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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. As an aside, An Aeros will auto hide when you enter a g rated sim. As for female genitalia, I personally use the RL standard. If you can't see my private parts when you are standing facing me, they are hidden. I'm not responsible if some perv cams up my skirt to see what's there. I generally avoid g rated sims like the plague. In my opinion, they are a total waste of server space.
  2. Can you be reported for an "inappropriate" reaction to a post? For example, someone makes a post crying their heart out about something "horrible" that happened to them inworld, and you make a laughing face reaction, is that reportable? Mods, I'd love your input here. Or Is hand wringing and commiseration the only acceptable reactions?
  3. Price reduced to $2500 L for quick sale. Will also divide into 2 1024's at $1250 L each if you are just looking for your free tier level.
  4. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Duggan/158/101/56 Offered for $2 L per sq m Gently rolling green prairie. Private house to the west, park to the east, large areas of abandoned land to the north and south.
  5. Rectangular, protected road front, 976 sq m parcel for only $976 L I've put in a support ticket to buy land next to mine, so this parcel must go. Its at a rock bottom price even a land flipper can't resist. If it's not sold when the other parcel is set to sale for me, I'll abandon this one, so hurry and get a great deal. Can be levelled or used as is. Partial ocean view if you stand on your tippy toes on the high side. Don't let this amazing deal for road front pass you by. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Duggan/32/132/79
  6. New lower price, only $2 L per sq m. $1952 L I want to purchase another parcel, so if it doesn't sell by the end of the month, I'm abandoning it. No land flippers please, I'll abandon it before accepting a lower price.
  7. Price dropped to $3500 L. Grab it quick before a land flipper buys it and relists it for $7000
  8. 976 sq m, 335 prims on a LL road. gently sloping, long views, partial ocean view, sim mostly empty, low lag. Use the items on the parcel for as long as you want. Asking $5000 L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Duggan/46/132/77
  9. Thank you everyone for your replies, and thank you Tommy for looking into it. *hugs*
  10. Some of you might remember me as an active poster. I was rather passionate and sometimes un-PC. I left the forums for good after my 4th TOS violation in here got me banned from logging into Second Life for 5 days this past January. I decided that the penalty for forum violation was not worth risking being suspended from logging inworld. Imagine my surprise today when I tried to log in and found out my account was banned from logging in for 7 days, ending on the 16th. I found the e-mail notification and was informed that I was suspended for violating the LL TOS for a forum post. Keep in mind, I learned my lesson after the 4th Violation resulted in my suspension, I left and never posted again. Ironically, I wasn't suspended from posting in the forums this time. Now it seems that necro posts can be reported for TOS violations, the result being that I'll never know when I will yet again be suspended from SL, or even worse, perma banned. If there is a good side to this, I can log back into second life on the 16th, and abandon all my mainland properties and lower my membership to basic before my premium membership is due on the 17th. In view of this, there's no reason for me to ever spend even one cent on Second life ever again, since my account could end up deleted at any time. I suppose making this post was a mistake, since any enemy can now browse my old posts and pick something suitable to report me for, resulting in yet again another suspension. Gotta love Second Life Moderators. Is there anyway to go through and delete all my old posts, since that seems to be the only way to keep myself safe. BJ
  11. There is 4 reprimands showing, as i described above, but no restictions are showing current, since I'm not suspended from posting in the forums.
  12. Oh I have already submitted a ticket. Live chat just says we don't have access to that info, submit a ticket. I'm pretty sure what the result of the support ticket will be. "We investigated your ticket, and yes you did in fact violate the LL tos, so the suspension stands".
  13. I was given 2 informal warnings with no consequences, the third time I was banned from posting in the forums for 2 days, the 4th I was banned from posting and logging in to SL for 5 days. There were no permanent points given on any of them. The page also shows no current restrictions. This time out of the blue I'm banned from logging in for 7 days, but I can still post on the forums. I have over 1000 posts. I guess they are a timebomb waiting for someone to set them off. I learned my lesson after the 4th time when I stopped posting, but obviously i can be punished over and over.
  14. Thank you both for the welcome back. After my last suspension I swore I was through with the forums since the price for violating the TOS is too high. My current suspension is over on the 16th. My premium account renews on the 17th. Needless to say, unless I get some clarification or satisfaction from a Linden Lab rep, I'll be abandoning all my mainland and reverting to basic.
  15. I was just suspended from logging in to second life for 7 days for some post I made that violated the LL TOS regarding intollerence, even though I haven't logged in to the forums since my last suspension months ago. My question, is it possible for me to delete every post I ever made in order to prevent this from happening again? Ironically, I can still post in the forums.
  16. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Picture-Frame-V157-Slideshow-External-light-Frame-Creator-Floating-text-Internal-light-Ratio-selector/7292661 everything you could want in a picture frame, only 10 L and its copy/mod
  17. I Have a picture changer frame you can drop an unlimited number of photos into. Just make all the pictures the same ratio, then set that ratio on the picture frame. When I log in later I'll send u a mp url
  18. its just the whole idea that you can walk out your front door and have a whole continent to explore.
  19. I went premium when i was about 3 weeks old. I really wanted my own place. After looking at all the bewildering options for acquiring land, all of which involved continuously buying more Lindens every week i chose to pay a yearly fee and go premium. I got my little LL house and 300 L a week pocket money, and didn't have to worry about anything. Premium was the simplest, most straightforward choice for me.
  20. a/s/l oh the joys of internet relay chat worked out good for me though, i met my rl partner there *grins*
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