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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Thats reason number 3 for never logging out naked.
  2. I usually log in onto a LL water sim. Its easier to rezz fully there than on land a lot of times. While I'm there friends might tp in, or I might start answering IMs. I could be there for an hour or more. If u show up to investigate me, rest assured that while I probably won't say hi unless you invade my personal space, I've already checked out your profile.
  3. Wow parcel was reclaimed and stuff was returned? it sucks but just go rent another parcel.
  4. Sh*t happens and Linden Lab tries to fix it, that's why its called unscheduled maintenance. They don't usually schedule system malfunctions.
  5. going.. into.. withdraw... i'm... not.. being... rational
  6. every time i go back to the home page, something else is missing... how long before the forums go down?
  7. guess it takes a few minutes for them to realize something is wrong
  8. same here but there's no error message, it just sits there
  9. i got logged out and can't get back in, i hang up on "logging in"
  10. Well the mods seem to run a tight ship now
  11. Bingo, mainland is massively discounted over estates. The per prim price is far lower, sometimes 30% or more. Anyone wanting the lowest price possible with no other considerations, I say go rent some mainland, but anyone wanting full rights and the security their own private group will bring, they need to buy from an estate owner.
  12. I want my own group on my own land. You also seem to fail to understand that any other renter in the same land group as me could come to my rental and change all my setting. Yet another reason why buying on an estate and having your own private group is far better that having land rights through a renters group. Thank you Mr Neva for once again showing why buying on an estate is the way to go.
  13. Do you want to own land without being premium? Go to a private estate run by a long term reputable estate owner. Do you want to rent land from someone who could default on his tier just as easily as an estate owner? Go see Prokofy Neva.
  14. There you go, right there is why you think renting on mainland is so much better than buying on an estate. You have a vested interest in convincing people that renting from a "stable" mainland owner such as yourself who will never default on their tier is far better than buying from one of those fly by night estates owner who might disappear at a moments notice. In fact you go so far as to claim that having limited rights with you is far superior to having full rights on an estate. I'm a disinterested party offering an honest assessment of the differences between renting mainland and buying on an estate, you are promoting your business. I would love to hear the Chungs opinion of your assessment, who have 13 years experience in selling estate land to thousands of satisfied customers.
  15. You seem to have it backwards, buying mainland is where u have to pay several thousand Lindens to the current owner, and then pay monthly tier to LL. On an estate you buy the land for a nominal amount, usually 1 L or, as is more likely, first weeks rent. I agree with you people renting land, (their name will not be on the "about land" as owner) should not expect instant gratification. Every mainland parcel I've looked at has said quite clearly in the rental note card that you must wait for the land owner to give you access to the land group before you can do anything with the land, and that your rental will commence as soon as u are added to the group. Of course I'm sure there are lots of ignorant renters that probably don't even understand the difference between mainland and private estates and what they can expect in either situation. Bottom line, I'd rather rent ( buy) from an estate owner than rent (rent) from Joe Blow mainland owner who can just as easily default on his tier as an estate owner can. At the end of the day, the only way to protect yourself from land owners that may default on the tier and cause you to lose your property, is to become premium, and become a land owner yourself by buying mainland. Then all you have to worry about is Linden Labs itself shutting down.
  16. I'm currently renting a property on a sailing estate, there are restricitions on what i can do, but the minute i bought the parcel, I was able to return everything on the parcel., because i "bought" it, I'm not renting it. Buy: your name is on the about land as owner. Rent: sim owners name is on the about land as owner. Either way I'm paying rent every week to the owner, but owning gives you far greater flexibility, and far more powers
  17. You aren't "given" owner status, you receive it automatically when you "buy" the land. Its no different that buying mainland. You will find your land taken away on main land just the same if you fail to pay LL your monthly tier or pay your premium membership fee.
  18. When u BUY land, ie have your name show up as owner in about land you can instantly return everything on the parcel. Mainland renters are just that, renters, they have whatever limited rights the real owner chooses to give them when the owner chooses to log in and give you rights. I've seen mainland parcels for sale that have an active rent box and someone living there. If I bought the land i could instantly eject the renter, returning everything, including the for sale and rent boxes. I would never ever even consider renting mainland, despite the lower per prim price. I want MY name as owner in about land, and all the rights that go with it.
  19. Some beefcake walked in on me and my friends in bed, insulted both of them, then tried to jump on the bed when one of them left. I didn't have ban rights and couldn't wear my orbiter, so we went up the hill to my place where I added him to the ban list. Problem solved.
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