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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: 20-26-25-2-30-26-13-25-8-13-31-25-8-20-23-23 How dare you? Oh wait... ...Dres Are you quoting me? *gasp*
  2. I predict you've got about 20 minutes left on this one, Dres. :smileywink:
  3. Others have given you good suggestions for finding other builders, but I wanted to comment on your lament re: empty sandboxes. I would think that the advent of mesh had a lot to do with this, because as I understand it (not being a builder myself), a good deal of the work in making mesh creations is done outside of the SL environment. In other words, many builders just can't stand around building together like in the old days....creating has become an even more solitary activity than it might have already been, due to the tools now being used.
  4. Aerith Felicci wrote: I did, no information on the skin at all i even google searched it...no information on that skin in the post., (I did all possible Searches before posting, thats why i am posting here) i wear glam affair, i never seen a shade that bright before and i need one for a costume project. and before anyone says well just use any.....no It has to be something good of this quality something with Slink Compatibility. Several people in this thread have now said that they (we) believe it is a Glam Affair skin. If the Europa or Arctic tones don't look right to you, I'm going to say it's because the photo in question had a WindLight setting that affected the color of the skin.
  5. Just guessing, I'd say that might be a Glam Affair skin. However, if the name on that photo (Liv Haalan) is the name of the avatar pictured, then she has a blog (see her profile for the link). I'd suggest checking there to see if you can find the info you are looking for.
  6. My favorite couples dances are from 3FX, TIS, and Bits and Bobs.
  7. YW! I've got it handy to pass around this week! :matte-motes-smile:
  8. I use the TIS dance machine, but I also have used an Intan in the past. If I recall correctly, the heart is modifiable, so you can shrink it in size if you feel it is too large.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_Is_No_Cabal
  10. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Well, it's m/c/t, so too late, anyway. :smileyvery-happy: Dude, you need some lessons in seekrit caballing....oh that doesn't look quite right, does it.
  11. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Hush! How's a cabal s'posed to get its work done properly if you name names? Nuuu! Do not take back the decoder ring!!
  12. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Shhh don't tell anyone, but it's Griff who is actually the super duper seekrit underground leader of bad apples! What?! I thought I was just a drone doing everyone else's dirty work! You mean...you do the work of the Evil one whose name starts with a "P"? (Yes, I do mean Pam!)
  13. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: I don't have any panties to salute with, but I do have the fez and the Supah Sekret Decoder Ring. I also don't have any panties. ; ) Ring..?! whoa now...!! Shhh don't tell anyone, but it's Griff who is actually the super duper seekrit underground leader of bad apples!
  14. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: I don't have any panties to salute with, but I do have the fez and the Supah Sekret Decoder Ring. And peacock feathers!
  15. Storm Clarence wrote: Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: /me borrows some panties from Venus, and salutes Laurin and Love. (Gosh, I hope I did it right!) Isn't it I that should be saluting? Especially with you clad in Venus's panties! PS I am easily confused... You may salute now, or wait till someone mentions Lolas! PS I am easily confusing...
  16. /me borrows some panties from Venus, and salutes Laurin and Love. (Gosh, I hope I did it right!)
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