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Heart Brimmer

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Everything posted by Heart Brimmer

  1. Sometimes people do not pay attention to open chat. First check out their profile and see if they have something that interests you and then IM them. That might help and who knows you might just make a friend or two by trying that. HTH. Heart
  2. Czari Zenovka wrote: I'm with ya, Nefertiti! I looked up the search term "closet" last night on the MP. In quotes even. I'm trying to figure out how evening gowns, petite fairy avatars, fairy wings, hair, shapes, ski boots, a flower crown, and other assorted items are considered "closets." I didn't think of flagging them.../makes note to do that next time. I totally agree with you on this! I go to search for a VERY specific item and end up getting over 100 items that have no relevance whatsoever. It's frustrating to say the least an I just might have to start flagging them too.
  3. SinfulPrince wrote: I got no idea but I'm checkiing out all the possibilities. Thank you Artorius . The only concerning thing is it says "may not line up well for adults". And these chores would definately be being done by adults. If anyone has any additional recommendations that would be hard to keep ahead of please do submit them I thought the same things, Sinful, the poster who posted about these was certainly using them for an adult sub/slave, I'm also checking around to see if I can find the ones he was talking about.
  4. kabrikano Sporg wrote: hello second life i have two questions for you ! * im on a trip now and i cant find DSL connection and i might stay here a quite long time , so im asking if i can log in to second life by internet usb flash .. and if yes i wonder if it cost like browsing or streaming or more .. please answer me i feel so addicted second question i try to run SL by useing a DSL connection but i think its the lowest spead ever !! so its hard to walk .. things respond very slow ..i m asking if i change the graphics and put them on low ..it will be faster .. ? thank you in advance Are you going to be staying at a hotel/motel? if so many if not all hotels have free wifi, check and see if the place you will be staying has it. Just a thought
  5. I would also love to find out who makes this too, it would be awesome to have something like that in my house.
  6. Tex Monday wrote: OK...how would one give out a calling card? I wouldn't even know where to find mine. If I remember correctly, I believe you can right click on a person, go to more (or it might be on the first part of the pie that says give card) I am using firestorm and I believe you are able to do that with the viewer. I'm not inworld right now to check this but I seem to remember seeing it on the pie menu.
  7. Heart Brimmer

    Hat hair?

    Make sure you can copy the hair just in case you mess it up the first time you try. :-)
  8. Bree Giffen wrote: Since we don't have a homes and land forum yet I'd like to ask what all your living arrangements are in SL. I thought it might be helpful to compare notes and maybe gain insight on new ways to live in SL. Do you have a permanent place or are you a wanderer? For a time when I first came inworld, I was a wanderer. Did you get a home as soon as you started or did you wait? No, took me about six months before I even knew you could have a home in SL. Skybox or ground? Own or rent? Mainland or island? Roommates? I alternate on the skybox or ground. Most of the time I have a skybox, but a few times when I have owned an island, I would have my house on the ground. Always has been estates. And I have never had a roommate. What is your prim allotment to the parts of your home? Like 50% on the house, 20% on furniture, etc. My prim allotment is more for decorations then for the house. I have a few houses that have a lot of prims, but the ones that I truly enjoy are skyboxes with scenes I can change when my mood changes. What do you do in your house? Anything I want. LOL. I decorate, sometimes change things around, entertain friends, listen to music. I don't own a tv in SL. Do you recommend homeowning? I think it depends on the person, for me I love owning my own home and having the freedom to do the things I love to do there. Does it make you stay in SL? I don't think so, I would probably come into SL even if I didn't own a home, but having a place to call my own, makes me a little happier.
  9. Justyn Andretti wrote: OK its 10-16-12 - 10:20am EST and I can't login says UNABLE TO CONNECT TO SIMULATOR.... This means that the Simulator you are trying to get to is still down, try logging into Pooley or Smith and that should get you into SL at leat. HTH.
  10. billysixx wrote: The only way I have to buy lindens is with a prepaid credit card which LL does not accept anymore. I need a third party that has a CAD option and will do it directly through the credit card, NOT THROUGH paypal. Thx for any feedback and suggestions. I have a prepaid visa from Green Dot and SL accepts it. What kind do you have?
  11. Some people are just good fodder for laughter and she is one of those people. *grins*
  12. Malanya wrote: I know, and I like how she projects her own hate back as if you started it lol. I find it interesting when people take no accountability for their words or actions. That's what makes the world and yes forums so interesting. I like that she is picking on every post of mine, as you see I don't normally post here so I am her target and I think it's funny. I hardley post and this av's birthdate shouldn't fool her into how long I have been in sl. Am I being hazed? lol LOL, you probably are being hazed but I am so enjoying the laughs from reading the thread.
  13. Malanya wrote: Heart Brimmer wrote: Oh! On welfare I see. THAT would explain the attitude. You took that thought right out of my head LOL..hmm welfare...everyone should share...I don't respect people or their things, I can go into anyplace i want and use what I want, no one knows I was there, so and so paid for my Zooby baby of course (btw they need those star things for their brains to grow, wonder how you get those free?) ..hmmm..you may be on to something here It is all starting to come clear. I've always thought she was from the very first post she ever made lol. And how she loves to use people in order to get the things she wants is just unbelievable. *grins*
  14. JeanneAnne wrote: Freya Mokusei wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: if content creators have every right to decide how their content is used then i have every right to regard their cartoons as worthless .. & to laugh at them when they become irate over copybotting & IP theft Jeanne Of course you have that right, I doubt anyone in this thread (except you) is arguing about whether you have a right to act as you choose. There is, however, a name for people who don't afford this right to others. There are names too, for people who casually discard others' values, career decisions, and lifestyles as irrelevant, to the point of criticising them in public. I remain curious regarding why you are proud of these attitudes. i discard ~casually or otherwise~ values, career decisions, and lifestyles that i consider unethical, selfish, ill-considered or not conforming to the principle of right-livelihood .. i would not discard, criticize or ridicule anything i considered to be just .. & yes .. im proud of myself for mocking selfishness .. what amazes me are those who defend it! Jeanne Oh! On welfare I see. THAT would explain the attitude.
  15. Theresa Tennyson wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: once again .. why should selfishness be respected? i will respect that which deserves respect but to my mind pointless selfishness & exclusivity deserve NO respect Jeanne I think most people here agree with you about selfishness, JeanneAnne - that's why so few people respect you. ^^This^^ *goes inworld to add JeanneAnne to her ban list on the land that SHE pays for and gets to decide who should or should not be allowed on her land, because it's oohh..wait for it.....MINE!*
  16. Ok, as promised I conducted live "field research" and have a definite answer. I asked my friend who is in Bloodlines to come to my house, wear the Bloodlines HUD and send a bite request to me. (I had worn the garlic necklace about 3 years ago, clicked it as per instructions, and now have it archived in my inventory.) After my friend attached the Bloodlines HUD, my name showed up indicating next to it that I had worn the necklace and the message "Do not disturb this person" or something similar; I was more interested in what would happen if that message was disregarded. Next my friend "ignored" the do not disturb me message on the HUD and attempted to bite me anyway. I saw nothing, no drop down bite request, nothing in chat; HOWEVER my friend got this message: [2012/10/10 13:42] <Friend>: [13:41:33] Fangs [Thirst::Bloodlines] 3.5: Czari Zenovka has activated the garlic necklace, and cannot be bitten. Therefore, if one puts on the garlic necklace and clicks it - they will never again see another bite request. That's great, Czari! I'm so glad I wore the necklace lol. Thanks for checking on how this would work. :-)
  17. Thanks Czari, look forward to finding out what does happen when a bite request is sent to someone who has worn the necklace. :-)
  18. Thanks for the update on this, Czari. Now more then ever people need to wear the necklace. :-)
  19. I agree with you Perrie, that's why if someone wears the garlic necklace, you are no longer in the database. I was simply pointing out that if someone scans you and you have worn it, it will say "this person has worn the garlic necklace, please do not disturb them" I don't know IF someone went ahead and offered a bite if that person would receive it or not.
  20. Czari Zenovka wrote: Ed Palletier wrote: Why does the new resident who dont know about SL have to be the one that needs to wear the neckles? They dont know this yet. It would be so much better if all resident already had a neckles on when they create an account. And then they would need to deacitave the neckles to join the vampires. It seems a better way to go. No more bite spam this way. And less problums for the vampires. IMO the garlic neckles is set up backwards. But you know what, nothing will happend, and vampires will always be not like by the residents of SL. Maybe thats part of the game. * Also if you were a Bloodlines Player at one point this necklace will take your name off their website ( Like Opt-out ) and shows you as name removed, and when someone scans you with their systems it won't give them any info, just shows that you are wearing the garlic necklace and they shouldn't disturb you There hud say that they should"nt disturb you. They still can send bite. This is what I was told by a vampire. You've been given the instructions several times as to how not to be further spammed by the Bloodlines players. I don't mean to be harsh, but it seems as if you just want to complain. As far as "There hud say that they should"nt disturb you. They still can send bite. This is what I was told by a vampire" then I believe the "vampire" who informed you of this is mistaken. I have a friend who has been in Bloodlines for years and he said after wearing/touching the garlic necklace one is "invisible" or somehow says one is "protected." At any rate he cannot send a bite request to me and apparently if someone does I don't see it. Re: all residents being given necklaces when they start an account, Bloodlines is a game within SL, just as various other games. They are user-created, therefore, unless there is some huge issue, LL will not and should not, imo, "step in" so to speak. There *was* a huge brewhaha about Bloodlines bite spam several years ago, to which I previously alluded, which resulted in the Bloodlines creator providing the garlic necklace. Issue handled. Along the same line, I wouldn't advise venturing into a Gorean sim just yet (if ever); same for D/s, BDSM sims. If someone gives a free object to you and a huge yellow drop-down sign asks permission to take funds from you, DON'T click yes. Let's see....probably not wise to go to Zindra for now. (Trying to think of other areas you should have been "warned" about.) Glad I could help. It does NOT make them invisible it merely puts up the message "PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB THEM"
  21. Czari Zenovka wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Ed Palletier wrote: ... I refuse to wear the garlic neckles! Why not? You only have to wear it once, not forever. Wear it and be done with them. This^^ The last time there was a flurry of these posts...about 3 years ago or so...I got the garlic necklace, wore it and, iirc, touch it once. A message is seen in local that says something like you will no longer receive bite requests but if you want to play Bloodlines again you wear it again and touch it. A friend of mine who is in Bloodlines said that after doing that the person will no longer show up on the Bloodlines HUD. They will still show up on the HUD but the message will be "this person has worn the garlic necklace, please don't disturb them" or something to that effect.
  22. I just bought Maitreya feet and love them. They come with a notecard with some of the popular skins in SL with the RGB numbers. I was able to match my Belleza skin perfectly! Every mesh feet demos I tried were horrible and could never match the color of my skin. Just sayin'.
  23. Try MOCK Cosmetics on the Marketplace. I don't know if she still has the inworld store but the marketplace has all of her make-ups. Here is the link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/55328
  24. Agreed, Belinda. I'm an adult avi and my boobs are NOT huge and this is one problem I have with gowns that are strapless. They need to make some mesh clothing that have smaller boobs.
  25. Perrie Juran wrote: Essentially as I get it from her comment, the account is reserved for the Linden but for some reason the hand does not appear until (after) their first log in to the Forum. eta for acuracy Then they will NEVER get their hand will they? LOL, because Lindens NEVER log in.
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