW, OL, Pier. I already have my ideal stilt so not shopping myself.. but if you want a nice stilt, now might be a good time to go for it
  17. it is funny.. when everyone was hyped about stilts (those 2 months of "soon") I did not think they would appeal to me. But I got one just cuz everyone was and low and behold, I discovered that I really like stilt life a lot.
  18. Sweet Myrtle is not quite ready for release yet, but whoever gets this OL will have one sweet view... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sweet Myrtle/161/16/22 This is a dream spot to me... but I am not going for it because I already have a very nice OL and I wouldnt want to risk a super nice sure thing for a slight chance at something nicer.
  19. I have been reading the thread with interest. I am a bit stunned that someone with a perfect "dream" parcel location might feel the need to abandon/move if their neighbor decorates in a way that they dont like.. assuming they are on firestorm viewer. You can just derender and blacklist the parts you dont want to see. And even if you are not on firestorm, there is always AR if the neighbor puts out things that violate the theme. If the neighbor themselves is obnoxious in voice or local chat, you also have options .. you can either block the offensive avatar or you can use About Land -> sound panel and check these two boxes "restrict voice to this parcel" and "restrict gesture and object sounds to this parcel." If you are getting things you dont want to see in local chat, you can always uncheck About Land -> Options "avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel" It is so hard to get a "perfect" location.. if you are lucky enough to get one, then please dont let unpleasant neighbors (who might move in a couple of weeks anyhow) drive you away from it. Use the tools that SL and the viewers provide to keep that neighbor from bothering you.
  20. letting go a beach/water OL Stilt at 10:30... lovely location but I actually managed to get a better one so want to share this with someone who wants a nice place. Road on 2 sides so not crowded. Has water in corner and some house styles the deck is over the water. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Corderosa/69/192/24 Edit: Someone has claimed it
  21. I am releasing a lovely victorian.. there is a willow tree lined road infront of the house, and then ocean .. lovely west (sunset) facing view. There are houseboats in the distance but you cant see them with draw distance 128 or less. On corner and little park-ish area behind, so only 1 immediate neighbor. I love the place but gotta cut back on premium accounts and want to keep a stilt more than this one. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goosemere/106/152/27 I will release in 5 minutes at 8:00 AM SLT.
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