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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. I love the photo, Val!! (And I figured Lillie was off making breakfast for us hungry pandas!) /me snuggles next to Cat Hugs to all! Welcome Paris! :smileyhappy:
  2. .:ARI:. has a lot of "crazy" styles, though most of them may be longer than what you are looking for....but you might also look at the men's styles! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/9052
  3. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Upcoming-Events-and-Activities/The-HopStore-Opening-Today-at-2pm-SLT/td-p/1136241
  4. OK ladies...the info is on her profile, because of course she gave credit to her photographer (why didn't I think to look there first? lol). And Kylie, I like the thread idea a lot!!
  5. Dee, *you* are the reason they call it BURN2 :smileyvery-happy: Morning hugs, everyone!!
  6. Beautiful, Venus!! I've always wanted to have a portrait done...may I ask who your photographer is? That's really stunning!
  7. And is there a way to move or hide it so that it does't cover up chat text? (Apologies if this posted twice, I'm having forum issues today :smileysad:)
  8. Thanks, Ishy! Tem gets credit for the photo, I just supplied the props. :smileyvery-happy:
  9. Tem was in charge of cooking....and these things sure give off a lot of smoke!!
  10. Dee! At first glance, it looked like you are dirty dancing in the ballroom at Tempura!! :smileyvery-happy: Hugs, everyone!!
  11. That's a shame about the hummingbird (or lack thereof), Dillon...this one Maddy cooked is rather tasty. And extra crispy!
  12. Happy birthday, Valerie!! *hugs!!* :matte-motes-kiss: :matte-motes-inlove:
  13. Both, and I'll take that cup of tea if you don't want it! Thanks, Maddy!! P.S. Will you read me a story while I eat?
  14. Lillie Woodells wrote: Wow, do you need a chainsaw to cut that oinion? Lia, please tell your hobo friend not to bathe in the pot. /me adds some potatoes and suasage to the pot /me looks for the sausage in that photo :smileyvery-happy: Morning hugs, all!!
  15. Just for the heck of it, have you tried Avatar - Avatar Health - Stop Avatar Animations? Just in case some animation's "stuck" and messing up your feet...
  16. Ibizarre has cute things in their discount room at the back of the store.
  17. They must have fixed it after the first Beta version, because I do remember having to enable RLV after reading a JIRA stating that was the "fix" for the time being. Glad they did that...I don't mind having RLV enabled but I'm sure there are those who do.
  18. Lia Abbot wrote: Don't let Wildcat see that birdie val! Thursday Huggggs to all That was my first thought, too! :smileyvery-happy: Morning hugs to you all!!
  19. valerie Inshan wrote: lol Bandito, I would LOVE to meet my friends face to face. It's just the Atlantic ocean is a bit too wide for a swim towards them! Exactly! My sig says what I think about the topic...hugs to you, Val!!
  20. Unless they've changed this, Firestorm used to require that you have RLV enabled in order for the avatar height offset to work.
  21. Mayalily wrote: A lot of posters say this forum is calm compared to the last one. Well, I haven't seen that pov. It's 50/50 here with the threads. Some go okay, but most has some kind of meanness in it for no reason whatsoever. It's either mean or critical of others, and I'm not the first one on this forum to say the things I said about this forum and the behavior of some of the posters here. Yes, there have been rude posts all right...take, for just one example, the thread Keli started about playing in SL. Oh wait...the mean, critical, and rude posts in that thread were written by you, weren't they? Never mind... I never doubted for a minute that you'd be back. :smileywink:
  22. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: geez...is it hot in here or what? :smileysurprised: Ian, I could lend you some L$'s to see you through.... Nooo...Kylie, then he'll stop dancing!! :matte-motes-evil-invert:
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