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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Take a look at Domino Marama's Primstar manual. It will explain lots of the restrictions imposed by Sculpties. See: Primstar Manual Domino and Gaia Clary put quite a bit of effort into figuring out Sculpties. There are some huge threads in the old forum detailing how Domino worked with LL and Gaia helping to eventually come up with Primstar a tool for making sculpties. The tool greatly simplifies sculpty creation. The work with LL made it possible to have long thin sculpties, at least that is my take. Gaia has a video tutorial for the Blender purest on how to make a sculpty with only Blender. I think the math required does one way to much brain damage, so I like the tool. But, the info you need is in Gaia's Machinamatrix.org videos.
  2. Being on a Mac makes a difference. :matte-motes-grin: So, is good to say. Which viewer you are using makes and even bigger difference. Try Help->About to get the specific version. For any technical question paste all the information in About with your question. It sounds like the hair is made from sculpties. If so, there are a couple of possibilities. RenderVolumeLODFactor can be used to test if it is an LoD (Level of Detail) problem. Depending on you graphics card the default value is 1.125. try changing that to 4. This makes a bit of a difference in render speed and overall performance. On good graphics cards it is bearly noticable. On older machines it can be significant, but not major. If that corrects the problem, ask how others see your hair. If your hair is good for them, problem solved. RenderVolumeLODFactor only affects what you see. You may have a corrupted cache. If you are using an older viewer or Third Party Viewer (TPV), that could be the problem. The sculpty map texture is not decompressing correctly. That can be caused by messed up file in the cache or the JPEG2000 version your viewer is using. The version is in the About Info. Me->Preferences->[Setup older V2 and Advanced newer V2]->Clear Cache then restart the viewer. Also, there has been some problems about download and rez speed lately. The sculpty texture may not be downloading. Press Ctrl-Shift-3 (a toggle) to see if a texture is hung. You can see textures downloading and scrolling up the list. If items are setting at the top of the list, they are hung. You can try turning off HTTP Texture Get to change how textures are down loading. I think the new HTTP Get is overloading. The Lindens are working on the bottle necks. But recently texture download and rezzing seems to have slown down. To turn off HTTP Get open the viewer's Advanced menu, Ctrl-Alt-D, then open Debug Settings and start typing ImagePipelineUseHTTP. Set to false and see if it helps. This sets you to using the older UDP delivery process. Eventually you will want to change back to HTTP for better performance. But, it may help while LL works on improving HTTP Get. Let us know if this helps.
  3. Searching on Chimera will get all the answers for fixing a Chimera problem. DjWhiteBoi asked the same, or at least similar, question here: Chimera not working right anymore?and serval people have contributed answers. All the answers I saw left out a couple of the possible problems, cache corruption, lag, region problems, and user problems. Since permissions should make no difference when adding an animation, you should be able to add any animation to any object/Chimera. So, it is either a system problem, the sim, SL servers, or connection that is the problem, or it is simething in what you are doing. To eliminate region and connection problems press Ctrl-Shift-1 (is a toggle) to open the viewer statistics. Look for Ping and Packet Loss. Ping should be less than 250ms, but you may be able to use SL with higher values. I've accomplished tasks with ping bouncing to 5,000ms. It is horrible but possible. Packet Loss should be 0%. Anything higher is a problem. The higher the ping the more serious the packet loss. With low ping your viewer can often deal with some packet lost. If you ping or packet loss is high restart the modem and your computer. Recheck. If it is still high check your connection with SpeedTest.net. If the connection is the problem, talk to your ISP. While looking at the viewer stats, look at Time Dilation (TD) and Physics FPS. TD should be 1.0. It is common to see this varying between 0.9 and 1.0. Below 0.9 the region is slowing down because the server is having trouble keeping up. Physics FPS should be 40 to 45 FPS. Below that the server is lagging. If the region is laggy move to another region. If those are not a problem, it may be inventory cache corruption. Travel to a deserted region. Any place without other avatars and as little stuff as possible is ideal. Once there clear the cache Me->Preferences->Advanced->Clear Cache. Logout and log back in to the Last Location. Open the Inventory and let it reload. Stay in the region until it completes. If the download slows type letters into the Inventory Search to speed it up. Then try moving the animation. One of the basic steps in setting up a Chimera is rezzing it to the ground or a table. Some Chimeras are invisible or have an invisible state. Press Ctrl-Alt-T to be able to see it. Also it can be confusing when your Chimera suddenly goes no-mod. Don't worry about that. If you put a no-mod animation in the Chimera, that will happen. The Chimera itself did not go no-mod. You can still make the changes you need to make. But, only while it is rezzed to the ground. While in inventory or while worn the no-mod will be a problem. If you are using the Viewer 2 style Outfits, avoid getting the Chimera in as part of the Outfit. It is supposed to work. But, if you use the entry for the Chimera in Outfits to try and work with it, your using an 'item link' and playing in a new part of the viewer that is not well tested. Problems are likely. Use the SHOW ORIGINAL option in Outfits to get to the real item in inventory. If none of these fix the problem, there may be an actual problem with the animation. In such a case it is usually a problem in the asset servers. That is why we wait and try again as the problem clears with time. But, if the problem is really a corruption in the asset server the only fix is to replace the animation to get the right asset information. If none of the answers are helping, we need to know more to make better suggestions. In the viewer click Help->About and paste in the info there. Also, give us the name of the Chimera's maker. You can edit the Chimera and look at the proerties of the scripts to get the makers name.
  4. I am assuming you meant not flexi rather than a non-flexible sleeve. Blender is a free and powerful 3D modeling tool. If you really want to do a lot of creative work in SL it is an excellent choice. But, all that power gives it a steep learning curve. For videos oriented toward SL try Machinimatrix.org and YouTube. There are a number of wiki's with general Blender tutorials. Blender Noob to Pro is a well known one. Many of the tutorials out there are for 2.49. They are difficult for a person new to Blender to translate to use in Blender 2.5x because of the big change in User Interface. I think 2.5 is much easier to learn. To make clothes, many people use 2.49 because the Collada exported does a better job with 'rigged mesh' than 2.5. However, the Lindens are working on fixing things so 2.59 Collada's rigged mesh works well.
  5. Chodai Yoshikawa is right. The Python file in Collada exporter does show the scale of export. In Blender 2.49 one has to manually change the value, if I remember correctly. If anyone is unsure of the scale their system is working at, try a test export/import of a 1 unit cube in SL's ADITI or OpenSim where uploads are free.
  6. Well... the Linden's point is that something the architectural world and 3D modlers have wanted for a long time is here. That part is fact. Whether mesh will save the Lab and even that the Lab needs saving is a matter of opinion. That all information points toward the Lab being a profitable business suggests they are no more in need of saving than any other business struggling through this economy. The suggestion that all users of SL totally distrust the Lab is an over statement. There certainly is a good sized number of people that do not trust the Lab. But, there is likely an even larger number for which the idea of trust never comes up. Also, that a massive number of people have trusted the Lab with financial information suggests a much larger number of people do trust the Lab. At the least it suggests a clearer phrasing of what one means by distrusting the Lab. As to owning virtual land... I've only been reading the ToS for the last 3 years. I've never seen any promise that I would own land any more than I would own a web server's hosting account. The idea that land is too expensive is a matter of opinion too. In any free market each individual gets to decide the value of a commodity or service. If it is too expensive, they don't buy it. If they see a value, they do buy it. A significant number of people are purchasing land each month. The trend lately suggests that competitors may be having an effect. But, watching the monthly stats posted on SLUniverse shows almost as many new regions leased as given up. So, it is hard to say with any authority that SL Land is over priced. I'll concede that for the casual hobbyist it is too costly. Also, the Linden strategy guiding the Lab right now is about 50% complete. It is having an effect on sign ups and a perceptible effect on retention. Consumer service is changing. Bug fixes and upgrades and user features requests are handled at a much faster pace than 18 months ago. So,lots of things are changing. If anyone wants to see what has and is changing in a detailed way, follow my blog.
  7. If Valerie's answer doesn't solve the problem, the long answer is here: Avatar Render Problems: Ghost Cloud Smoke Ball Ruth I find your question a little ambigious... so, may be you mean: Lost Inventory and Missing Inventory Fix – Help
  8. Nalates Urriah


    Rolig gave a good answer. It seems like English may not be your first language. You may want to write the question in your native language and see if someone answers in your language. You may also want to use Google Translate to create an English version copy and include it. If you write in real sentances using proper grammer, Google does pretty well. Inworld is just in world, meaning inside the game rather than on a web site like the Market Place, English ideom. If one has a shop inside Second Life, that you can walk into, then they are an in-world-seller. Also, it is better to build on a previously asked question, as pointed out. It saves us both time, you waiting for an answer that works and us in knowing what to say. Also use a better post title. You will then be more likely to get someone answering you that has a real answer.
  9. Probably. But, it depends. If the animation was no copy, look in your TRASH. If the Chimera is still there you are saved. If not, it and the dance animation are gone. The system SHOULD have asked you if you were sure you wanted to delete the item because it had no copy items. If it did not file a JIRA with the viewer maker. If the animation was copy-OK then there is a copy in your inventory somewhere. I suspect you have now learned that even your broken things are worth saving until you get a replacement working. On anoher level, inventory often appears lost and is not. If you think the animation is lost from inventory (like it is copy-OK and should be there), then look through this: Lost Inventory and Missing Inventory Fix – Help
  10. The long answer is here: Avatar Render Problems: Ghost Cloud Smoke Ball Ruth A slow connection aggravates the problem. Find a deserted region, may be Pooley or one near by. The fewer people and objects in the region the better. First thing to try is change your active group. Often within a couple of minutes that corrects the problem. It doesn't matter which group you change from or to, just change. Another thing is: once you are in a deserted region open inventory and enter a search term to force an immediate inventory download/update. Once the 'Fetching' count stops increasing, start pressing re-bake (Ctrl-Alt-R). Wait 2 to 3 minutes between bakes. The reasons and other thighs to try are in the article.
  11. Without knowing about your system and connection, we really can't give much advice. Click HELP-ABOUT and copy paste the information with any technical question you ask here.
  12. I'll give the answer a different twist... If you press Ctrl-Shift-R, you will see the mesh that makes up SL. Its a toggle so press again to turn it off. How is the new mesh different than that? It is not. They are the same. What is different is what we can now do with mesh. Prims allow us to move mesh around by scaling, twisting, cutting, and texturing groups of vertices/triangles in collections we know as prims. Sculpties gave us a way to move individual vertices, but there are lots of restrictions. The new 'mesh' is about giving us the ability to move individual vertices, change the number of vertices, control the physics shape (the part we bump into), control how we apply up to 8 textures, and use more powerful tools to edit the mesh. So, mesh as the actual thing is no different than what is already in SL. This new THING, we confusingly call mesh, is about getting the ability to edit the SL mesh at a whole new level of control.
  13. I suggest you search this forum for the video card you think you will get. You'll find those that are having problems or if the card works well, probably nothng. Apple Lyon is not currently supported by Linden Lab. Search on your OS because that may have changed. Both ATI/Apple and nVidia/Windows are having problems with SL. OpenGL changed and new cards anticipate using the newer OpenGL. The Lab is changing things so SL will work well with OpenGL. But you may have problems depending on what combination of card, video driver version, and OpenGL version you try to use. It is very confusing just now. nVidia Driver GTX 460 Problems
  14. If none of those suggestions worked read this: Avatar Render Problems: Ghost Cloud Smoke Ball Ruth There are a number of things that can create the problem of an avatar not rezzing. Read the article and you'll have an idea what things to check for before you start ripping your avatar apart looking for the problem.
  15. We need to know more about your system. Click Help->About and copy-paste the information here. Do that anytime you ask a technical question. I am gussing about what you are asking. Your question did not translate well. Try Google Translate. Appearance requires everything download. The viewer uses your skin and clothes to make a new texture. The new texture is uploaded and it is that upload that other people see. If you have a connection problem, that can break the process. Check your connection using SpeedTest.Net. Ping below 250 is good. Any lost packets are a problem. 3% loss is about the limit. But, it depends on which packet is lost. Also clear your viewer's cache. You will find the control for that in: Me->Preferences->Setup->Clear Cache. After your next login, visit some place deserted. Once there re-bake your avatar. Press Ctrl-Alt-R. Wait 2 to 3 minutes and repeat. Have a friend with you so they can tell you when the problem clears. You may need to re-bake several times.
  16. You forget stuff and you have to wait for bad answers then clairfy and ask again. It is alot quicker to give us lots of info. Even without logging in open the viewer and click Help->About and copy-paste that info into any post asking for technical help. The error message you are getting is typical of a region being down meaning it cannot make a connection. There is the login server and the region server that cooperate in your login. So, as suggested, check your connection. Use SpeedTest.net and test to San Fransico. I doubt there is anything in this article I Can’t Login, but you might look through it and see if there is anything you have not tried. You may want to look in the crash and/or session logs to see if anything else is going on. They may give you a hint. Look in C:\Users\[windows_login_name]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs\ You'll see the files. Open them with a text editor and search for error or warning. Hopefully there is a clue.
  17. Technically you are right. Kirstens viewer does render AND upload mesh. Plus it works on OSGrid. But, the number of people using Kirsten's viewer is very small. Typically less than 2,000 users. However, the S21(9) release has been downloaded about 9,000 times as of today. Still a very small percentage of SL users. So, for practical purposes Vive is essentially right.
  18. No... There is very little mesh on the grid as of now. So, unless you were in a mesh sandbox the likelyhood of mesh being the problem is pretty slim. Tomorrow we will probably be able to get some information on how well SL is preforming with the mesh roll out now on the entire grid. Over the next couple of weeks we will likely see server maintenance upgrades roll out that will improve stability and improve performance. I doubt there will be any big changes, but may be. I expect a couple of weeks of poking and tweaking by the Lindens before moving to the next big project. Direct Delivery is in progress, but 2 or 3 months away.
  19. Change httpMaxRequests to 16 or 8. Phoenix Viewer has a section that discussses the setting. Search their wiki. I'm being lazy and not looking to see if Singularity has a wiki... and I don;t remember... so you might check. There have been problems with the routing to SL's utility servers. I think they have that fixed. But, we could still see problems during heavy load. So, you might try setting ImagePipelineUseHTTP to false. I think this is the typical HTTP Texture Get in most viewers. Turning it off reverts you to the older UDP texture fetch process and a different router path to those assets. Singularity is a good viewer. So, it is unlikly it is the problem. You can ask in the in-world group for Singularity. I'm not logged in right now so I can't give you the name. Search groups using Singularity. You'll find it. Jump in chat and ask. Someone will probably answer. Also, if your polite and avoid slamming Phoenix, you can ask in the Phoenix group and someone there will likely help. The majority of people there are helpful. Some viewers crash on exit and leave processes running. You won't notice a problem until you next login. Try restarting the computer and then login. The Region Logout process means that SL thinks you are still logged in. Since you are now trying to login they realize there is a problem. So, they log you out. Give it 30 to 60 and try again. If you want to know more about these problems read: I Can’t Login. You'll learn about some of the more complex problems that popup and prevent your logging in. Fortunately they are rare.
  20. It sounds like your computer is having problems resolving server names. Try restarting the computer. Shut it down and restart your modem and/or router. Let them completely restart before starting your computer. Start the viewer and before logging in click Help->About and copy-paste the info whenever you ask a tech question. Wireless connections are often a problem. Try using a cable to connect and see if that fixes the problem. You can test your connection at SpeedTest.net. There is a server name and IP address in the About Info. You can use that for the destination of the test for better relevancy. Plus of you do file a support ticket, it will help to give support the results. For checking packet loss you should be able to press Ctrl-Shift-1 (a toggle) to get the viewer statistics. Packet loss will be shown. You may be in Basic Mode. If so, you may not be able to find some of the controls we are suggesting to you. Placing the About info in with your question means we do not have to guess.
  21. When you ask a technical question please click Help->About and copy-past the information into your post. That tells us everything we need to know to make intelligent answers. Otherwise we have to guess. The type of problem you have is often a connection problem. While logged in press Ctrl-Shift-1 (a toggle) to open the viewer statistics. If you have Packet Loss over 2 or 3% and Ping time is more than 250ms, the problem is probably your connction. You can test your connection at SpeedTest.net. In the About Info there is an IP and server name. You can test using those if you want high relavance results. Your problem can also be from a server problem. Look for Time Dilation and Physics FPS. Values be low 1 and 40, respectively, suggest a server problem. Log into another region. Be sure you restart your computer after you have problems with a viewer. Since you are using multiple viewers, you need to read through my Second Life Clean Install to see if there is anything there that will help.
  22. For technical questions it is often easier to copy-paste the info from the viewer's Help-> About. It gives versions of several important components installed on your system. The 560 is not the only nVidia card having problems. The Lindens are aware of the problem. The problem is not so much the nVidia cards as it is how the Lab uses OpenGL and changes in OpenGL. The work-a-round is to roll the card back to an older nVisia driver. Several people are using 260.99. Search this forum on nVidia or nVisia 560 to find what people are trying. There is all some information here: [#SH-2240] As OpenGL, I want applications to not use the fixed function, because it is deprecated. - Second Life Bug Tracker and nVidia Driver GTX 460 Problems
  23. The simple answer is the files your viewer needs to render the avatar have not downloaded. So, the viewer shows a particle cloud. This can be because of your connection or because the region you are in is having problems. You can tell which by pressing Ctrl-Shift-1 (its a toggle). This will open the viewer's detail stats panel. Look for PING and PACKET LOSS. These tell you if it is the connection. Ping should be less than 250ms. Packet loss should be 0%. You can get by with 2 or 3% packer loss. But loosing a key packet can cause a problem. Look at Time Dialtion and Physics FPS. Time Dilation (TD) should be 1.00. It is common to see 0.9 to 1.0 in practice. Physics FPS should be in the 40's. Lower values are worse. If you are seeng low values the problem is on the server side. Try another region. They one of the deserted regions, like; Grasmere, Seascale, or Brampton. I am guessing you are using Basic Mode. So, I'm unsure exactly how to do this. But, once there log out of SL. Log back in and you should be in the region you logged out from. Give it five minutes and see if your avatar renders. Press Ctrl-Alt-R to force a rebake. You may have to rebake 3 or 4 times. Giver it a minute between bakes. If that is not working, come back and tell us the results. Also, click Help->About and copy paste that info here. Best to do that while you are still logged in.
  24. For any single specific task, there may well be a best. For general purpose modeling, I suspect it is more about personal prefference than the software. In which case the better modeling program depends on what you plan to do. Maya and 3DS are good professional tools. They have about every tool one can imagine. So, it you plan to do professional level production, go with them. Sketchup and similar programs are a novice's tool. Professionals can use them but will find them limiting. If you are a beginner and just want to learn some basics, they are not a bad place to start. Blender, TrueSpace, and similat tools are some where between being a professional's and a hobbyist's tool. One can do most of the things in them that one can do in Maya or 3DS, but things are not as polished. One skilled with Blender can do impressive work. Since both of these are free, they are good starting places for beginners yet to decide how deep they want to get into modeling. Blender has a reputation for being hard to learn. However most people using it learn it on their own. I don't have numbers, but I suspect more people go to school to learn 3DS than are self taught. I'm not sure my assumptions about which is actually more complex or difficult to learn are valid. But, I can say from personal experience that Blender 2.5x is far easier to learn than 2.4x and prior. For building regged mesh, what you would use to build an avatar, most modeling programs' export is a problem for SL import. The Lindens are working on fixes. Do not expect any program to work perfectly with SL. I'm not sure if the recent 2.59 release of Blender has rigged mesh working well with SL. Most people working with rigged mesh use 2.49b or 2.5x to make the model then export their .dae files of rigged mesh items with Blender 2.49b. So, working 2.5x requires the additional step of moving the rigged mesh to 2.49b for export. But, they may have been fixed.
  25. You need to give us more information. We are having to guess. Open the viewer and before attempting a login click Help-About and copy paste that information here. As suggested, use SpeedTest.net to test your connection. Target San Francisco, California or here is one of the SL region servers: sim9930.agni.lindenlab.com ( This is a mainland region server... today. The important numbers for making a connection are Ping and Packer Loss. Ping needs to be something less than 500ms to login. I'm not sure where the actual fail point is. Once on you can see 3,000 to 6,000ms and sometimes remain connected. Anything over 250 make the controls sluggish. Packet loss over 0% is a problem. You may be able to survive 3 or 4% packet loss. The higher it gets the more problems you'll have. Also, if you ISP has started blocking ports for some reason you may see problems. You can get port information from Configuring your firewall
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