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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I am not feeling the love here, Derek. Where's my warm fuzzy feeling? I need a hug, Cinn
  2. There was another thread recently about picking up random textures on things. If I can find it, I will put the link here to see if it helps. Cinn ETA: I found the thread - it has to do with eyes, but maybe some of the advice there will help: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/I-did-something-to-my-eyes/td-p/1256099
  3. I like your strategy, Eloise. We need a few more left shoulder sitters. I would also prefer to leave others with a smile than a frown. Cinn
  4. I don't mean to be a pain in the butt, but I think what many are asking for here is whether we will receive feedback on our feedback. Generally people start talking louder if they don't think they are being heard, so I am just trying to figure out whether whispering or shouting is the better option.
  5. Will someone from the Lab be in here occasionally to acknowledge that this is not a blackhole? Will there be someone to, at times, respond to what is left here? Can someone be responsible for disseminating information to the rest of us about what is being done behind the scenes? Or that SOMETHING is being done behind the scenes? Can someone please give me the definition of transparency? I seem to have the wrong idea about what it is and would appreciate clarification... Cinn
  6. Good question, Jennifer. It could come in a pack (based on color, straight or curly, length) and have options for where the flat part is depending on how you wear your hat - forward on the head like a cowboy hat, off to the right or left like a beret or farther back on the head like some of those cute winter hats I've been seeing. I'd buy it... Cinn
  7. If someone would just release a quick note (you can even lie to us) to let us know we are being heard. Here are some ideas: We realize there are many resident concerns at the moment. Please stick with us until we come up with some ideas to address these concerns... Our staff is going through some re-education training at the moment. We are attempting to transplant fairness and consistency. I know you will all understand that this takes time... We have decided to review all posts and disciplinary actions over the last 2 months. This will be followed by some discussion and debate, some employees may be reassigned to other areas. We lost a few employees due to the fiasco happening in the SLums. A new position has been created to separate the 2 issues as the line seems to have blurred and our employee pool is being stretched too thinly. The issue of where to hide the bodies of the scapegoats has recently come to light. We will be unavailable for comment until we can create a statement that puts a positive spin on this mess and puts all responsibility firmly on the scapegoat. You can continue the lie... I mean letter by ending this release with something like: We here at Linden Lab value our customer base. All avenues are being considered to move forward in a positive way. We want you to know we hear you and that your concerns are being addressed in an orderly fashion. As always, our first priority is, and has always been, our residents' happiness. After all, it is really you who created this world and it you who should be thanked for all your valuable input. Pretty simple really. Just let us know what is going on. A little communication can go a LONG way. Part of the promised transparency would be letting us know that something is being done behind the scenes - even if it is to tell us that you have no idea how to solve the issue. Cinn Just to clear up any confusion... Nothing above has been stated by any employee of LL. It is simply Cinnamon offering some ideas and feedback - In no way should you consider this as anything else.
  8. @ Randall - I had to look him up. He is funny - not for everyone granted, but LOL!!!!
  9. You are absolutely correct in this, Pussycat. There really is NO excuse for true hate and intolerance, not even hidden under a joke. I happen to like both of those comedians, but I am not sure how I'd feel about the joke switching. I can't say I've never been offended by a comedian either. There are times when I thought a joke went too far. When I say I like stereotypes and find them funny, it is because I recognize a stereotype when I see one. I also have first hand experience in being a minority in a community, so feeling the disapproval of others for being just what I am is known to me. I can not, however, take comedy away from people as a valid strategy for getting a point across. It works when used properly and can cause change in a non-threatening manner. (This is not to take away from your point that hate-filled jokes have no place here or anywhere). I can't speak to those who are pretending to be someone else to get away with perpetuating negative stereotypes. If I have run into that, I have not seen it for what it was, but I would never support it. >A more eloquent, or perhaps sophisticated speaker, has no need to sink into vulgarity to get a message across. Vulgarity and insult are the vehicles of an emotional loss of control over one's message.< ^^This^^ is very clear, well said and I agree 100%. I believe there are many here that would also agree with this assessment. I hope a few more people are willing to read this whole thread. I have seen myself in a few of these responses. I hope others do to and think a second time about their words before pressing the "post" button Cinn I am aware I missed more than a few commas in this, but I thought it more important to get my thoughts out than proofread.
  10. I agree Celestial. ^^this^^ is a tactic used by a few here. It MAY be what Dres was trying to say earlier that had been misconstrued. He said something to the effect that people can deliberately 'not get' the joke. It is always possible that our words can be manipulated into meaning something that was not intended. Thank you for stating it so clearly. Cinn
  11. Congratulations! This mean you do not spend ALL of your time in SL, but spend a little of it actually studying in RL. Nice job, Cinn
  12. Nice! A wishlist: I would like the option of choosing who is allowed to follow me - block those unfriendly voices More posting options - I would like the option of posting to: Friends Followers Friends and Followers All of SL Public I would like to see advertisers post only to "Followers" or "Friends and Followers" so the rest of us don't have to see the spam. They could post to everyone they currently send spam to inworld (and stop filling up my notification box with crap) and as a bonus it will be extra easy to not receive it anymore - just UNfollow them. I have tried blocking/muting these ads inworld and it doesn't always work. I would,also, like the option of NOT having my post "Trend" Is that enough? I will think of some other things later. Cinn Edited for clarity
  13. Ian - just a quick word of warning. All your privacy settings there have been set to pulic by LL. You might want to brave it just long enough to turn it all off.
  14. BothamFidor wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: This sort of thing is -never- proper. We are all responsible for our actions and how they impact others. "Bigotry has been "hiding" behind the "its your problem for getting offended" line for far too long." With the ability to speak out freely comes the responsibility to be accountable to what one says. Self-referential jokes, don't work online. They can work in person when you're a limited audience that can get your angle and that you're 'part of the target group of your own attack' - but online we lack the body language cues - the various senses that can make the hurt go away with such comments. Online, self referenced jokes can just make a person sound like a bigot to a listener who in person, might have been able to be empathic and even in the same crowd. Such a style of humor is 'best left at the door.' Emotionally hypersensitive people who nevertheless lack the empathic intellectual capacity to be able to read and understand the communications expressed competently and coherently by others will always make this argument and will never win with it. It is up to the individual to determine whether they wish to enter the killing-field of internet forums - of whatever format - if lacking the linguistic and comprehension weapons and armour to be able to compete on what is most definitely a level playing field. Partial incompetence in one or other of the directions of the communication arcs will always reveal itself to the humiliation of the inadequately equipped participant. Belief that consideration of this insufficiency of judgment should be the responsibility of the better prepared demonstrates an unacknowledged moral deficit of the defective combatant. That the strong should accommodate the weak is a tenet held only by the weak, as it is their only response to the natural Darwinian effect of survival of the fittest. Any community which supports its runts is doomed to failure. Be responsible for and live with your feelings or remove yourself from situations in which you are unable to do so. Fidor My stance lies somewhere between these two. We should be accountable for what we say. I agree that there are a few on this forum who hide behind what they later call comedy, but we can't take that tool away from everyone. We can only try to see the intent of the poster and make a judgment call for ourselves. This is a public forum for everyone. I will tailor my communication style to some extent for my audience. I do not expect everyone to have a college education, I am aware that some people are more sensitive than others and I know that English isn't everyone's first language. Communication, for me, is more important than that, but at the same time I will never be politically correct enough to get my point across to everyone. I will not even try to please EVERYONE. I do not think that someone should be silenced for dissenting comments and there are no classes on tact available. These forums should not be a place where the 'weak' are culled, but I will not hold anyone's hand and enable them to continue to be weak. It is a balancing act.
  15. Dres, I have your back. I have never read or seen any action from you that would make me question your character. I have said it before and I will say it again - you are an amazing person - strong, kind and honest. You have the bravery to stand up for what you believe in and see it through to the end even when you feel you are fighting the battle alone. You have given a lot of yourself - it is time for the rest of us to fill you up again. Thank you for being you. Cinn
  16. I haven't visited this thread in a while. Kisses and hugs!!! I am feeling especially peaceful and happy today.
  17. Anyone who knows the real me knows that music rules my life, can change my mood and has complete power. Want to know what kind of mood I'm in? Ask me what is playing in the background. I live with a constant running soundtrack that only I can hear at times. Does that make me crazy? I will own that... This song reminds me that I will never allow my thoughts to be controlled by those intent on destruction (plus the guy is just hot) Okay - one more. Not everything I listen to needs to have meaning. I have affectionately dubbed this style Bubblegum Pop. Basically useless and just for fun. This never fails to put a smile on my face:
  18. Darn... I figured that would be the answer, but I had to ask if there was an easier way. Thank you for the responses. I am sure the editing of individual hairs will get faster the more I do it. Cinn
  19. @ Conoro and Pussycat - I agree. This is an international meeting place. I have no doubt that many of the misunderstandings that have taken place here are due to misunderstanding cultural differences. There is no excuse for true hate and bigotry. Communication through type is difficult enough and taking into account that everyone has a history, a story and/or personal battles makes that communication even more difficult. I wish we could all be eloquent and tactful, but those are not gifts everyone has. It all seems to track back to the intent of the poster. Some people post with the intent of starting a war - others are just not as good at communicating their thoughts. @ Ceka - I hope you don't change your voice here. I enjoy most of the personalities here - yours included. Helping, laughing, adding, educating - I would hate to lose anybody. @ Venus - I have never been to one of the CTUG meetings. I seem to be at work whenever one is scheduled. I like the "disagree without being disagreeable" strategy. Sort of fits with the disagree with the idea not the person behind it or someone in here said hate the post not the poster (or something similar). I have failed miserably a few times....
  20. @ Ceka - hahaha - there is a guy in a nearby city that does the random hug attack downtown. He makes the news occasionally and always makes me smile. @ Rage - I know. I am still waiting for a sarcasm font to be accepted @ Dresden - I hope you do not feel the need to defend your stance. You are entitled to it. You do not have to like/agree with anyone's actions to want to defend their right to say it. @ Sy - all good strategies. I especially like the mirror one. Most effective and least noticed by the person it is put in front of @ Peggy - I am with you. I don't post in everything that goes by (my low post count can attest to that) but I will speak up when the urge hits. As far as the other thought, the first response I got to this post disappeared and I did not find it offensive in any way. @ Perrie - You and I think a lot alike. I do not actually enjoy drama and tend to stay out of it. I am also very aware of what an opinion is and have no problem with those who disagree with me. The "say what you think and move on" strategy works very well. Your strange opinions and however you choose to communicate them will always be welcome in my book. Cinn
  21. I am not sure if this is even possible, but I have had issues with hats and hair. I can edit the hair to a point so that it doesn't stick through the hat. It is very time consuming. I was wondering if, like shoes, an alpha mask was available for hats so bits don't stick through. Would the alpha mask work on attachments (or parts of attachments) or only on the avatar itself? Is it possible to even make an alpha mask that is editable/modifiable? If so, Could it be attached to the hat so you could wear it with any hair without going through the hassle of editing yet another hair? I am at a bit of a disadvantage since I am not sure how the masking works, but I am open to education if someone can explain it. Thanks, Cinn
  22. This may be moved to Forum Feedback or deleted outright depending on responses and how they are perceived, but it is not meant to incite, provoke or bait. It is just meant to offer alternative views to other posts and responses that are given in other threads or even in the SL'ums... We all have different ways of communicating. We have different strategies to get our points across based on the tools that are available to us. The various strategies residents use are sometimes uncomfortable to different individuals. They may be perceived as trolling, baiting, racism, religious intolerance, ageism, sexism. How we respond is just as personal and individual as each of us is. When all tools to get an opinion across are taken away from us, we rightfully feel powerless and more likely to lash out. There has been a LOT of lashing out in the last month or so as all avenues of communication have been closed. It is easy here to have things 'disappear'. Moderation is tight. Lately, it seems, communication (uncensored except by each individual) has been moved to the profile feeds. Here is the bit about alternative views ( I know, by now all you see is blah, blah,blah) We all have concerns about privacy and attacks on the SL'ums and in the forums. There have been quite a few personal attacks and instant responses (some may have been justified - not my issue) in these new feeds that are available. One of the biggest issues seems to be that we are not allowed to block individual residents from responding to posts without also having to lock down the entire feed. Well... Those people that are making these attacks/baiting are doing a VERY good job of highlighting why we need control over the following feature and the ability to block individual unfriendly voices. So, thank you for your help! All the messages to LL employees were ignored, all our concerns went unheard. This seems like a fine strategy - albeit uncomfortable to read at times. The point is (my opinion) we use the tools we have. Most of us like comedy (there are a few who do not have a sense of humor, but they are the minority). Comedy works well as a tool when we can identify it. I happen to love stereotypes and sarcasm. Come on... White people have no rhythm, women are bad drivers, men are all pigs, gay people are trying to turn the entire world gay, Mormons just want to practice polygamy (spell check thought Mormons should have been 'morons' - which I find hilarious), Scientologists are... South Park anyone? Comedians have been pissing off individual groups for a VERY long time and even make fun of themselves. They use this as a way to get a point across and not everyone likes it. They might missing the big picture or may only take the one comment without the entire context or intent of the poster into account. Then again, some people are just mean. Whatever... If you have a strategy that you have been using, what is it? Has it been well received/understood or has it been taken out of context? Are you trying to help, but no one sees it that way? Have you always used this method to get your point across or has it only surfaced in the past month or so when the ears of the Lab closed? Cinn I am guilty of responding from an emotional place and almost always regret what I said. When it is pointed out, I accept it and apologize where necessary (this has been done in the last week, but the response post and my apology post were pulled anyway).
  23. Ceka Cianci wrote: where does it show you have followers? maybe because mine is off i don't ever see any hehehe that or i just don't ever really have any hehehe but if i were to ever get any..where would i see them at? You are automatically following all you friends, so they won't show in 'following'. If you click the People button on the left, there will be 3 tabs on the top of the window: Friends, Following (this will not show your friends, but you are following them and they are following you), and Followers.
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