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Lyric Demina

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Everything posted by Lyric Demina

  1. Interesting question; this is the only official invitation for Residents that I have seen in the forums but it isn't a call to decorate regions. I'm not in the citizens group so I'm not sure if anything went out in that way; hopefully others have more to offer. Personally, I would have thought Region Decoration would be a Mole enterprise.
  2. This wouldn't be such an issue if we had a fair shot even when we used the land page, to get the house that we want. We have five attempts per day to get the one house we want; and what comes up is - more often than not - the same house over and over again, that is not the one we want. If there were a fair variety of houses on the selection page, it would mitigate the sting somewhat. But since the release, I have been trying every day to get even one of a half dozen specific homes; and I watch as they one by one get claimed while I keep getting the same house. The Concierge Support for Premium Plus members was supposed to address this problem. But that was suspended until January 8 for this theme, according to Patch. So, day after day, I keep trying. Same house. Same two or three houses. Meanwhile others are actually submitting tickets for the houses they want and are having those tickets fulfilled. And it's only December 28. Just to be perfectly clear about the problem as I see it. It isn't a refund that I am looking for; it would just be really nice to know why I'm paying extra for a service that "feels" broken to me right now. I guess I will file a ticket.
  3. Quietly letting them go through is the effect indeed. My preference would be that it's a mistake. Not that everybody will lose their homes, but just an admission of a mistake to those of us who waited patiently while our Mediterranean ticketing benefits were suspended until January 8 while others were ticketing away and receiving their full concierge benefits immediately.
  4. I know because there are homes that are ticketed and directly assigned to Residents in the Mediterranean theme; I can't name names in the forum but it is happening. I would like to know why the policy was reversed. To clarify, I was hoping someone in this forum knew more than I did about what was happening and why I missed out on this.
  5. Why are Mediterranean homes being ticketed and assigned before the January 8 date that Patch directed when these were released?
  6. To address the befuddlement, I'd like to offer my own experience in the selection process for the new theme: on my first roll on the first day, I got a gorgeous house in a gorgeous location (they're all gorgeous of course); but it wasn't the one that I wanted. The specific one that I wanted is now occupied by someone else who got to it before I could luck out in the selection process. Now my wait-until-Jan-8 will be more like a wait-until-2025-maybe (or sooner, who knows -- but nobody knows). So it's not about "waiting a couple of weeks for something they really want." Possibly it's waiting a really, really long time, longer than others who got what they really want immediately. It is of course understandable why we have to wait (Lindens and Moles, big love to you all); but it shouldn't be baffling as to why people are upset about having to wait and then making financial adjustments accordingly. I say this not as someone disgruntled; fortunately I'm really happy with what I have. But, just to help explain the big feelings some people are having right now and to say it's not out of the realm of logic that these feelings might erupt.
  7. I think it means Saffron in Arabic, but my Arabic is rusty. In Spanish, Saffron would be Azafrán. There is a similarity.
  8. I had been hoping against hope for Mirandela but instead I ended up in Cala Pescadora on my first roll; which was never on my radar but which ticks all my Mediterranean boxes perfectly. The content pack is pretty nice too; lots of potted flowers and the good doors. A dedicated wall / fence pack.
  9. I'm using Finca's tree this year, 13Li, the twinkles are gentle and easy on the eyes.
  10. Tres Blah - Satin Slip - Green [LaraX] Tres Blah - Pearl Cardigan - Red [LaraX] https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/8 8/84/179/1086 til January 6. They fit super duper!
  11. All very solid suggestions above. I'd like to add La Galleria houses on the "nice cottage" side of things. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MOCKINGBIRD-COTTAGE-HOUSE-MESH/4260906
  12. The "look" of banlines is objectionable to so many; perhaps it's the "look" of banlines that I could do away with if I had my choice. I would change how they look -- maybe offering parcel owners the ability to choose different looks of what bans ya. Offering an invisible option; a fully opaque option; a single red band along the ground - or - water - level of the parcel; snow falling; water splashing; rain falling; something just to address the "how they look" complaint and actually make them more desirable to use and less objectionable at ground level.
  13. nah, some lurkers still That's an epic location, lovely catch
  14. Good news, I think I see lots of new Ranch Regions being added to the north and west.
  15. My headcanon is that SL is the nascent realization of the show "Black Mirror"s concept of San Junipero and that, eventually, when the time comes to shuffle off this mortal coil, I can come and live in this simulated reality forever after. So whenever I decorate my SL house I make sure to include all my favourite foods and tons of books
  16. and Soul2Soul http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zodiac Beach/78/55/3503
  17. I don't like that there are pictures of avatars with names clearly visible in this thread. At least one of those avatars has a business title; and they are all clothed; how exactly are they hurting anybody in this world? In one of the pictures, it is perfectly easy to verify their purpose and/or passion (alt and/or regular account) is Tiny Empires, a HUD game that a person pays good money to play and which requires the recruitment of and daily conversations with real people in order to get anywhere in the game. This is not to advocate for TE but to advocate, rather, for the legit human social activity behind these avatars represented (without their consent or the consent of the humans-in-charge) in at least one of these pictures. This bot-or-NPC-apartheid discussion has already dehumanized the person-or-people behind the accounts of those avatars represented in those photos. No good can come of that.
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