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Hymn Celestia

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Everything posted by Hymn Celestia

  1. That says so much, doesn't it, about the shadiness of the whole operation. That right there. If they target deliberately then they are weaponized, not random. It is absolutely infuriating.
  2. I love Hammond Park so much; I'd have happily taken that house if I'd seen it soon enough ❤️
  3. I don't worry at all how folks will react when the time comes to move into a new Bellisseria home, if that's the place they elect to make their virtual home. Logic dictates that if they are there every day in their original Linden Home, then they are well aware that the time draws near and they may begin to make preparations. If they are hardly there at all and rarely log in, then they obviously do not miss the place enough to worry about it that much. It is not really worth worrying about. It will be a thing that happens when the time comes.
  4. My heart aches about this news. Thanks for posting.
  5. Thanks for everything you do Patch, I'm just glad to see you back.
  6. I noticed this phenomenon a lot in the Roleplay communities when I was there, years ago; whenever a person sported a new hair or a new gown or a new AO or a new sword or whatever else... the same thing would magically appear on everybody else the next day until it became "mainstream." When a group of people do it it feels social; on the other hand when a person deliberately focuses on, mirrors and mimics another person obviously and actively, it feels anti-social and totally creepy. To be the focus of someone's attention in that way makes us feel targeted and uncomfortable. The only way I could see handling something like that is to deprive the person of me; to simply be where they are not. On the one hand, if it's a friend of mine then I feel like it would be easy enough to talk it through with them and try to arrange different "looks" that keep our separate and distinct personalities happy; on the other hand, if it's not a friend of mine then I feel like being where they aren't is pretty easy to do.
  7. What a great thread 😀 There are some creators whose brick&mortar (!!) stores I frequent lately who have taken great pains to make a lovely, easy, visually calming shopping experience while also offering really generous group gifts whose group-joiners are free. I'm thinking of two clothing and two furnishing places especially. Lovely touches. As I still keenly feel the loss of my favourite body-creator, it makes me also further appreciate the creators who are still around and who still keep going. Nothing lasts forever and there's no shame in having to pack-it-in and move-on; but to those who are still around and still creating with their passion, I am so grateful and we are all very fortunate that these people do what they do and have been doing what they do despite the challenges they (and we all) face.
  8. I don't agree with this; I'm getting a lot for what I'm paying for. I've chosen specific houses I wouldn't have been able to do otherwise; I've uploaded a ton of things I would have had to save my stipends for otherwise; I have rather enjoyed the perqs that come with what I'm paying for and I don't think Second Life owes me anything else ahead of schedule. Stuff takes the time it takes; and I chose to opt-in early with the existing array of neat stuff that I could put my (virtual) hands on and experiment with. It was a choice I made without coercion, and I don't feel resentful for it. But then again I'm a person who tends to be content with what I have.
  9. Looks fantastic I wouldn't have the Lab change a thing about the Fantasy regions. I'm just glad there's a good Vic for me to inhabit and feel at home in. But the decor in your place is terrific, no question about it!
  10. The regions all are, without exception, gorgeous in my opinion; the Fantasy regions especially so for their whimsy and imagination, a real departure from the Traditional and Earthly themes. I love wandering through the Fantasy regions; I just don’t feel “at home” there. But I attribute that more to the bullseye-success of the Trads and Vics in making me feel “at home” than a failure of Fantasy in any way. My first Belli house was a Victorian and it set the mood really for where I feel “at home” in Bellisseria. I think it’s all about the Willow trees.
  11. That's ok if they're still 1024 models; they are beginning to look fantastic. And some of the region names are so beautiful Region name has a lot to do with the beauty of a house, and I always look forward to see the new names.
  12. It's ok to bring back the Blanc et Noir isn't it? I've missed this thread.
  13. Exactly. Which speaks to the OP's "moot point" point; first it's a moot point to have opted-out, and second it was a moot point on the whole seeing as avatar-privacy-tools we had thought we were using responsibly were entirely ineffectual. It was shocking, for a lot of people, in fact. We're not (as Scylla perfectly captured above) even talking about typist-personal private information -- we're talking about avatars' access to avatars. There are Residents who simply do not want to be accessible by anyone outside their trusted circle (i.e. perhaps, for example, they have been stalked by other Residents in the past, and perhaps they have invested too much into their account to simply 'switch to a new account'; that is only one example of the need for avatar-privacy). Essentially, Second Life USED TO have the ability to hide one's avatar from the rest of the world, for reasons they felt were strong enough to implement -- and without alerting the Residents*, Second Life no longer does. Avatar-privacy is a moot point now and it is infuriating.
  14. I don't regret falling for the hype I regret a lot of things in SL ... but buying-in early to the P+ isn't one of them. How else would The Lab know how much of a priority to make something if they can't generate an immediate interest in the thing? And by immediate interest, I mean put the money there and prove the interest in it, for those who are able and want to. It's only my opinion and I know not everybody shares it, that's ok; but I look forward to any scrap of new news about the 2048 homes that is out there to be squeezed from thin air and I live on that scrap for weeks at a time with my free texture uploads and more-than-i-can-fill group slots
  15. It's a good start though; the long journey needs to start. Task by task, day by day, relentlessly.
  16. I second this (and a lot of other stuff but this very truly specifically).
  17. Agreed. None of this is ok. None of it. I and others have tried to flag it. I had a trouble-ticket put in. I downgraded and am downgrading a few accounts with comments directly related to the issue so that Linden Lab will lose money over this. It seems like a futile gesture but at least the principle is upheld that -- as you said -- NONE OF THIS IS OK.
  18. False. I am not broadcasting my subscription level to the world just by being here. It is information that a person has to spend time calculating with their own skills. BONNIEBOTS.COM is broadcasting subscription levels to the world, effortlessly and without consent. It is a violation of privacy, whether you or @Skyler Pancakeunderstands that or not. For that reason I am downgrading my subscription to basic and @Linden Lab is losing out on my money. One way or another, money will talk and get this sorted out; it will encourage Bonniebots to continue to enrage Residents, or it will encourage @Linden Lab to restrict the kind of information that is available for Residents to use against other residents in or out of world. Agree or disagree with it, it will be sorted and the chips will fall where they may.
  19. Gosh I wish I could have said it so well in my support ticket. Thank you for putting the right words to this issue.
  20. Thanks for your response; and yeah I performed that test too with a similar result. And agreed; it's absolutely not being excellent at all.
  21. Thanks Frionil, that's actually pretty useful and pretty terrible. I appreciate knowing this information. RL info is nice and safe and secure of course, as far as we know. And I would like to believe that. At the moment, though, I have my doubts. Perhaps my doubts can be calmed by someone. But this website is just getting worse the more I examine it. The big baggy problem of privacy that I was originally concerned about (sparked by a vision of my account level on a page that simply has no business having it) is crystallizing now into a more manageable problem: where did this avatar search page come from at all? Because it contains avatars, profile pictures, "about" information, that flat-out should not be searchable. An avatar I have, for example, who has "show in search OFF" is absolutely and wholly searchable in this website's avatar search engine. So how is that possible? When I turn off "show in search" I had a reasonable expectation of not being searchable. Is that naive of me? I thought I was making use of the tools available to me. So my original anxiety has not been calmed; there is a way in which this website is getting information that is not publicly searchable. How are they getting it, and what else have they gotten? Is this a Third Party Viewer issue? Is this a Lab privacy breach? Is this another mystery that can be solved easily with one of those wiki scripts that Frionil posted above? This is what my support ticket aims to find out.
  22. edit: it's possible to not have to guess, as Frionil demonstrates below. I still have concerns, as mentioned below.
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