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Hymn Celestia

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Everything posted by Hymn Celestia

  1. Thanks Frionil, that's actually pretty useful and pretty terrible. I appreciate knowing this information. RL info is nice and safe and secure of course, as far as we know. And I would like to believe that. At the moment, though, I have my doubts. Perhaps my doubts can be calmed by someone. But this website is just getting worse the more I examine it. The big baggy problem of privacy that I was originally concerned about (sparked by a vision of my account level on a page that simply has no business having it) is crystallizing now into a more manageable problem: where did this avatar search page come from at all? Because it contains avatars, profile pictures, "about" information, that flat-out should not be searchable. An avatar I have, for example, who has "show in search OFF" is absolutely and wholly searchable in this website's avatar search engine. So how is that possible? When I turn off "show in search" I had a reasonable expectation of not being searchable. Is that naive of me? I thought I was making use of the tools available to me. So my original anxiety has not been calmed; there is a way in which this website is getting information that is not publicly searchable. How are they getting it, and what else have they gotten? Is this a Third Party Viewer issue? Is this a Lab privacy breach? Is this another mystery that can be solved easily with one of those wiki scripts that Frionil posted above? This is what my support ticket aims to find out.
  2. edit: it's possible to not have to guess, as Frionil demonstrates below. I still have concerns, as mentioned below.
  3. This website and its avatar search provides information to the public that is not otherwise public knowledge. Whether an account is premium, or is premium plus, for example. That is a violation of privacy. It is none of anybody's business and it is between the Resident and Linden Lab. There is a privacy policy that says Linden Lab may share our information with third parties for various reasons, but hosting a rez day board isn't one of them. Is there a good reason Bonniebots.com is sharing with the public private financial information associated with Second Life avatars? How would Bonniebots.com even get that information? And what information is it tied to that isn't necessarily reflected on the public website?
  4. HOW ADORABLE???? ALL THE ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
  5. This lovely Lake Dacus home is available, just kinda sittin around... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lake Dacus/13/234/23
  6. I got plenty of time for this. Front-porchin' living. Lookin' at a large plot of land. Takin' things at the right pace. Yeah I got plenty of time for this
  7. BRING IT!!!!! BRING EEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTT!!!!!!! I'm a little bit country! I can saddle up! Pick Me Pick Me hahahaha
  8. Yeah it would. I think that's something to whisper to friends or friends of friends privately. EDIT: "Here's a place I'm about to abandon," on the other hand, wouldn't be so far off topic. But shaming the immediate neighbours would go against the protocols.
  9. Seconded, quite right. I hope they see this as feedback and use it.
  10. The auction information says that the closing bid for the silent auction becomes the opening bid for the live auction. It seems like it could have been made much, much, much more clear; but at least it was there. I'm not an auction pro and I didn't attend this particular one; stuff like this is confusing to me even without the small print.
  11. "You don't eff with tradition," as they say in Letterkenny. Quite right. Still, with the November Trads-action and the December Houseboats-action it just seems rather incredible to imagine there would be any further 2048-action this December. Both of those implementations really took a lot of time and effort and awesome-sauce to execute and maybe the Moles and the Lindens get a well-earned (really well-earned) break for the rest of the holiday season. *she says, pacing back and forth, feeling the anxious*
  12. ooooooh so many assumptions in such a short little journey............ and I am HERE FOR IT
  13. Yeah that's very true; but that would then have to fall into the "mistake" category, whereas my imaginings fall into the "striving and almost made it but awwwwwwwww just missed" category. If the gods that are responsible for my universe make mistakes, I get anxious. I'd rather think of them as striving and almost getting there LOL adorable and yes very terrific for the Houseboat lovers. I'm champing at the bit for even a wee glimpse of the 2048 properties though. Trying so hard not to get my hopes up and failing terribly.
  14. In that case, I'd like to imagine there were some good intentions for a massive surprise 2048- reveal that just didn't pan out due to some constraint or other, the times being what they are. I wandered around the Expo on Friday and looked at all the regions and donated what I could where I could; and I just finally assumed that it was the "houseboats augmentation" that the Expo-website was referencing when it promised new homes. Oh well; onward.
  15. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Osmium/193/119/42 Rent this region for 4,000/day but I'm not sure the mechanics of it. Patch Linden is the owner of the land.
  16. This page on the SL Christmas Expo website promises great things https://slchristmasexpo.com/lindensattheexpo/ New Homes, New Limited Edition Christmas Item, Lights Of Hope Linden and Santa Patch and His Molelves…. the Christmas Expo 2022 has it all! The Lab has been busy in Santa’s Workshop and flew in with sleigh full of goodies just for the Expo!
  17. I like the open floorplan idea so much Continental / Canterbury is still my favourite Linden House and I'm actually going to probably build the same walls in the Canterbury as previously existed in the Continental -- but now with the open floorplan I can take out the interior door upstairs, the only "Fix" I ever really secretly wanted from that house. Happy days ❤️ Thank you Moles and Lindens
  18. ............ and then look to the right and see even more free stuff beside it. Neato ❤️
  19. This stuff is all free at Apple Fall; search "Apple Fall Annan Bed w/ Curtains" in your area search and get this bed and all the decor with it for $0 L. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Apple Fall/155/229/29
  20. If anybody's ever wanted to live seaside on Quixote, this beauty is going to be released around 8:30am SL time. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Quixote/13/45/24
  21. YES! Although, if one landed in just the right Tahoe home, one had all the scenery one could hope for outside the window; and I remember towards the end of my stay there, in a house on Albatross, putting very little **inside** the home when the outside was so lovely to look at. /nostalgia train comes to screeching halt. Yes indeed, looking very much forward to 2048 parcels!
  22. I wish you had more prims too LOL I personally like what you do with them. Good news is we're gonna get more prim allowance *soon* and I -- like the title of this thread suggests -- am also really looking forward to the 2048 homes The 351-constraint is way better than the 75-constraint I used to live with in the old themes; I haven't stopped seeing that as the upgrade that it is, every time I turn my mind to filling up a new house.
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