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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. I spent way more time than I have on it and am up to 33. Someone said there is a master list.. I would sure love to know where that list is. My personal goal is to try and hit 100 but I dont know that I will make it. A master list might help me achieve my goal before month end.... I find that I wander aimlessly and get lost and end up going in circles... esp in the fantasy regions. I am definitely no threat to those 100 people trying for the special prizes. But on the plus side: 1) I found some really interesting things as I wandered and 2) it gave me an idea for a BBB Gazette article.
  2. Rapid Cheetah... STOP. You are making me hungry <grin> Fair point to invite people in to explore parcel as long as it is not deviously hidden.
  3. I tired and eventually abandoned chalets. I have a fantasy place that I kept. But stilts (esp On Pier Stilts) remain my fav. I have three... yea I know too many but I love all 3 locations too much to give them up. And Coby, I think you are wise to hang on to your spot.
  4. I believe this event was meant to be a hunt. The idea of putting markers that tell a hud where to go seems to violate the spirit of the hunt. I personally am not in favor of that. Also, to those who "hide" your bucket.. this also seems to violate the spirit, especially since so few of the homeowners in any given region put them out to start with. It is quite a bit of a hunt to just to find homes with the buckets in a region. I personally wont spend the time or energy doing a search within a parcel. If the bucket is in plain sight, great... feels rewarding to find it and use it. Otherwise... forget it. There may be people who want the special bears enough to go through all that extra effort, but I am not one of them.
  5. well this is not as easy as it sounds... I spent about an hour yesterday and only found 10 (in addition to the ones I put out). I had been envisioning numbers in the hundreds. Now I think I will be lucky if I find 25 by contest end.
  6. Given this input and the fact that that I had picked my bucket up at 11:45, I went to try and get another one and was refused with a "sorry you already have one and are not allowed to get another" message. How are we supposed to update our buckets with at one per customer limit on them?
  7. Houseboats may not be quite as rare as they feel. I had been fishing for a houseboat for the past three weeks -- they made an appearance almost (but not quite) daily. I probably checked the LP about 20 times a day at random intervals, and on average I saw almost (not quite) one houseboat a day. I had certain criteria for my boat.. including open water view out of the front window and preferable some land nearby.. .even if it was just a tiny piece of reef or island. It took me about 3 weeks to find one that met my criteria.
  8. I can almost guarantee that whatever house you are looking for (with the exception of chalet, campers and fantasy) will have been up recently but when you go for it, it wont be there for a few days (Murphy's law). But if you keep checking several times a day for a few days, you are bound to get one
  9. the best bet for getting a house near water is either houseboats (on water but not traditional house), stilt (comes in 3 flavors: on land, on water or on pier) or fantasy. If you get a pier or on water, you are guaranteed to be by the water if you get an On Land, you have a 50-50 change of bordering the water, but even if you are not against the water, there will be water easily in sight. More than half of the fantasy homes boarder a stream, pond or lake. There are nice coastal or river water spots for vics and trads, but those are not quite as common. I cant speak for log cabins or campers.. there are water spots along lakes and rivers, but I dont know how common they are.
  10. LOL Rabid! I am afraid I would disappoint you. It is very rare that I try on a new skin and other than that, I am always fully dressed.
  11. My temp alt expired today. I had originally gotten her to try for a fantasy home, but I caught one I liked on an annual premium alt, so I used this one to "fish" for houseboats. I had no real luck finding spots I liked and today I was to downgrade her back to non-premium cuz her month was running out. I decided to try one last time.. and caught a houseboat I really like. It is in a small grouping at the base of a lighthouse on Trafalgar. My neighbor had a lovely floating garden with lots of tall trees. It was pretty to look at but it blocked a nicer view, so I decided to derender it. And when I did... wow! I will be keeping this at least another month, and probably much longer than that. Here are a few pictures:
  12. thanks for all the great info on size. I will try 600x600 next time
  13. what size? I already had downsized mine quite a bit to get 3. Sounds like more downsizing is feasible but it would be helpful to have a target size that looks nice on the forum but is small enough to allow several pictures in a thread
  14. how to you get so many photos in a single post? for me it maxes out at 3 pictures
  15. I personally dont use security systems and it is extremely rare to get someone on my property. I think I have noticed it happen maybe 4 times in the course of a year... and in two cases they merely flew over (low level avatar flying not airplanes) in seconds on their way somewhere else. I have been trying to figure out what the issue is of someone one flies over in airplane at elevation of between 400 and 2000M? If that happens, I dont even notice them and I cant see how it might possibly harm me or my property in any manner. I know that there are some people who really enjoy flying around bellisseria, just like some love boating or some love trains. I am fine with them flying over my place.. indeed it is a pity that they are up so high and dont get a chance to admire my lovely outdoor landscaping
  16. wow this is the LEAST amount of choice I have seen on the LP since the fantasy release mid August. This is overall a great time for new Premiums because there are so many homes to choose from. I remember the "old days" last November where you were lucky if there was one Bellisseria choice.
  17. My alt ran out of time and I am downgrading her. Just released a stilt on water that she had....
  18. another way to search for hard to find stores.. if you already have an object from them either in inventory or rezzed inworld, you can look at properties (in inventory) or edit object (if rezzed) to get creator's profile. Then look in their picks for their store.
  19. Is it my imagination, or are all the abandons keeping new regions from coming up? Esp in Chalets and Fantasy Homes. For example, I live on the edge of Bookings (Fantasy) since Aug 18. The house next to mine is on Easy Life and has been a Linden Home since the day I got mine.. that whole region is linden homes (as opposed to "protected") ... but not a single one is owned. I wonder if so many people are getting/abandoning homes they dont like that it is preventing new regions of Linden homes from being released?
  20. I know this thread has mostly been about furniture sales (saving money) but at times what you want to save is Land Impact (LI) and not money. So I wanted to let you know about Dekute Dekore -- not cheap and no adult animations, but a wide variety amazing very-low LI PG furniture. For example, she has 1 LI sofa/chair/coffee-and-end-table sets that seat two, 4 and 6 person dining room tables/chairs for 1 or 2 LI complete with animations (and some of them also rez low LI meals),1 LI outdoor bistro tables for two, 1 LI bed-with-nightstands. I even got a grand piano with bench.. not only does it have some animations, it also plays music. There are also sets with separate items (chair, sofa, end table, coffee table, lamp, etc are all only 1 LI each piece). I have several of her pieces. They are a bit squarish/blocky at times but when you are low on LI and need to decorate large rooms, these can come in very handy.. and generally they look nice. Some of her pieces have texture selection huds build it with different wood and fabric options. I thought I would throw in a few photos to give you an idea on a few of the many pieces offered there.... The first is a whole set (lamps, endtables, coffee table, sofa, two chairs.) It seats 2 and LI for all of that is 1LI. The next is a bed with built-in nightstands.. sleeps two and is only 1 LI. The third is a sofa and chair separate pieces, one LI each. I did not buy the other pieces, but there is also a lamp, an endtable and a coffee table all only 1 LI each. This is not the serious romance animations, most of her animations are very simple and all are PG. But this is great for filling in room when you are low on LI cuz you also want to do outdoor landscaping.
  21. Next my living room and bedroom... .I did not do a bathroom in the layout cuz the rooms felt too big for one. Besides this is fantasy (right?) so we can fantasize that we dont need to use a bathroom....
  22. these are not my best photos by far, but I wanted to show my Mistbrook interior design: First my entry and kitchen/diningroom and Piano Room...
  23. In that case, I am not gonna tell you which region my trad is on! hehe
  24. oh I really enjoy that too... walking around a neighborhood and looking at how people decorated their homes and did their landscaping. You are so right, there is so much creativity and beautiful furnishing. In fact, more than once I have seen something I loved, edited to get the creator, then when to the creator's inworld or marketplace store and shopped my heart out.
  25. I am working on a project and am trying to learn the things that people really enjoy doing in Belli. Some ideas that come to my mind include: *landscaping and decorating your home *exploring belli neighborhoods (walk, ride horse, drive car) *collecting passport stamps *riding the trains *sailing/driving your boat in belli waters *flying planes/aircraft over belli *attending special events at Belli fairgrounds *visiting clubs and pubs and such in belli *visiting art galleries in belli *boat parade *hot air balloon parade (did I get the name right?) *playing Game of Homes *other (there must be a slew of other awesome things people enjoy doing here) Pls share what you enjoy, whether it is on this list or not. Thanks much!!
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