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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Lots of great ideas in this thread on how to decorate a Linden home using the LI that we are currently given: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/436002-bellisserians-show-off-your-home-and-garden/
  2. You should've been around back in the pre-mesh days when 512 parcels only had 117 prims allowed. You'd have 3 pieces of furniture in your LH if you were lucky.
  3. I thought so! When I saw your pic, I thought it was the one I caught a day or two ago. After thinking it over, I tossed it back. I'm glad you got it and love it!
  4. Do they then get shoved back in the line by abandoned parcels? I am thinking of one region in particular where there are a handful of really great 512 parcels, but only one of them has ever been claimed. It seems unlikely, particularly considering what you just said, that just that one 512 in the region was released, so do you think the others have been buried under a pile of abandons?
  5. Two different things. You have your parcels set to allow group to build. The OP has hers set to DENY group build, but allows only a certain role to build. In the latter case, the parcel has to be deeded to the group.
  6. Welcome, neighbor! My alt was happy to see you land that parcel next door. I love what you have done with the spot!
  7. It's a 512. I haven't found a 1024 I like so far, but it would be nice to get one and then put a 512 house on it!
  8. Got this one tonight, with a nice lake in back and not far from the community center!
  9. Not everyone wants to live in a skybox, though. It makes more sense to me that people just be happy with staying on public land and/or land that they are actually paying for.
  10. *gasps* You mean you didn't all drop from the heavens in cuddly Moley form, riding on the backs of unicorns to land in a flower garden at Meauxle Bureaux? How disappointing. (Actually, years ago, I spent a lot of time with a Mole, and I was very glad he had alts. It's hard to dance with a wee critter! 🤣)
  11. I like to make a flat prim to lay on the floor, and make that prim transparent. That way, no matter my decor, I always have a place to rez items upon. It's basically an invisible rug that "matches" all my furniture. 😛
  12. The cool thing about SL is, you don't have to justify what you like to anyone else. If people like to live near roads, for whatever reason, it's their right to do so, and it is also their right to use orbs or ban lines... again, for whatever reason, or no reason at all. They don't owe an explanation to anyone. The real issue is the inability of travelers to stay on the roads in the first place. If you don't drive into someone's yard, you don't hit their ban lines or orbs. So, if lag and region crossings are making you lose control of your vehicle, maybe you need to invest in a better vehicle, maybe you need to practice driving more, maybe you need to slow down, maybe you need to complain to LL about the region crossings.... there are many options that make a lot more sense than blaming the land owners because you bounce when you drive into their yard. After all, you drove into their yard, they didn't run into the road and snatch your car onto the front lawn. But the judging of land owners will continue, and land owners will be understandably unpersuaded by said judging to make an effort to accommodate your entertainment by denying themselves what they want from their own SL. There's a saying out there about catching more flies with honey.... *shrug*
  13. Taking a break from playing with the new theme, I rolled for a trad this morning and caught this:
  14. Not as far as I know, but if you need the parcel to be owned by a group because you require the group bonus on the land allowance, you could sell the parcel to another group that you own. You'd have to have sufficient land contribution in that second group, of course.
  15. GMTA, because I thought Dyna had a side hustle going on!
  16. I'd invite you to read again, but it doesn't really matter since I'm out of the debate. Tonight I got rid of the orbs on all my private Mainland parcels, and changed access via the about land box to "group only". I figured I might as well earn that "anti-social" label!
  17. As opposed to people in this thread insisting that those who use orbs, etc. are all sorts of awful, big bad griefy meanies. That's not damaging to "community" at all. Got it!
  18. Isn't Asian the only theme from the original LHs that has not been duplicated yet in Bellisseria? I'm hoping it will be with this next release.
  19. You are allowed to contribute your 1024 land allowance to a group without penalty, if that's the only land ownership/contribution you have on Mainland. What you want to do is set the parcel to the group, check "allow deed to group", then check "owner makes contribution with deed". This will move the land into the group's name and will at the same time move your 1024 allowance into a contribution to the group. Read more about it here:
  20. Are you saying that you can't own above 66,560 sq m of Mainland? If so, that's not correct. See the section titled "Land tier" on this page: EDIT: And of course, there is also the group ability to use donations from members to buy land.
  21. Sure. Let's start by not judging those who are more introverted. We don't all have to be "social" according to the terms of those who don't respect boundaries.
  22. Some might say that people insisting that they have the right to intrude on property belonging to others are the ones "griefing" and being "anti-social". Those who own property are allowed to use ban lines or orbs. Period. People who can't drive need to find open roads to crash around on.
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