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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Get your details together and file a JIRA. Come back and add the JIRA ID and link to this thread. The Mono2 upgrade has rolled to the main grid. It changed a lot of stuff. Without a JIRA they may not notice the problem.
  2. If you have never been able to login, it may be your ISP is blocking ports that SL needs. You can find port infromation and firewall configuration here: Configuring your firewall. Also, how your DSL/Cable modem is set up may be the problem. It may be helping out by acting as a firewall. You will need to test your connection for blocked ports. You'll have to Google for how to and software to help with that. You can call your ISP, but often support does not know, especially if you use AT&T. They have often told me they were not blocking when tests showed they were. Also see: I'm having problems while on wireless networks - Second Life Wiki I'm having problems with internet providers other than Cable or DSL - This should give some ideas as to what type of connection problems can interfer. You can test your connection at SpeedTest.net. That should tell you if it suffers from problems that will interfer with SL.
  3. I've seen some other people complain of lost changes on the main grid. So, it is not just a Mesh region problem. Some weeks back the Lindens were improving the region restart process and crash recovery systems, concierge services. Prior to that some crashes apparently hung and required an Estate owner or support call to restart the region. So, some crashes, apparently many, were obvious. With the recent changes a crash goes into automatic recovery and may appear as a planned restart. In such cases there is no flush of object changes registered in the region server to the database. But, that should not be the case when a restart warning is issued. I suppose a region is being restarted because it is having problems. So, the update could be taking longer than planned and the changes just aren't making it to the database.
  4. There may actually be an SL problem. It depends on the version and brand of viewer you are using. A new feature of SL is a thing labeled Direct Delivery. It change a significant part of the way inventory works and that is having an effect on getting things in and out of inventory. So, saving changes to objects seems to have a new lag factor, which may or may not explain your partial changes saved. I am told that this lag will disappear when Direct Delivery goes live. Whether that really has an effect, I'm unsure. I do know that SL registers changes to objects in the region server. It them takes 60 seconds for the change to be considered final and propagated to the asset database. If you are making lots of little quick changes you can have multiple changes pending to update. I think the process is async and your changes may be a confused series of out of order changes. I'll suggest a work-a-round, but I'm gussing. Make your changes. Whether it looks like it worked or not, wait 90 seconds and then detach the hair. Give it a minute then wear the hair. Select the parts that did not change, change them. Make only one change and wait 90 second to assure the region server has sent the changes to the asset server. Repeat the process until you get it changed. As said, you will probably want to try the change in a deserted region. The less people and things in the region the better. Pooley used to be a good place. Now too many people know about Pooley and there are usually a number of people there. But, you can see deserted regions around Pooley on the world map. Pick one of those. Also, if you need a pose stand for editing the hair you may run into a problem. Most of the areas your find will be no rez. You can turn off your AO and use a pose to hold the avatar still as a work-a-round. Plus there is a viewer 2 thing about selecting objects that is having an effect. You may have difficulty selecting objects in viewers that use recent viewer 2 code. I think this started with 2.7.something. It seems to be fixed in the 2.8.1 versions and up. You can often shift the camera to a new location and make the selection.
  5. Whenever you ask a technical question open the viewer and click Help->About. Copy paste that information into your post. You'll get answers that will work for you... well... mostly. There are large number of causes for clothing not to rez. Actually it is usually the avatar that is not rezzing or not correctly rezzing. Without a good description of how you rez or don't we can give you an answer targeted at your problem. You can try reading through this article: Avatar Render Problems: Ghost Cloud Smoke Ball Ruth You should realize this is a Users' Forum. The answers come from other SL users. Your threats of leaving SL and venting your frustration here is an annoyance to most of us. Many people with the answers you may need simply won't reply when they see a post that comes across as having a whinny threatening attitude. I'm not saying you cannot vent all you want, but it is likely to be counterproductive.
  6. I'm not sure I uderstand the question. You may want to try it in your native language and see how it works. The long list of inventory problems and fixes is here: Lost Inventory and Missing Inventory Fix – Help
  7. You can find TV's that use the new Media On A Prim (MOAP). You must be using a newer viewer that uses Viewer 2 code to be able to see them. They are not dependent on the Parcel/Estate stream. I haven't kept up on how MOAP is developing. The viewer is designed to allow media plugins so that Flash, Video, and other types of media can be used. In general web pages can be displayed and they support Flash, Youtube, and most other media. Whatever Web Kit supports. But, there has to be a web page with the media you want to see. There are free YouTube TV's in The Market Place. They show YouTube video and similar online video. There fancy versions of a type of TV called Media Viewers. With new Internet TV channels these are becoming more TV like. Several Media Viewers come with a collection of adult video. So, you do not have to be tied to the Parcel Stream that only Estate or Estate Group level users can change. Remember. There are free versions of most things in Second Life. Try those out. The Pay-For versions usually have more content and better controls. For things like this shop The Market Place, as the product descriptions are much better. The Market Place
  8. For more information on specific error messages see: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:Error_Messages That is the Error Category Page, so it has lots of links. Read through for the one that you think fits best. To test your connection visit SpeedTest.net. You can also test the connection if you ever get logged in. Press Ctrl-Shift-1 (its a toggle). That opens the viewer stats panel. Look for PING and Lost Packets. Ping should be 250ms or less. The higher it gets the more problems you will have with SL. Packet Loss over 2% is a problem and the higher it goes the worse things get. Bandwidth (download speed) should be 500kb or better. The higher it is the better. Going lower than 500kb/s creates problems but may be usuable. SpeedTest.net should tell you if the connection is good enough to login.
  9. Hair and jewlery with resize scripts can add hundreds of scripts to your avatar. I can wear my hair, nails, shoes, and jewlery that all have resize scripts. That gives me something like 300+/- scripts which is way too many. Anything over 200 is a problem. If you go to an event like Hair Fair where there will be 30 to 40 avatars in a region then 100 is still too many. I make a copy of all my attachments. I save that as the original item w/scripts. Once I have all my attachments sized and colored then I remove the scripts. There is an option in the resize menu to remove them. That 300 scripts comes down to 8 to 12 depending on what HUD's I'm wearing. I save those as wearable items. To resize or change color I make a copy of the original scripted item and adjust then remove scripts and save as another wearable. How do you check how many scripts you are wearing? Search on script counter in the market place. There are free tools that will count the scripts your avatar is wearing.
  10. See: I Can’t Login There are lots of technical causes for the problem. Avatar Ghosting is one that is hard to correct. See the article I linked to for a number of possible fixes for AV Ghosting and other problems.
  11. There is no good answer and you have not provided eough tech info for anyone to give a wise answer specific to your machine. Click Help -> About in the viewer and include the info in a post when asking a tech question. ATI video has a long history of problems with OpenGL, which SL viewers use. So, using ATI has one strike against it starting out. Recently nVidia has had some problems with its latest drivers and SL users have been trying to figure out the best driver version for their nVidia card. would say that is hlf a strike against nVidia. However, nVidia is a popular video card for many SL users. SL does not make use of duel video cards SLI. So, it is better to get one HOT single card than two mediocre cards that combine to give outragious performance in other games. Several people are using 460 and 560-580 cards and loving it. It really depends on what you want to spend. If you are enough of an analytic, visit Kirsten's forum and the Phoenix/Firestorm forum and ask the same question, but include you tech data.
  12. I would go through the ToS and copy the section of the ToS that deals with religious discrimination. Include it in your AR. Also keep screen shots of the Abuse Reporting process. After several abuse reports, 5 or 6, if no action is taken on the Linden's part then use the AR screen shots and information to prepare a paper package and send it to Rod H. at the Linden office. Write religious discrimination issue on the outside of the package. It should include copies of the AR and any images and chat logs used in the AR's. All AR information should be labeled with a date and time. This could take weeks to have an effect. See: http://lindenlab.com/contact If that fails, replicate the package and send it to a number of SL related blogs with a press release type description of what is happening. As a last resort, prepare a similar package to send to the newspapers and TV stations in San Francisco. Obviouly you need to know or learn how to write a fair but inflammatory press release. You will also need to figure out where Linden Lab's hot buttons are and where push for maximum effect. I am assuming that as a Wiccan you understand something similar to what I would call Karma... Energy put out usually results in a return of in kind energy. So, I suggest being scrupulously honest. Obviously it is an aduious and tedious process. So, it is a matter of how determined you are and how well you can mount a PR campaign. A much easier solution is to create an ALT AV and use that in the sandbox. It is unfair that you would need to resort to and Alt. But, life is not fair.
  13. Most of us can deal with poor English. Don't worry too much about that. You can use Google Translate. If you write good sentances in you native language (which I hope is in Translate), the translation is usually understandable. To make life easier for you, in the viewer open HELP -> About and copy paste the contents when asking technical questions. It saves us asking the series of questions you see here and may show us the problem.
  14. Pinning and fragmentation of UVMaps... I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I have started using seams to control my unwrapping. Is that what you mean by pinning? Fragmenation of UVMaps I don't under stand. The unwrap gives me parts of the object that I arrange to get what I think are good taxture assignment. I can shrink low detail areas to waste fewer pixels. I can expand parts of the UVMap to put more pixels in detailed areas. I have yet to figure out an easier way to make my UVMaps for the lower LoD's. I have 4 unwraps and manual tweaks of the UVMap faces. It get rather tedious. I keep thinking there has to be an easier way. I have yet to figure it out.
  15. Most of us are excited about the new features coming out in the viewers. I use the Development Viewer so I update 2 to 3 times per week. But, I write about viewers in my blog (see signature). However, things are changing quickly. Bugs that have been around for years are being cleanup, new and better ways (in some cases the 'better' is debatable) of doing things are beeing fixed, and new features are being added. So, the only way to get the new features, is update. Depending on your operating system, Windows or Apple, and viewer, SLV?, Phoenix? Imprudence? Firefox? Dolphin? Singularity? Kirsten's?, the answer on which files to delete to reset your settings changes. If you click HELP -> About in the viewer and paste the contents of that panel in a post asking about a technical problem, you are more likely to get good answers. A readability problem may be a corupt viewer file or a bad setting. If you delete your settings file, the next time the viewer starts it will create a new set of default settings. That usually corrects settings problems. The file in Vista and Win7 is: C:\Users\[windows_user_name]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\settings.xml If deleting that file does not correct the problem, you may need to do a clean install of the SL Viewer. For the long 'How To' see my: Second Life Clean Install.
  16. Claireschen Hesten's idea worked. Yay! However, there is some problem with your connection to SL preventing the SL download. You can test the connection at SpeedTest.net. If there is a problem, it will show up. If it is a connection problem, you will run into problems using SL. Your avatar may not render correctly, it may appear nude to others in SL, your inventory may fail to load correctly, or SL may be slower than necessary. So, it is best to figure it out now. You may want to try some of the alternate Linden Lab viewers, such as the Beta version of the viewer. See: Linden Lab Official: Alternate Viewers
  17. If it is the ID/password that is the problem, this won't help. But try loging into a specific region like Morris, Murray or another ADITI region. Mesh Sandbox 10 - they range from 1 to 32 Mesh City or Mesh City 2 to 4 There is a wiki article on accessing ADITI Preview Grid. I assume you have tried it. But, for others, see: Preview Grid
  18. You are seeing the test roll out of the server code that supports mesh in the Release Channels, the Mesh Prep roll outs. The idea that all regions will get the roll out at the same is correct, or so we have been told. But, we have also been told that mesh is enabled in a region by a switch/setting in each region's setup. So, mesh can be enabled region by region. While mesh server and viewer code will roll out to the entire main grid, mesh will not be enabled on the entire grid. You may have noticed the roll out and back dance that Mesh Prep is doing. I suspect the Lindens are finding new problems with each roll out. These are problems that probably did not show up in testing in ADITI. I suspect there are legacy issues, prim encroachment issues, and other matters only common on the main grid and release channels that are being dealt with. So, just as the Mono2 Homestead problem did not show up until it rolled to the main grid, there are likely going to be some surprises when Mesh Prep rolls to the entire main grid. Until any of those newly found problems are resolved, I doubt we will see Mesh enabled in main grid regions. We have been asked to test the Mesh Project and Beta viewers in the main grid and particularly in the Release Channels to help flush out problems with viewer and server. You question of which areas first has been asked often. I think the Lindens have not decided. We have been told a new annoucement is coming soon on how and when mesh will roll out.
  19. I have not heard the Lindens comment on how long the Beta Mesh part of the ADITI Preview Grid will be around. However, the Preview Grid has been around for as long as I've been in SL (3 yrs). I doubt it will go away. I've used the Preview Grid for testing clothes and sculpties. I expect the entire ADITI grid will get the Mesh Code and be able to support Mesh. It makes sense for a testing grid. I doubt all the Mesh specific regions will remain. That requires several servers and regions. I would expect the number to be reduced, if not not completely removed. But, since the mesh capable code will become the basic SIM code all the regions in ADITI will become mesh capable. So, we will have a place to test mesh before making a paid upload. Also, expect Third Party Viewers to provide some form of free mesh testing. They do that now for sculpties and textures.
  20. Yes, the changes in Le Tigre are the likely cause. If you want a better idea of what is going on visit my blog, link in signature. In the menu is the item The Stuff and a sub item SL Server Related. You can read through to get an idea if what is happening and which JIRA's you may want to Watch. Aside: Voting is depreciated. To influence the importance of a JIRA in Linden eyes select Watch or Vote. The Lindens try to avoid breaking content. Recent changes have created problems and some content has broken. They are working to get that corrected. There is no reason a 4 year old script should fail. There are some functions that have been depreciated. But I don't know of any that have been disabled. So, with any luck they will start working correctly at some point. Also, there has been a lot of region restarting lately.
  21. I'll take your question as being more about where to find a good set of recommended settings for Second Life. As Peewee and others point out personal preferences and your hardware determine the meaning of Good Settings. It sounds like you may be more of a casual player than a hard core game player. If you get into RPG/Combat games in SL you may soon find yourself in the Hard Core Gamer classification. In simple terms this means you will be attempting to get every single frame per second (FPS) possible from your computer. Render quality will be less of an issue for you. Your end-all-be-all will be speed. If you like clubbing and dancing then some mid-range settings will be ideal. If you shop and explore SL then you will likely enjoy higher quality settings. But, your question hints the question, how do you know which settings are good for which type of use? There is the simple answer and then the geeky answer. The simple one is to use Me->Preferences (Ctrl-P) ->Graphics. You have a choice of Low, Mid, High, and Ultra. The settings are ranging form performance (Low) to Quality (Ultra). The better your computer the easier and more desirable it is to use Ultra. Pick one of the settings. If your movement controls are sluggish and jerky, you have it set too high. Move to left a notch. Along with the simple settings is one more handy setting; Draw Distance. Click the Advanced button on the Graphics tab to expose it. Use this control to tweak your usual settings. This setting has a major impact on performance and your experience. This setting controls what you see. When set at 64m you only see things within 64m of your avatar/camera. In a shopping mall you will usually want to reduce draw distance to 32 or 64m, depending on how well the mall is built. The Draw Distance limits the objects your viewer is downloading and rendering. Shopping a short draw distance and for scenic photography a long draw distance. The complex answer is too long to explain. Also all those settings in Advanced have a meaning and affect on performance and your experience. Read through Graphics Tweaking for Second Life to learn about them and begin experimenting. You can, depending on video card and driver, get video settings that will prevent the viewer from launching. It is rare but it happens. The only settings that can prevent a viewer starting are in the viewer. Custom video card settings made via your computer's display controls may not work well, but the viewer will at least launch, at least in my experience. To recover from bad viewer settings, close the viewer, delete the file C:\Users\[user_settings]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\settings.xml. Once deleted, restart the viewer and it will create a new file with the default settings for your machine. The same file is on Apple machines but a different place. See the SL wiki for its location. Different viewers usually have the settings in the same folder but name the XML file differently. You'll recognize the viewer related file names. They make it obvious.
  22. To give you any meaningful answer we really need to know which viewer you were using before you updated. Even better would be knowing what your system is. In the viewer, even before login, click Help -> About and copy paste the result in any post where you ask for technical help. For general graphics tweaking see: Graphics Tweaking for Second Life Without knowing if you are Windows or Apple those offering help can only give generic answers that may or may not help you.
  23. Just login with the viewer. http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/
  24. Contacting Second Life/Linden Lab - describes how to contact Linden Lab. Oklahoma Law on virtual property of the deceased - this may give your attorney some links. This wiki article will give you answer too https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Death_and_other_worries_outside_Second_Life That happy face is a fluke of this forum...
  25. Make sure you restart your computer between crashes. It isn't always necessary, but crashes can leave the video card in an unstable state and leave threads running that cause problems when you restart the viewer. A computer restart clears those problems. To give good help we need to know more about your system. The best way to get that information is to start the viewer but not login. Click Help -> About and copy/paste that information into your post here or any post where you ask for technical help. Also, asking your question in ANSWERS is likely to get you a fast answer. You are not the first person to run into this problem. Crash on Start If you have not changed your viewer's settings and your having trouble logging on for the first time then it may be your computer and drivers that are the problem. See Second Life Requirements If you have changed setting, that could be the problem. If you have never left BASIC Mode, settings should not be a problem. While it is a bit drastic, you could do a Clean Install. See Second Life's Clean Install in the Wiki. If you are computer knowledgable, you can check out an advanced Clean Install, which I recommend. Without more specifics, there isn't much more to recommend.
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