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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. I think that using an actual mole avatar should be part of the deal of becoming a Mole. It's always disappointing (to me) when meeting Moles who use regular avatars.
  2. The map says 지구 (jigu, "Earth" and "region"), not 저것 (jeogeot, "that thing"). At a glance, to non-Korean speakers, the characters of 지구 and 저것 look similar. Perhaps Jack Linden made an unintentional mistake when he labelled his map with 지구 instead of 저것 ?
  3. Landmarks work from region names, not from their map position. Easily demonstrated with the "login to region" feature in your viewer's main login page. A "dead landmark" from a long-deleted region does become usable again after a brand new region with the exact same name is created.
  4. I've had a quick look at Gaeta I continent and worked out it would only need a maximum of 13 new regions to link it to Corsica's coast. A new Gaeta I channel would be shortest between the south side of Oppinjay (on Gaeta I) and the north side of Joosten (on Corsica).
  5. @LittleMe Jewell@Aethelwine@Fritigern Gothly I've had a quick look at Gaeta I continent and worked out it would only need a maximum of 13 new regions to link it to Corsica's coast. A new Gaeta I channel would be shortest between the south side of Oppinjay (on Gaeta I) and the north side of Joosten (on Corsica).
  6. Just saw something interesting on a giant noticeboard at Bellisseria Fairgrounds. It was showing an album flickbook of photos from Bellisseria's first two years which was nice, but what caught my attention was something planned for the future. Apparently there are to be a new themed region of apartment towerblocks.... or was that a wind-up (joke) ?!
  7. SL's map seems to have been fixed and updated! Here's a first look at the new link to Satori continent.... and the new Chalet Homes regions, which have a wide boat channel through them. Pounce region is Satori continent's most south-westerly region. On 30th March 2021, the link to Bellisseria was made with the addition of new regions Cthhulu, Windover Cay, and Carmine Sky to bridge the gap. Pounce has a small peninsular or 'spit' pointing southwards into the ocean. As such, it is a useful landmark or waypoint between the Satori and Bellisseria continents. The most southerly rez zone on Satori's southern coast is in Yeeowler , which has a 15 minute rez time for boats and small aircraft! This rez area is named the "New World Bridge" and is not owned or run by the Lindens or Moles. The nearest Bellisseria rez zone to Satori continent is on the northern shoreline of Buffalo Springs.
  8. @LovelyMabelle Lelutka's range of Origin and Evo heads were all supplied with 12 default skin tones on their HUDs. These facial skin tones were created by Glam Affair. Glam Affair also makes 12 matching body skin's too. These 12 skin tones are on tattoo layers for use with mesh bodys which feature BOM, such as Maitreya's Lara mesh body. These 12 body skin tones are available seperately at Glam Affair's shop too. They are L$299 each or L$1499 for a fatpack. Glam Affair LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beauty Avatar couture/161/52/33 The latest Maitreya Lara mesh body (V5.3) is supplied with a folder of Glam Affair's 12 body skin tones too.
  9. @Patch Linden@Abnor Mole Is East Bellisseria's log cabin continent ever going to get a northern coastline? North of Barker region and all the way along up to Whitehall is an empty void, there is no north coastline or sea channel. At the moment, it's a real pain for boat users from the west of Bellisseria to reach places like the stilt homes, the chalets and futher onwards to Satori continent. As there's no north coast to East Bellisseria and it's inland lakes are at a different higher height , boats are forced to sail all the way down south to the very bottom of the continent and then up around East Bellisseria's east coast.
  10. Bellisseria was first opened on 15th April 2019. (go back to page 45) However, the name Bellisseria was first revealed by @Inara Pey 's blog on 15th March 2019, exactly a month before opening. Source: https://modemworld.me/2019/03/15/new-linden-homes-preview/ The first person to quote the name Bellisseria in this forum was @Chic Aeon on 15th March 2019, see page 26. The first person to type the name Bellisseria in this forum was @Fritigern Gothly on 26th March 2019, see page 38.
  11. TSL is/was an almost exact copy of a narrow slice of the Sansara continent for teenagers, with its region names changed. All the "same" duplicated regions are in the same relative positions to each other too. Oddly, there is no equivilent of Sansara's famous Da Boom region at TSL, its missing there and is just an empty/null space sea void. One thing that stands out at TSL is that it hosts the second tallest mountain in SL, which is unusual for such a small continent. And if you're wondering where the tallest is, it's at Campion region on Heterocera.
  12. Poor Gaeta I and TSL continents too. I pity Gaeta I the most, It was never completed because of the 2009 economic crash. It ought to have been finished by now, twelve years since building was halted. It also remains unconnected to any other continent. Sigh...
  13. @HeatherD Tungsten, @Sam1 Bellisserian Voting Stations stopped taking votes in 2011 after SL's vote system was found being abused by deliberate targeted over-voting, as the system rewarded "popular" vote locations with more publicity, more resident traffic and for the Vote Station owner, a financial reward from LL. The Vote Station's themselves are now just harmless nostalgia items from SL's first decade and do nothing, except for playing a "fanfare" sound when clicked. I do still love seeing them around SL ten years after they became obsolete, as they are a reminder of the earlier days of SL. Sadly, Vote Stations are becoming rarer to find around SL, but if I see one, I will usually click one to hear that pleasing "fanfare" sound again. Some Vote Stations have been preserved inworld for their early SL nostalgia value, with some being adapted into new useful lives as tip jars or as landmark vendors. I believe that the Vote Stations are also still capable of IM'ing their owners each day with details of the previous day's "vote" total. Don't waste your money buying them off Marketplace, there is a free one in everyone's inventory, inside the Library folder. along with other nostalgic items. Vote Stations also have their own history section at the unofficial SL Museum in Phobos region.
  14. The Tiger Tunnel could become SL's first ever drive-through salt-water car wash! 😜
  15. Hello all. I think that I've solved a little mystery today; of how to correctly pronounce the continent name of Jeogeot. And no, its not pronounced like the French car builder Peugeot! And also what Jeogoet actually means! I got my sources from an early map of the SL grid drawn by Jack Linden (2004-2010), titled "Jack's Map O' The Gridde" which I found while nosing around at New Kadath Lighthouse Gallery, which has an extensive museum-quality collection of old and new SL maps exhibited at the lighthouse. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New Kadath/35/45/23 At the foot of Jack Linden's map is this image, there is the continent we call Jeogeot - which is actually labelled 지구 in Korean. Historically, Jeogeot was also known as "The Korean Continent". 지구 is a Korean word and translates to English as "jigu". 지구 Jigu is roughly pronounced as tzchig-oo. Listen to the translation here: https://translate.google.co.uk/?hl=en-GB&sl=ko&tl=en&text=지구&op=translate According to Google Translate and Wiktionary (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/지구) Jigu means "Earth" (with a capital E, so its a noun). It also means "district", "zone" or "area". I don't speak Korean, so I imagine "jigu" in its Jeogeot context is a mix of all the words and means "an area of ground", or "a strip of earth". Earth as in soil, ground or dirt, so not just literally "planet Earth". Therefore, I'm theorising that "jigu" had been deliberately misspelled into the ficticious English-language name "Jeogeot" by a very creative Linden map maker. He probably changed Jigu's first "jig" syllable into "Jeog", and used a J in place of that very asian "tzch" sound that doesn't really exist in the English language. Similarly, the second "u" syllable became "eot", and adding a silent letter T to its end to make it more "exotic" looking when read, perhaps a bit like the "eot" in Peugeot, the French car manufacturer. Jeogeot is pronounced "tzchig-oo" ! Mystery solved!
  16. Hello all. I think that I've solved a little mystery today; of how to correctly pronounce the continent name of Jeogeot. And no, its not pronounced like the French car builder Peugeot! And also what Jeogoet actually means! I got my sources from an early map of the SL grid drawn by Jack Linden (2004-2010), titled "Jack's Map O' The Gridde" which I found while nosing around at New Kadath Lighthouse Gallery, which has an extensive museum-quality collection of old and new SL maps exhibited at the lighthouse. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New Kadath/35/45/23 At the foot of Jack Linden's map is this image, there is the continent we call Jeogeot - which is actually labelled 지구 in Korean. Historically, Jeogeot was also known as "The Korean Continent". 지구 is a Korean word and translates to English as "jigu". 지구 Jigu is roughly pronounced as tzchig-oo. Listen to the translation here: https://translate.google.co.uk/?hl=en-GB&sl=ko&tl=en&text=지구&op=translate According to Google Translate and Wiktionary (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/지구) Jigu means "Earth" (with a capital E, so its a noun). It also means "district", "zone" or "area". I don't speak Korean, so I imagine "jigu" in its Jeogeot context is a mix of all the words and means "an area of ground", or "a strip of earth". Earth as in soil, ground or dirt, so not just literally "planet Earth". Therefore, I'm theorising that "jigu" had been deliberately misspelled into the ficticious English-language name "Jeogeot" by a very creative Linden map maker. He probably changed Jigu's first "jig" syllable into "Jeog", and used a J in place of that very asian "tzch" sound that doesn't really exist in the English language. Similarly, the second "u" syllable became "eot", and adding a silent letter T to its end to make it more "exotic" looking when read, perhaps a bit like the "eot" in Peugeot, the French car manufacturer. Jeogeot is pronounced "tzchig-oo" ! Mystery solved!
  17. @Prokofy Neva @Coby Foden Heterocera continent is named after the latin species name for a moth, Lepidoptera Heterocera. It is SL's second oldest continent and was completed on 2nd December 2005. The earliest of Heterocera's region are to be found in its south and are almost always named after species of moth. The continent (when first created in 2005) was centred around the Moth Temple of Iris in the Iris region of Heterocera Atoll continent, built by Xenon Linden. The Moth Temple of Iris was built as the first telehub of the entire Heterocera continent in an area of Heterocera water regions known as The Inner Delta. The earliest region built in Heterocera is named Caletta, built on 21st March 2005, opening just to the north of the ANWR channel. Around Caletta are many other moth-named regions such as Oculea and Neumoegen, which are parts of the continent's extensive SLRR railway network. Heterocera is home to Second Life's tallest mountain range, found at the northern side of the continent, although none of these mountains are snow topped. Landmark: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Iris/200/136/32/
  18. Following the linking of the east and west continents of the grid on 30th March 2021, I'm pleased to announce today (10th April 2021) that I've successfully travelled non-stop from Sansara continent to Satori continent by sea. This is something I've long been wanting to do achieve. I began my journey from the region of Osmium in Sansara and eventually arrived at Pounce region in Satori. Total time taken: 1 hour and 42 minutes. Non-stop, no crashes, no cheating. And without a working SL World Map too....
  19. Pleased to announce today (10th April 2021) that I've successfully travelled non-stop from Sansara continent to Satori continent by sea. This is something I've long been wanting, hoping and waited to achieve, for more than ten years. I began my journey from the region of Osmium in Sansara and eventually arrived at Pounce region in Satori. The nearest boat rez zone to Osmium is in Norse Auk, four regions to its south (in north-west Belliserria). Total time taken from Osmium to Pounce: 1 hour and 42 minutes. And without a working SL World Map too.... EDIT: Have repeated the same trip from Osmium to Pounce again, but by helicopter this time, it took only 33 minutes!
  20. @Rufferta, @Sylvia Tamalyn Hi all. This weird water phenomenon, which I call "The Tiger Tunnel Corner" is one of my biggest annoyances about the entire Second Life grid. Because I like to sailing boats and accomplishing bucket lists of things to see and do in SL, ths particular Tiger region of Heterocera Atoll is very annoying to me. Tiger does not have a navigable coastline. Tiger is completely impassable and therefore it's impossible for any type of boat to complete a full circumnavigation of the Heterocera Atoll continent. However, all other coastal regions on Heterocera Atoll continent ARE navigable and passable, as I've been through all the others by boat. The Moles and Lindens are aware of The Tiger Tunnel Corner's problems, as I've tried (in vain) to highlight Tiger's problems. According to Garden Mole (in 2019), there had been no navigable boat channel at Tiger since its initial creation in 2008. The reason for the strange water level and no boat channel in the Tiger region, is due to the watertable height being the same as another neighbouring region, which contains a tall waterfall - which has a different water table level to the standard 20 metres of sea level height in Second Life. This unusual waterfall water level continues in regions towards the coast - including Tiger, which is why the continent's perimeter road passes through Tiger inside a flooded road tunnel (!). This might be a very unique place in SL where one can walk from "dry" land at either end of a tunnel and while in the tunnel, swim through it, then emerging back out onto a dry road! Adding an additional new coastal sim to the west of Tiger might be the quick reactionary fix and a bypass to this strange place, however, there is another problem.... Relating to and affecting Tiger's problem is a nearby offshore private island region named Regalis (just to the north-west of Tiger) is now too close to the coastline of Heterocera. Garden Mole explained to me (in 2019) that a one region null/void seperation gap MUST exist between private island sims such as Regalis and Tiger, just like in all coastal mainland regions. Adding a new region between Regalis and Tiger is therefore not an option. However, I do think that there actually is a very easy "fix" to this problem, although potentially expensive or disruptive to the owner of Regalis region. I would suggest that Second Life should/could offer to move Regalis somewhere else on the grid relatively nearby to allow a new water region to be placed beside Tiger, while maintaining the null/void region seperation gap between mainland and private island regions. I also previously sent a notecard to @Patch Linden in November 2019 to highlight the Tiger Tunnel Corner's issues and my fix ideas. Patch Linden did initially reply that it would "not be fixed", but after some nagging (from me!) he actually then replied again in November 2019 that the Tiger coastal problem would be put on the list of things to do in the next "two quarters" (six months after November 2019). Sadly a fix has still never been undertaken. In 2021, I've kind of given up at this point, and treat Tiger as a curious unique oddity,. But whenever I do occasionally bump into Patch around SL, or see him live in a Lab Gab video stream, I do like to remind him on his "promise" to fix Tiger....
  21. Can confirm those are Gaeta V regions and names. I used to live in Gaeta V's Tamayo region, with friends living at Arcobluster, Malitz and Takeuti regions - all of which are duplicated (in name only) on the Beta grid. PS. If any of the Moles or Lindens are reading, I and many other boat users would hope that any future continental land or sea connection between Belisseria and Satori is done with a uniform sea level at 20m height. This would allow THOUSANDS of existing boat users to move between Satori and Belli, making this theoretical new area very popular - and potentially profitable. Please avoid another hugely disappointing letdown by terraforming another East Bellisseria style "inland lake network" with its stupidly high 50m water level, which for boats is impossible to access (or cut through) from the offshore 20m high oceans and seas . This continent link-up project shouldn't just be concentrating on making new spaces for Premium account residents. It should also be focusing on improving the existing grid for a much larger group of non-Premium residents too, who frankly, don't care about the Bellisseria continent and its Premium houses, or haven't even thought about getting a Premium account.
  22. WATCH THE SKIES. WE ARE NOT ALONE. On East Bellisseria, I found a replica of the real-world Devil's Tower monument. At its top, there's a little nod to the "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" movie, which should be understood by anyone who's seen it. Location: The four corners of Porridge Pot, Whistlers Well, Birch Hill, and Soft Meadow regions.
  23. A bit off topic, but I've accidently stumbled upon a trio of older Linden Home test sims. LH Test 2, LH Test 9, LH Test 13. Contains lots of fantasy themed homes built by Molly Linden during September-October 2009
  24. A question about names for @Patch Linden or any of the Moles, is this new landmass an official part of Bellisseria (East Bellisseria?) - or because of its size, an entirely new as-yet un-named continent?
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