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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Granted, but you don't get to enjoy nude avatars as you wait for their clothes to rezz I wish to think up a forum topic that doesn't eventually turn into a "Lets get BJ thread"
  2. Thinking up some really good replies to a thread you are involved in, coming home, sitting down, logging in, then finding the thread got locked
  3. Yes but haven't we been told over and over that traffic doesn't count in search listings?
  4. You really could have said hello when you were there, it wouldn't have killed you.
  5. In consideration of all the thoughtful inputs from the people that responded, I've changed the parcel description from "Natural area for everyone to enjoy" to "Enter at your own risk"
  6. So its trolling now to ask a question in the forums? It was a legitimate question and it got a lot of answers. The trolls are the ones that attacked me for not doing things "their" way. If you think the post topic is trolling, report it as such, thats your right as a member of the forum
  7. As usual, this topic has shown that everyone thinks THEIR way is the correct way to "play" second life, and if you do it different, you are *--insert insult here-* Nothing ever changes, only the topic. I don't criticize how others do things, but there are so many people that "know better than me" and feel justified in heaping their scorn on my choices. Carry on everyone, because I shall
  8. Once again, there are no private areas on my property. I saw the hornets nest, and thought it would be a fun addition to my land and bought it. I suppose if i was trying to be mean, I could have just started a thread in destinations, "come visit my pretty nature area", then laughed at all the people the hornets got.
  9. Actually it was a general question, I was just using my land as a specific example. Next time I'll just ask the general question and leave it at that, and save myself a lot of abuse
  10. Was that you just there testing it out? Or your aunt? Yes it's a pusher, if you sit you can't be pushed. Not much of a security orb is it?
  11. Ok, this is where things usually go down hill, so I'll leave you all to enjoy yourselves. I'll read the replies in a day or two, and probably ignore most of them, or laugh at them. Have fun
  12. People in SL have an exaggerated sense of entitlement. Everything has to be exactly the way they envision it or all hell breaks loose. Its not at all hard to imagine someone complaining that they were griefed because they were pushed by the person that owns the parcel they were standing on at the time. I've seen innumerable post complaining about zero notice security orbs, as if your rights were violated because you were instantly ejected from a private parcel. Many many people in SL claim it is their absolute right to go anywhere they want and if anyone impinges on that right someone must be made to pay. My parcel is open access, until the hornets get you. Don't like it, don't go, Go, and get pushed off, too bad, so sad. The only chaos being caused in this thread is by people looking for another chance to "get BJ".
  13. Perhaps you'd prefer to be chased off the parcel by flying genitals? Sorry I can't do that, the land is mature not adult
  14. No I asked if it was considered griefing if you push someone on your own parcel. I then explained what I used to push people with, and that morphed into a discussion on security orbs and whether I have to warn people in the property description before pushing them.
  15. You should have entered below the cliffs, or checked out the view from the top of my sphere tank home, both are beyond the range of the hornets nest.
  16. The point is, if I had a security orb that pushed you off the property it wouldn't be griefing, I didn't rezz the nest for security, but since it acts like an orb, I can't be accused of griefing for having it. You know, I could have just as easily asked the question without referencing my own land at all. Rest assured, next time I ask such a question, I won't make any mention of my own circumstances
  17. That description was a relict from when I divided the land for sale. That part was outside of the scan range, so visiting that parcel looking to buy it you wouldn't be bothered by the hornets.
  18. I' m sorry, but I never asked if it was acceptable, I asked if it was griefing. And since it's on my own parcel, with the wasps acting as a de facto security orb, it is totally completely 100% acceptable.
  19. The only opinion I actually asked was is it griefing if you push someone on your own parcel? It's everyone else that derailed to thread to question the morality of pushing them without warning.
  20. I certainly hope I'm not "typical". I take great pride in not being typical. But, seriously? People stop and read the about land before crossing a property line? I just walk across. If an orb tells me to leave, then I leave. If not, i figure it's open to explore. If i get half way across and get attacked by killer bees or a rabid dog, or zombies, i just laugh and move on.
  21. There's nothing in the area that the wasps scan that I want to protect from visitors. If someone tps in while I'm there I'll give them an oops and turn off the nest. I've even tped friends in, forgetting that wasps will get them. They get added to the safe list The only reason I have wasps to chase away visitors is because I thought it would be amusing to have wasps chase away visitors. So anyway, the consensus seems to be, since its my land, it can't be griefing. Thank you all for your input.
  22. In SL I plan on making one of my alts premium so when the inevitable happens, it will be a seamless transition.
  23. Don't forget, prims look more "real" too. I'll take prims over mesh any day.
  24. Obviously if there is a chance that a relationship could go to RL then complete honesty is necessary, but when one makes it clear right from the start that whatever relationship develops will forever remain strictly in SL, then it should be WYSIWYG. I've been with my rl partner a long long time, in fact we met online,. I have no interest in that ending that for someone new. But if i did, I certainly wouldn't be using SL as a dating site.
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