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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Many years ago, there was something called a "lifetime account". You could buy one and not have to pay any monthly fees, and were given 4096 sq.m. of free land allowance (plus a higher stipend of L$500/week).
  2. Unless, as theorized above, there was some trouble with the account that purchased the land and its finances that were used to buy the land from OP. It won't hurt a thing for OP to get something on the record. I assure you that LL can handle the burden of one more ticket.
  3. Nice! The way the colors in the closet pop against all the neutrals in the bedroom is cool. I really like the bed, and that full-length mirror is exactly what I've been looking for. Where is it from, please?
  4. I hadn't read about this sort of thing before; very interesting! Here's one of the threads I think you were looking for:
  5. They possibly found another parcel they liked better right after they purchased yours, and dumped yours to quickly free up land allowance to buy the other one.
  6. Whether or not you can join two regions, you'd still be paying exactly the same amount: the price of two regions. So how would the alleged "cash grab" be reduced by allowing joining of those two regions? On the contrary, one could argue that LL is making less money by disallowing joining, because more people might be tempted to buy a spare region if the regions could be joined and prims shared between them.
  7. I put back two really nice trads on water, one in Deckard and one in West Ivory. Both are still in the queue; it appears Deckard is up for grabs first, as I just rolled it two more times. lol
  8. This is exactly what I've always done. It's really easy to edit that notecard and disable the adult menu!
  9. I like small houses, but I wish there was some sort of change in them for sure. I love the Trad landscaping, but the houses themselves are not all that interesting to me, especially since they lack the features of later houses like tintable walls.
  10. I'm not a huge fan of sand, but there sure are some nice beach homes popping up as abandons recently! My alt caught this one last night.
  11. What would be "polite" is to let people decorate their parcels as they please, and use the security they please, as long as it's within TOS. Just because some people don't like the decor or the security doesn't mean LL should swoop in and remove it. Go drive somewhere else if the area you are in offends you. If you think someone's stuff is ugly, derender it and move along. Stop trying to force people who PAY for their parcels to use them as YOU want them to. The people saying "those who use security should be hidden away deep in the landlocked middle of Mainland or off on a private estate" are wrong. It's the ones who are insisting everything be done to satisfy their personal standards of perfection that should relocate to private estates, where they might find areas that are good enough for their highly evolved senses of what is beautiful and where the burden of dealing with Mainland riffraff won't impede their whizzing across lawns in their vehicles. I'm not even sure why we are discussing the age and alleged non-beauty of objects people have on their parcels in a thread that was started to whine about ban lines. I do think all that needs to be said (and a lot that does not) on that topic has already been shared, so peace out.
  12. Why do you assume that LL is preserving this? If there are banlines, I assume some resident is paying for the land. Nice try at responding to my points, but ... not really. 😂
  13. This might work if there are only two people in the group, and you want them both to be able to edit terrain. However, if there are people in the group you don't want to edit the terrain, it won't work. The OP said they didn't want to leave "edit terrain" checked, so I went with the most conservative approach to lock down who can edit the terrain.
  14. That depends on how you have your group settings. Under Abilities, look for "Accounting". Check the box next to "Pay group liabilities and receive group dividends" ONLY in the roles you want to share in proceeds from sale of group land. In my land group, I have that box checked only for the group owner (me), so that when I sell a parcel, all the money comes directly to me.
  15. If the parcels are still owned, even if the owners seldom/never log on, someone is paying for them. Which means they are not abandoned, unofficially or otherwise, and that the owners can have pretty much whatever they want on the parcels (subject to TOS), whether or not it meets your high standards of beauty. Some of us enjoy seeing the vintage prim stuff that you refer to as "litter"; the items are reminders of early SL days. It's called "history".
  16. Yes, the group will need to be the owner of the land, and you'll need to give your partner that ability in the group. Make sure that your group has sufficient land allowance to own the land, and if necessary, check "owner makes contribution with deed" when you deed the parcel to the group.
  17. I love that ancient railway that goes through the color regions, and the Periwinkle Station!
  18. What I like to do when I find an area I like on the Teen Grid is find the matching spot in Sansara (see Qie's post above), and it will often be M rated.
  19. Fun fact: my very first forum post back in 2010 was asking how to find a rug that disappeared when I rezzed it. Some kind soul explained to noob me that I'd dropped it under the floor. 😂
  20. You can't share prims between regions, and as far as I know, that includes private regions.
  21. The floors are mesh, so your best bet is to put down a rug or any prim, and rez on top of that. As far as retrieving the items, if you can't cam and find them, try using area search. (Firestorm has this feature, but I'm not sure whether the official LL viewer does.) Once you see it listed in the area search box, you can right click on the name of the item in that box and choose "edit", and carry on with moving the item up to where you want it.
  22. The difference is that now you are not the owner of the land; the group is the owner. This means there is no need to "allow deed to group" because the land already is owned by the group. It also means that the objects "owned by others" are not owned by the group (the actual land owner). The object showing as "set to group" are ones you probably rezzed after deeding the land to the group, and got automatically set to the group. Items rezzed prior to the deeding of the land will not be set to group unless/until you set them that way, which you may want to do if you ever intend to set auto return. But again, the main thing to keep in mind when you look at settings is that as far as the land is concerned "Sandy's groupies", not Sandy Melody" is the parcel "owner". EDIT: To clarify, the items still belong to you. What you are seeing there is that they don't belong to the "parcel owner".
  23. Good point, and I don't know why I didn't even think of Zindra! My main home is there. 😂
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