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Hymn Celestia

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Everything posted by Hymn Celestia

  1. Vera Only Does Kahlua, Actually. G L A S S
  2. I love options; and I love that there's the option to select the default skies/time setting or the option to use EEPs. Sometimes I really need it to be midday; sometimes I really need it to be dark and atmospheric; keeping my options open would mean I'd personally answer "Yes, we really need" to the question.
  3. Some new Ramsbottom Victorian Houses just released in the last 24 hours; real beauties.
  4. Everything Ends Eventually. -- and -- Everything Starts Anew.
  5. Drinking? Really? Unless nobody knows. D I N G Y
  6. Pretty Understandable, Knowing Everyone's Disability. D R I N K
  7. Lead isn't volatile; electrically substandard. I R O N S
  8. When life gives you champagne, make mimosas LOL Thanks Scylla
  9. Mimosas on the patio waiting out the morning region-restarts
  10. "Gold!" Roxanne Exclaims At Terrence. B L I N G
  11. Then, Roxanne understood. Stay true! L O V E R
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