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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. What do you care what others see in their viewer? If they don't wanna see usernames, they can turn them off like you do. But no, you can't force people to not see who you really are (login name). If you could, that would be a griefers dream come true.
  2. I gave it some more thought, the OP said she used to be an escort, getting guys to pay her for adult liasons but now she's figured out how to get the wives to pay for it instead. Clever. Where do I sign up to be a field agent?
  3. If your collar isn't public access, and you have the relay turned off, I'm not sure what anyone will see, but no one will be able to do anything to you. Next time you are at one of "those place" type /1 *menu and see how many collar menus come up. You'll see the collars of anyone that has set theirs to public access. If you did set public access, being on the LL viewer is very limited as to what access anyone could have. They could leash you, pose you, or animate you through the collar menu. If you just want it for looks edit out all the control scripts.
  4. You could advertise that you will investigate violations of residents right to not be offended by anything they see. You'll be swamped. Your slogan could be "Triggered? Let us fire the bullet"
  5. You see though, in the brave new world so many people desperately wish for, national identity will become a thing of the past, we will all be "citizens of the world" and you'll feel no greater kinship to your neighbor down the street than to someone that lives on the other side of the world.
  6. And yet even in the "utopia" of Star Trek, they hadn't been able to eliminate or eradicate an individual's national pride, pride in their heritage, pride in their ancestry. Why is that?
  7. What is sad is that in this day and age, some would say that living in a free society isn't good OR desirable. Don't worry though, you'll get your wish soon enough.
  8. Oh, they changed the rules? Free speech is allowed in here now? I was actually referring to the gratuitous slanders I've had to endure from other people in here. In future I won't respond, I'll just report them.
  9. You can live at my place, set home there, use all the toys, rezz any packages you buy.
  10. there isnt much risk of anyone accidentally seeing anything. The beach is located on one of those beautiful estate stand alone island sims everyone gushes over when they are trashing mainland. And I agree, it is beautuful, if your definition of beautiful includes 30 m high sculpted rock walls around every parcel. I'd also guess that every other parcel on the sim has adult stuff on it. You could AR everyone while you are there. 😁
  11. Not abuse, just report posts that violate the forum guidelines. If there's nothing to report, I won't report it.
  12. I will however being making liberal use of the "report post" option, so everyone keep your opinions of me to yourself please.
  13. Europe is a total mess right now, but for me to comment on it in here would see me denounced as hatemonger and probably banned from the forums again. In fact, this whole topic is a minefield of forum bans. My participation will be extremely limited. The mods should do us all a favor and lock the thread right now.
  14. In April 22, 2009 LL invented time travel, and went back to 1970 and claimed that parcel of land.
  15. I use Firestorm with the Phoenix layout. I recommend it to everyone.
  16. A lot of long time SL users will say that SL 1.2x was the best LL viewer ever and that when SL 2.0 came out LL totally messed it up big time, and never recovered. It's as if the official viewer was designed to frustrate noobs and drive them away.
  17. Probably the biggest "disadvantage" of living in a free society is that you have to take responsibility for your own choices.
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