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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. I've gotten the best FPS using Exodus on my iMac, and it's also the only viewer that allows me to enable shadows.
  2. Hmm...so far I've won five, and the other night had two others won for me. A couple were duplicates, but still PRIZES! :smileyhappy:
  3. Well, since you asked me about this while I was in the process of winning prizes at Hairy Hippo Fun Land...:smileytongue:
  4. Storm Clarence wrote: They would have to fillet me first! I see what you did there. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  5. Bummer. I was going to pay my tier with my winnings.
  6. That's a tough one...have you tried Shelly Laufer? From what I remember, she doesn't use prim feet in her high-heeled sandals.
  7. Are you wearing the correct group tag so that you have permission to rez? Do you have sufficient available prims left?
  8. You had me at "bacon". :matte-motes-inlove:
  9. Bumping this very useful list...it doesn't belong on page 2.
  10. Happy Rez Day, Rodvik! (I would post this on your feed, except...I can't!)
  11. This is from the current grid status page: [Posted 7:01am PST, 08 January 2012] We are aware that some residents may be experiencing issues logging in world as well as with some web based services (marketplace, land store, and billing services). We are working on resolving the issues and will post an update as we have more information. I suspect the problems with purchasing Lindens stems from whatever other web issues are going on at the moment. I too made a purchase about 40 minutes ago, and am still waiting to receive the Lindens that Paypal says I have paid for. Update: [updated 8:19am PST, 08 January 2012] We have resolved the issues surrounding log-ins and multiple web based services. We are working on the last issues surrounding the billing and L$ purchase systems.
  12. That's cute, Ariel! Thanks for posting, I think I'll have to buy one! :smileyhappy:
  13. Thanks for the info, Sonia! :smileyhappy:
  14. In Firestorm, you can also open a second inventory window and drag the item into your outfit (creating a link to the item in the saved outfit).
  15. I'm not sure I understand why this is an issue...but then, I mostly ignore "trending" posts because there's stuff in there I'm not interested in seeing, either. I find I see what I want to see if I stick to the posts that show under my "following" tab (and I make sure I only "follow" those whose posts I actually want to read). It would be impossible to come up with a system to weed out posts so that only the ones that will be of interest to *everyone* trend.
  16. Niall Braveheart wrote: Is it definitely a new message every time he logs in? Did he once have the option to log local chat enabled, and just happen to switch that off right after you paid him, in which case he might just be seeing the last message in the log file. I agree that this is the most likely answer. I always see stuff from 6/14/11 in local chat when I log in, and I think it's because that's the day I first installed Firestorm (and would have had logging of local chat enabled as the default until I went in and changed that setting).
  17. A friend tried removing her hair and it made a big difference in her fps...although I'm glad I don't have to go bald, I wish I knew what was slowing mine down so badly!
  18. Hmm, I think you are right, Rhys. After first reading this thread, I went in world and gave it a try, and gained 1 fps by removing my hair. I'm starting to think it's time to go back to a non-mesh viewer.
  19. Wow, congratulations, Bella! I will definitely buy it if you let me know when it's released! :matte-motes-inlove:
  20. Thank you for posting this, Perrie...I've spent days trying to figure out why my fps has dropped to almost nothing! But what is the solution? Going bald? :smileymad:
  21. Lovely, Venus! I'm going to have to come catch one of your shows sometime! :smileyhappy: (And I love Pamela's stained glass...your top goes with it perfectly!)
  22. Please edit your post and give more information, such as what error message you are getting. In the meantime, take a look at this page and see if it helps to answer your problem. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109
  23. Look in your Lost and Found folder and the coalesced object should be there. Rez it and your dragons should appear...if you now have sufficient prims available to rez them. If you don't have enough, go to a sandbox to rez and then pick each of the dragons back up into your inventory.
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