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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. I just tossed this awesome trad in Porthole and it's still in Maintenance: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Porthole/88/64/29
  2. Pillow fight, pizza and booze? Sounds like a sorority house or college dorm to me. Yaay, an Animal House theme!
  3. I noticed that, too! I wasn't sure if other photos had changed, since I mostly roll for trads.
  4. This is exactly what I do, especially the part about being sure to mention Bellisseria in the subject line.
  5. Sorry I missed it, Cali! I didn't see the group notice and when I did finally log on, group chat was silent as usual (or maybe I have it turned off... I better check that lol). Maybe next week!
  6. 3360 sq.m. in Phyllodesma, next door to Hotel Chelsea, Malacosoma rez zone, and the VRC Malacosoma Station. Road and railroad tracks nearby make it fun to sit and watch traffic go by, or rez your own car or train and tour the Heterocera Atoll. L$7,000. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Phyllodesma/231/11/81
  7. Cute and cozy parcel in Goodelli, a lovely region on the east side of Heterocera. Good neighbors in a nice-looking neighborhood, near water and a bridge, and with a road (and rez zone) right in front. Keep the house, fence, and flowers if you like; I'll gladly set them to your land group so you can move everything around. Come take a look for yourself, and check out the Mole-made roadside details like bench and picnic table! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/82/184/33
  8. Because the higher price of Full Regions includes perks that other types of regions don't have, and that is one of those perks. It's not a matter of whether it *can* be done (I have no idea regarding the technical side of things), but whether they *want* to do it. If you want all the bells and whistles, you have to shell out for another Full Region, or pay to convert your Homestead to one.
  9. There's a nice trad in Gentle Grove on the LP right now. I just caught it twice. Water on two sides!
  10. Unlikely. I'm sure they'd rather you convert your Homestead to a Private Region.
  11. I usually go with "object littering" if I'm reporting some object(s) that are in violation of the covenant. In addition, in the title box of the report, I make sure to state that the issue is in Bellisseria.
  12. Wow that one *is* isolated! I don't know any other regions like that, but I do know of a very lonely parcel. On Mainland, the snow region Sierra way down south at the bottom of the old Teen Grid has only one resident-owned parcel; the rest belongs to LL (and is not abandoned land). That's a hermit spot for sure!
  13. This is the third time my alt has caught one of these homes along this coastline in recent weeks. They used to be so hard to get! I'll be tossing it back in a minute or two...
  14. I have this bed, and just a head's up about it: The shadows on the rug and end of the bed (behind the table) are baked in, meaning you need to use the table and rug too, or be prepared to have unwanted shadows if you don't want to retexture the bed to hide them. It's still worthwhile to have, of course, if you can get it for cheap or free!
  15. The house I mentioned above has now been cleared, and auto-return is now set to 1 minute.
  16. Update: just spoke with the owner of the above parcel and explained the issue to him and how to fix it. He was very nice and had no idea this had happened, as he hadn't been to the parcel in a while. Hopefully it will be cleared up soon. If this isn't the parcel referred to in the original post above, I recommend the same process: talk with the owner if it appears the objects are not theirs. They may have no idea the junk is there, and will appreciate the head's up.
  17. Is this the house in question? If so, the owner has left it open so anyone can rez, with no auto-return. The cubes do not belong to the person listed as being the parcel owner, so odds are, this is the work of a griefer (the owner of the cubes is a two-day old account, almost surely a throwaway one used to trash parcels). AR it, and I'd also suggest sending a message to the parcel owner, who may not be aware that their land settings are favorable to griefers. Perhaps hearing from a close neighbor would convince them to set auto-return on their parcel. P.S. I have AR'd it and sent a message to the owner as well.
  18. I know my way around Mainland, but there is much of Belli I haven't seen. Looking forward to your tour recommendations!
  19. She already did and the problem was resolved. See her post 3 posts above yours.
  20. I'd recommend taking Route 66 east from Bay City into Barcola, then going north to travel across the magnificent bridge between Barcola and Shermerville. You can drive your amphibious vehicle north through Shermerville into the Gulf of Lauren, east through the water passing just north of the Color Sims (there are some cool old Mole builds along the way there), and then north toward the Atoll from there. I love that bridge, and it has an awesome sunset view!
  21. 1. Talk to the owner 2. Derender it 3. AR it 4. Toss the home and move to another neighborhood
  22. The house is not crooked, love. The photo is a bit off kilter is all.
  23. Good thing you didn't catch it then.
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