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Tegg Bode

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Blog Comments posted by Tegg Bode

    September Update

    What I've noticed over the years here is many of those who complain loudest and threaten to sell up their sims or delete their accounts are the ones who are still managing make actual net profit from SL I guess trying to make a comfy living from SL isn't easy as many would like.

    "Change is always bad, stagnating is easier"

    September Update

    "Oh that's what we want, random people teleporting to us while we're dressing, building or visiting with our sweetie. There is already an ability to teleoport people to you when you want them to come to you. We don't need them popping in on us whenever they feel like it."

    Read it more carefully before firing off your negative attitude next time.

    It's optional, just because some people don't want to use a feature, it doesn't give them the right to deny everyone else.

  1. I like the premium only sandbox idea, it means I don't need to depend on tennants spare prims for building and I'm sure there are many premiums with just a 512 plot thad don't want to delete their home every time they want to build a 150 prim object. It would be good if registered alts to my premium account were also able to build there. Sometime I use an alt as a maniquin.

    It's possible that more premiums will socialise with each other as previously public sandboxes have just been untidy uncleaned griefer havens. I'd really like a reduction in tier then I might buy more land. I've tiered down already from 3/4 of a sim to 1/4.

    by MemberVivienne Schell on 08-28-2011 06:34 AM
    "Dunno about Flexiprims, Sound and Color. Because this was before January 2009. User concurrecy has been cut by a third since then. In spite of Mono, Voice, Sculpties, Windlight. We´re back in January 2008.

    Shiny technology, self-serving techie progress and a few nerds isn´t what makes Second Life attractive, and never was"


     Yeah but you got to remember the 1/3 of the "population" we lost were land bots, camping bots and traffic bots, there were more bots online than real people, we might be 50/50 now :)

  3. "Sorry to be the stick in the mud but i like sl the way that it already is... why fix something not broken?... LLabs get more memory and boost the lag issues instead? My jeans look anough like jeans already but they really scuk when i lag halfway across a sim just trying to walk across the floor ... jus saying".


    And some people liked SL just the way it was before it had Sculpties, Flexiprims, Voice, Windlight, Mono, Sound & Color ........................................

  4. Welcome Rod,

    Great start learning from the ground up, as someone else suggested Search>Events>Education has great classes and willget you meeting a wide spectrum of residents, also be sure to check out plenty of public places like sandboxes and welcome area infohubs, make sure you use an alt account too. Try a couple of TPV's too so you can see what residents are doing with their viewers.

    I love the toga and the raft, go with it mate.

    Linden Lab's New CEO

    Welcome Rod,

    My advice? Don't say anything or do anything till you've spent a month talking to residents and your team, look up some inworld history, Explore SL with Alt from it's top to bottom, Newbs to Olbies, Teleport randomly around the grid a bit, don't judge us too early, there is a wide selection of communities here, and have fun

    Wish lists for many of us us is get Windlight finished, New Avatar Meshes, more Office Hours with Lindens, Cheaper Tier, and do something about Verifying Residents or restricting abilitites of Unverified Accounts so we don't allow Griefers, Scammers and Content Thieves to do what ever they want using anonymous disposable accounts.

    Viewer 2.4 Released!

    2.4 runs fine for me

    3yo Intel quadcore 2.2, 4Gb Memory, 9800 GeForce Nvidia running XP

    5yo dual core Intel 2.6, 1Gb Memory, 9600 GeForce Nvidia running XP

    6yo Laptop Intel 2.0, 1Gb Memory 5500 GeForce Nvidia running XP ( a bit chunkier of course and lower settings)

  5. Keli Kyrie  says: 

    OK tried it for like 5 minutes. I can not LIVE without my outfits working right!!! The links in the other post tell how to work around it, um.... like way to complicated for me. I need this feature to work! It is the only thing I have organized. I am going back to Viewer 2.3.

    UPDATE: Tried to go back to Viewer 2.3 won't let me. It just tries to send a crash report and won't let me open the program. I might have to reload everything. I guess to most people this would not be a problem but I have over 120 Outfits. I can't reset all of them! This is very upsetting!!!

    UPDATE: Used remove programs to delete 2.4. 2.3 is loading now.

    What you need to do is when you install SL install the new versions in a different folder and go into preferences and set them to different cache folders too.

    Hence I have

    SecondlifeSG (Snowglobe1.23)




    And I also make cache folders for each the same. I save each setup file into the folder it goes into, but before I install SetUp V2.3 I rename the previous setup folder from SecondLifeSetUp to SecondlifeSetUpV2.2, so it's an easy reinstall later if need be.

    Doing this I never have an issue installing V2.4RC over V2.3RC, I don't even have to replace/change the destop shortcuts.

    Having more than one viewer installed is a must, because often we get people saying "SL is Down, Nobody can Login" or "My Avatar won't rez, all my stuff is deleted forever!" blaming the servers when a simple login with a second viewer suddenly reveals the truth that's a viewer problem or at least confirms it is a server problem.

    Installing V2.x into a folder that was V1.23 then reinstalling 1.23 over it again is just suicidal

  6. Bigger.Halfpint  says in response to Gavin.Hird: 

    I dont understand why this viewer is still under development isnt it clear to Linden Lab that the paying customers dont whant this viewer?, Can we please move on and forget this piece of crap. How about start today on the re-development of Snowglobe! nothing wrong with that viewer it is userfriendly easy and functional pleasure playing our Second Life's with.

    Because many paying and non paying customers do want a new viewer, although the UI in 1.23 was pretty good, the 2003 backend coding was a ratnest of patches on patches because the people who wrote & understood most of it left LL around 3 years ago, it was getting more gabonky and buggy everytime they added a feature and they wanted to add several large features like meshes and things still to come that just weren't going to work without screwing it bigtime.

    Sure the UI has issues in V2.X but it's less crashy for many people, UI is normally an easy fix compared to the backend stuff., but this is LL I guess. And from what I understand although the coders are still working for LL a lot of the UI people were dropped after release.

  7. LL really need to covert any of the remaining Mainland PG sims to Moderate rating, they should hav panned this ages a go and started buying any Mainland PG land as soon as it was set for sale really to do this.

    PG sims need to be on seperate continents or Non-PG sims need to be invisible to underage players.

  8. Oct 28, 2010 9:18 AM Ando Joubert  says in response to ColdFrixion.Writer: 

    2 things: one has the ability to turn off username. Anybody with that setting would see me only as ColdFrixion Writer.

    Yeah but you can only turn off what you see not what others see, I'll still see you as Ando joubert unless I turn off usernames and if I did I am smart enough to turn them back on if I need to, then again there are people who are fooled by hovertext out there so we better ban it too.


    If you go Premium and your credit card payment is somehow messed up--you didn't update the expiration date--email went astray--bank closed your account ( which happened to MANY good credit risks in the last few years) you can lose your SL avatar account--inventory  POOF.

    Premium is a risk I will not take .

    The only way you will lose everything is if you miss a heap of payments, I've missed payments plenty of times over the last 4 years and the worst I got after being 3 weeks overdue was being suspended from logging in till I paid.

    If you miss paying for 6 months haven't read your E-Mail from LL or supplied them with a valid Email address and haven't logged in to notice you've been suspended, you're probably not watching your business that well.

    Believe it or not a lot of businesses in SL don't see it as a risk worth limiting their SL options for. The guy you are renting from could miss a credit card payment too. So why do you have no concern if he misses a payment and your store is supposedly permanently deleted, and then you have to relocate losing customers due to the new LandMark?

    The fix for this problem could be simple, start deleting basic accounts inventories too, why should the servers be packed full of probably around 1 million accounts hogging a heap of available names that probably will never login again. Maybe make the rule too just delete any non-paying account that hasn't logged in for 2-3 years.

    What I would like is that my 4 ligitimate basic alts receive all the same support as my Premium account. LL know well & truely that they are all me, and at times I could need to use an alt to deal with an issue of the main account, though maybe it's a privacy thing so the support people can't know who someone's alts are.

    It's pretty simple, I pay EBay for a store sellers account I receive instant support, other people who are just buyers or small sellers have to use the basic stuff, which to me I've been able to use that to solve my problems 90% of the time anyway, only issues I've had are stuff dealing with the higher level stuff relating to running a store.

    When I had over half a sim I received concierge support which was great but I tiered down to half sim and just have live chat which doesn't seem that bad for value really.

    One problem I guess is people may have to declare their incomes for tax if they have a Premium account.........................

    Next Steps for Mesh Import


    Myself and a lot of my friends are "old guard" (2004 accounts) and we're excited to see Mesh Import. Of course a lot of us were already experienced with 3D content creation BEFORE we found Second Life.

    <Pulls roo foot from mouth> I got a bit zealous there  and have edited it to "some of the old guard", most are actually in permanent hibernation or have left

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Sep 20, 2010 11:08 AM Melita.Magic  says in response to Qie Niangao: 

    I think Qie hit the nail on the head.

    The current creators/vendors might well be replaced in SL with new ones, as the skill set changes.

    But will the new set rent land? Will they need to?

    Well assuming they think their stuff is actually good enough to show inworld, I suppose they will still need land, many people still like to see a product inworld before forking over wads of cash. I suspect they would be more likely to need land than many existing prim builders who have withdrawn to just being 2D XStreet merchants.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Yep, they did give us another tool, previously we could only make objects in SL using a saw, woodchisel, glue & hammer, with sculpties they gave us a woodlathe and now we are going to get to use a CNC mill

    Sure some of the old guard are pissed off, some of them thought they could keep selling their 2005 model prim based stuff for another 20 years, sure it's some of the best stuff made with limitations they had, but they don't want SL to advance, they want to keep the limitations so they can stay on top with no additional work, if some had their way we'd be overtaken by Active Worlds and would be lucky to have better than 8 bit color...........

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